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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Ugh, are any of you using Destinationweddings.com?  I feel like I was given wrong information regarding rates.  I already had to fight to get my rates to where I was quoted.  Now, FI and I were gonna get the premium swim up suite (was told it was $760.00 more for the both of us) ~ Yeah right, just got the rates and they are like $1000.00 more per person!  How am I supposed to figure out a budget plan when everything I'm told changes!!! Soo frustrated right now, and really not able to enjoy planning this wedding.  smile41.gif

I used them and had a really good experience.  She got us great rates (which we locked in right away with a group contract), was always prompt with her replies (usually replied within hours of my emails), always answered her phone at any time of day or would call me back if she was out, and really went to bat for us when Karisma decided to be jerks.  I do know that it can be hit or miss when it comes to DW.com TAs.


That really sucks they're giving you different rates.  I agree that if you have it in writing somewhere you should really fight the rate change.


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Hi ladies,

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and stalking  wink.gif  Haven't had much to say recently (and haven't been doing much wedding related at all actually).  But I have been scanning through the thread on a regular basis.


TLGnhci I'm not using destinationweddings.com but I feel for you on the constant changing of rates and information etc.  I feel like that too on my end w/ my TA and it is TOTALLY taking away from the fun of the whole wedding planning.  It's just exhausting trying to keep everything straight all the time and haggle over every issue.  Part of the reason why I'm just not doing much planning these days is I think I need to just let it all go for a bit because I was becoming waaay to stressed about it.  Good luck hun.  My main advice would be to keep any emails that confirm any prices quoted to you.  Then you can always have them to fall back on.  And try to remember that all this stress will be SOOO worth it in the end.


(PS I don't know why that paragraph is bold and I can't seem to undo it.  haha)

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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Ugh, are any of you using Destinationweddings.com?  I feel like I was given wrong information regarding rates.  I already had to fight to get my rates to where I was quoted.  Now, FI and I were gonna get the premium swim up suite (was told it was $760.00 more for the both of us) ~ Yeah right, just got the rates and they are like $1000.00 more per person!  How am I supposed to figure out a budget plan when everything I'm told changes!!! Soo frustrated right now, and really not able to enjoy planning this wedding.  smile41.gif

See below.....


Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

That sucks that you're given wrong information...I am using destinationweddings.com and I LOVE our TA....Do you have the email or anything written where she told you the original price (the $760)...send that back to her and show her.  If it's  big enough concern for you, ask to speak to a supervisor/manager...that's a big difference in price.

See below..........



Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Msmarmar, what kind of experience have you had?  I know you say you love yours.  I'm just wondering what the difference is between yours and mine.  Can you give me some examples of how yours has helped you so far?  I'd greatly appreciate it. 

See below..........

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

I used them and had a really good experience.  She got us great rates (which we locked in right away with a group contract), was always prompt with her replies (usually replied within hours of my emails), always answered her phone at any time of day or would call me back if she was out, and really went to bat for us when Karisma decided to be jerks.  I do know that it can be hit or miss when it comes to DW.com TAs.


That really sucks they're giving you different rates.  I agree that if you have it in writing somewhere you should really fight the rate change.


Hi Ladies.....I too have been around however haven't had much to say and am kind of in a lull as far as wedding planning. Anyway, I thought I would chime in regarding the DW.com TA deal because I too am using them. We are on our second DW.com TA and so far I'm not really impressed. Our first TA is a long story, but I will say that she was rude, harsh, and very pushy. She didn't have much patience with us and was very pushy when we wanted to look at and consider non-Karisma resorts. When we were finally conquered by her persistance, she then became very pushy about the group agreement and did not want to decrease our room contract from 15 to 10 rooms as we requested. That was the final straw and we finally decided to request a reassignment.


We were reassigned to Wendy's TA per our request. I actually scoured this forum for good reviews of DW.com TA's and came up with a list of four solid names. We emailed those names over to the DW.com Supervisor and as luck would ahve it we were reassigned to Wendy's TA. In the beginning, it was love at first chat. Now that we signed our room agreement and the majority of our guests ahve booked and begun the payment plan, we rarely ever hear from her. It normally takes her 2-5 days to respiond to my emails and when I do email her with questions, she normally only answers one or two at max of my questions and seems to overlook or just not care to repsond to the entirety of my email. In a nutshell, I guess the best way to sum it up is that we feel like now that she has got our money, she no longer really cares about us. It frightens me because I feel like if there are bumps in the road down the line or en route to AS, she might not be as reliable as I once pegged her to be. But after two DW.com TA's, I just don't have the patience to give another TA a try. I'm going to just chop this up as a shotty experience but I will not put my seal of approval on that company if I should come across other B2B's considering them.


With all that negative said, I will offer this on the positive side. Once our rates were quoted to us via phone and email, they were solid. They have never fluctuated and unless someone got over on us or pulled a bait and switch on any of our guests, we have been pleased with being charged exactly what we were quoted. In addition, another pro of signing on with DW.com was/is the 20% off things as well as the room upgrade, no-interest payment plan for our guests, and the free cocktail party, spa session, or photog credit. Those in itself have passified me long enough to not complain again. :-/


I'm sorry for being so long winded, but I would have to concur with the others here......save ALL emails and take your rate quotes to the top of the food chain and fight for you, your FI, and your guests.  We had a little discrepancy with the whole room upgrade thing intially and having the email saved wherein it was guaranteed to us sealed the deal.


Best of luck, don't give up, and if push comes to shove.....take things to the DW.com Supervisor listed on your site info.


All the best!  


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Love your photos.  You looked gorgeous!  I absolutely love love your dress.  On a selfish note I also loved your photos because they've set my mind at ease about being able to wear normal heals and walk on the wooden planks without killing myself.  hahahah! 

Originally Posted by mshannon2b View Post

Here is the link to my wedding photos if anyone wanted to see the whole album. Some are the Pro ones by Caribe photo and some are just snaps by friends and family. xx   http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=56583&id=1457402869&l=6edf49f00e

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Originally Posted by mshannon2b View Post

Here is the link to my wedding photos if anyone wanted to see the whole album. Some are the Pro ones by Caribe photo and some are just snaps by friends and family. xx   http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=56583&id=1457402869&l=6edf49f00e

Love your dress! You were a beautiful bride and your party truly looked happy and as if they had the time of their lives! Thanks for sharing!

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

BigBop, sorry you're not having as positive an experience as we did!    smile03.gif

Thanks Wendy. Maybe some things in her life have changed. I'd actually be good with having half of her if she would just communicate with us that things have changed and her time is limited, family needs her, etc.etc.  We just feel like now that she has our (and our guests) cash, the level of service has decreased. If and when I get a response from her via email, my FI and I actually laugh in amazement that she remembered us. cheesy.gif The little things.....


Two questions for you....1) Did you also book your honeymoon through her? 2) Did you feel like your level of service changed at all?  You can PM me if you prefer....I guess it is slightly distasteful to discuss her in public for all to see. :-/ I'm just curious because we are 9 months out and I just want to know what to expect from her rather than having high expectations and being disapointed by the outcome/actions. Thanks so much...... 

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Thanks, everyone had a fabulous time!  Before and after the wedding!

Am selling my dress if anyone wants it!!! xx

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post


Love your dress! You were a beautiful bride and your party truly looked happy and as if they had the time of their lives! Thanks for sharing!

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