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Horay! My pre-travel brochures came in today from VISTAPRINT. It looks AWESOME!!! I am so excited to send it out. I did get one too many so not sure what to do with the extra copies but I am super happy how it turn out. I will post some pictures later.


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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

I like it! and You can't beat $30!!! I have a custom made Vera Wang BM dress that I wore that cost me over $400 and my favorite BM dress I ever had to wear was $50 out of the newport News Catalog. HA! I am 27 dresses! I have been in 14 weddings. That is a big reason I am not having BMs. I been in their shoes too many times! HA

Wow! Someone actually has me beat. 27 dresses is my nickname too but I've only been in 9 weddings and turned 2 down.


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

Oh, and I forgot who else had mentioned switching to the El Dorado for some "honeymoon" time but I thought I'd share the deal I found.  Excellence Riviera Cancun has 25% off rooms if you book before October 31st and you can get a honeymoon package for free.  :o)


And the VIP ocean front suite with outdoor jacuzzi is only $100/per couple more than a standard jacuzzi suite at the El Dorado Maroma.  Easy decision for me!

Thanks for the tip!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post

Also just wanted to let you know girls know I've been sick out dealing with work insanity so I've been MIA for about a week.

Missed you girls, hope all is well with each and every one of you grouphug.gif

Glad to hear you're feeling better and how cool is it to be featured in a magazine?! You definitely deserved it because your wedding was definitely one of a kind despite the fact that we will all be at the same place. Your attention to detail definitely made your wedding stand out in my mind.

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post

Oh my gosh I've never even heard of that store...thank goodness!!! I don't think I've been a size 7 since high school...although I can fit into a 9 as long as there's LOTS of lycra and Spanx involved :)

rofl.gif you sound like me. Cute clothes on the website but I would need a lot of butter to slide into some of that stuff!

Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post

RSVP Question.

Hey ladies,

So our invitations are going to print, the final thing I need to choose is the RSVP date.  Our wedding is April, the price I have for my guests is only guaranteed for 30 and we are inviting 50+ so not putting a price.  I have no idea when to tell them to RSVP by.  Any suggestions??  We have 22 people coming already and that's immediate family and bridal party, so it will be a suprise who else comes.  I figure some people are all talk and no action.  What did you put for RSVP's?  Thank you!!

p.s going wedding dress shopping tonight, so excited!!cheesy.gif

This is a tough one. My TA actually put an rsvp date on our STDs so maybe yours can recommend one that's feasible and reasonable.

Originally Posted by JaimeTalis View Post

The 50% could definitely be applied during your wedding stay as well!  I just figured most people have their wedding weeks fully booked, and wouldnt want to add another task.  But, if you're there 10 days...why not?!  I just sent you all of the info on the program.


Another idea I hadn't really thought of...you guys could use it at another resort for their honeymoon?  (Great idea Marla!) My maid of honor used it at El Dorado for her honeymoon and said it was fabulous! 



We're only staying a week but if you could send me the info that would be worth it IMO. I tried to PM you but it didn't work for some reason. [email protected]

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

And, I have to report some awful news which is hindering my desire to plan my wedding.  My daughter is 13 years old and has a mother and daughter writing malicious awful obscenities about her on facebook.  They're not written to her, just about her.  I understand kid drama but for an adult to be involved and making threats, i.e. "I'm gonna smack her eyeballs out of her head."  This is some real life BS!  I can't even describe how difficult this is.  A mother's heart aches for her child's pain more than her own.  I am a wreck and just trying to make it stop so my baby girl can be the happy, go lucky kid that she is.  :( 


Sorry, just needed to vent!

This sickens me!! I think this is sooo horrible and I feel for your daughter. Like someone else mentioned, 13 is already hard as it is and it's easy to tell her that these people won't be a thought in her mind when she grows up but I know that's not what she wants/needs to hear. It amazes me how some people never grow up and it breaks my heart that some people are even allowed to call themselves parents. I say file the police report. My sister is going thru a similar situation with her ex and the police said it's always good to have that type of stuff on file just in case. I hope that this all blows over soon, but I'm just imagining how many other kids have fallen victim to this lady and her child. Maybe she needs to be taught a lesson.

Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post

Hey Ladies


Has anyone ever heard of or stayed at the Banyan Tree Mayakoba its in Playa del Carmen ...villa style suites very private and inclusive ...i heard nothing but rave reviews on trip advisor about this place so I was wondering if any of you guys have heard of it ?


Also since Cecile left I still havent heard from my new WC Kiara ...does anyone else have her? I know my wedding is in four months but geez

I have never stayed there but I think I am going to put it on our list as a contender for our honeymoon. It's really nice and looks serene. I think Lindz mentioned it before so you may want to ask her what she's heard about it when she gets back from her wedding.


As far as your WC, I say call her! I waited (and lost a month) because I was trying to be patient. All it did was make me more anxious about the upcoming process and all I need to get done. Just make it known to her that you are getting antsy and you need her attention as soon as she gets a chance.

Originally Posted by JaimeTalis View Post

Hey girls, I have a question...  I posted a comment on here at 8am this morning, but now its gone?!?  Is there a master person out there that can delete our posts?  I had just said a couple of other things about the 50% off program with Karisma, so maybe it was something vendors don't want posted on here?


Can you guys let me know if there are rules like this?  Or maybe my computer just has a glitch and I'm just being paranoid!  :)



That's weird. I would think that if it was a big problem they would have said something to you about it. Although, I hear people get banned for things and sometimes have no clue why. I hope it was just a misunderstanding or a glitch on your computer like you mentioned.


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post

Thank you!! LOL that's funny I totally read through a whole bunch of posts after mine as well. I'm STILL a wedding junkie, if not MORE, I'm not kidding you, I really think I'm going to try and go in that direction somehow.

This is definitely your calling. You already have a fan base/potential clients right here on the forum.

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

I would also check into state/federal legislation and laws. Some states due to recent bullying/stalking have started updating in the verbage of the laws. I am not postive (I saw it on the Today show so take it with a grain of salt) but there was that woman in Missouri who got indited by federal court over setting up a fake My Space account and harrassing one of her daughter classmates. I think they got her under fraud but it's worth checking into if they don't stop! Tell you baby girl to hang in there :)

I saw this on the Today Show too and I think that because of this situation, they are not taking these things lightly anymore.

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

You didn't miss out on the steaming, BTW.  I dropped off my dress on Friday morning and they brought it back that night still VERY wrinkled.  They whisked it away the morning of the wedding to fix it, but it still wasn't perfect IMO.  No one noticed but me, but still for $50 I expect better!

I was actually thinking about bringing a travel steamer out there. Do you recommend we bring our own? Does anyone know a good brand that's compact enough to pack but still would be able to handle all of the bridal party?

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

Off to go camping in a few....don't know what I'm going without BDW for a couple days....

Have fun! I know this is addictive. The entire time I was gone I kept trying to get it on my cell but it kept freezing. I was miserable.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

Hello ladies.  I'm back!!!!!  I had a wonderful time and wish I could've/would've stayed longer.  We tried to extend our stay.  The resort was very accomodating but we would've ended up paying $600 each to change our flight which was completely out of the question.  I want to do a review but when I looked under that thread I saw that it was closed so I don't know where to do it.  I was reading back a couple of pages and saw someone asked about the DJ.  We didn't use the DJ.  I used my iPod which worked out perfectly.  I made a playlist and just played it straight through. The WC worked the iPod and we had one of our guests be the MC. It worked out fine and saved a lot of money because all we had to pay was $250 for the amplifiers and speakers.


If anyone has any questions about the resort or WCs ask away.  I'll be happy to answer.  And if anyone knows where reviews go please let me know.

CONGRATS MRS!!! Glad to hear you had a great time. Your pics look good. LMAO @ the drunk guy. Definitely something you (and probably he) will never forget. Hilarious!


Originally Posted by Michele4172011 View Post

I'm a newbie to the site. We booked Azul Sensatori for April 2011. So excited! Is there anything I should absolutely know??

welcome4.gifI recommend starting to read from around page 400. It's full of lots of info for you and may touch on somethings you may not have thought of.

Originally Posted by chong View Post

Horay! My pre-travel brochures came in today from VISTAPRINT. It looks AWESOME!!! I am so excited to send it out. I did get one too many so not sure what to do with the extra copies but I am super happy how it turn out. I will post some pictures later.


Have pics? We'd like to see.

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Ok Ladies, I'm finally caught up since I was gone. It took me 3 days!! Lol.


In the past week FI and I have come to the decision that we will probably not have an AHR as we planned. I'm kinda bummed but kinda relieved at the same time. I feel like it was too much for me to plan and the fact that it was going to be Mardi Gras weekend, things were just really pricey. We would have spent the money we saved doing a DW on the AHR. Also, FI spent the week at home vitising his parents and they said that they thought it was too much to have to come to MX in Nov then have to turn around and come to N.O. in March. I kinda understand this, but at the same time I'm a little disappointed in this. FI and I have been living together for 3 years and not once have they been to visit. I think it's because his mom isn't keen on our pre-marital living arrangement but that's just specualtion. We could be living in a matchbox for all they know. I'm ok with not having a huge party. I was always fine with just having our wedding in MX and calling it a day. FI and his mom were the ones pushing to have an AHR because a lot of their family will not be there.


Anyway, now I'm torn because we put it in everyone's heads that we were going to do something that weekend. We even paid a deposit on the venue. Now, some people that I wanted to be involved in some way aren't going to be involved at all, i.e. my grandmother and uncle. We still wanted to do something but if his parents and possibly his BM won't be there I think it's a little pointless. So, one of our thoughts is to just do something like a bbq or a random party but not necessarily have that be connected to our wedding. I feel that this would be a fun idea especially since it will be Mardi Gras weekend. Or we can have an AHR for our one year anniversary. Any thoughts? Anyone going thru something similar?

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Originally Posted by Michele4172011 View Post


I'm a newbie to the site. We booked Azul Sensatori for April 2011. So excited! Is there anything I should absolutely know??


Welcome welcome!!  All the things you absolutely need to know (and many that you never knew you needed to know) are available on this thread.  I swear, these women are amazing!!  and it's so fantastic that so many stick around AFTER their weddings to share their knowledge.  I know it sounds awful but if you go back and read this thread from around p.400 or so on (a bottle of wine and a long evening really helps) you will feel sooo informed and set at ease about the process.


Otherwise, welcome.  and feel free to ask away with questions, I know I have and everyone here has been Fabulous.


Congrats on the date and happy planning   cheer2.gif

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Originally Posted by chong View Post


Horay! My pre-travel brochures came in today from VISTAPRINT. It looks AWESOME!!! I am so excited to send it out. I did get one too many so not sure what to do with the extra copies but I am super happy how it turn out. I will post some pictures later.



YAY!  Can't wait to see!

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Welcome Michelle!  My 1st piece of advice is to get a good Travel Agent!!!  One that specializes in DWs or group travel.  Glad you found the forum; it will keep you sane ;)

Originally Posted by Michele4172011 View Post

I'm a newbie to the site. We booked Azul Sensatori for April 2011. So excited! Is there anything I should absolutely know??

Chong, There are a couple good threads on BDW where people have placed their song lists.  Do a search.  Do you have enough posts to download?  My "last song" of the night was Take a Chance on Me by ABBA.  Everyone loved it.

Originally Posted by chong View Post


I am glad the iPOD worked out. That's what we are doing and I am starting to comply the list of songs. Would you be willing to share your list? I am asking my friends and family to help me with the song list. Most likely I will have to buy most of the songs on iTune.



Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

Ok Ladies, I'm finally caught up since I was gone. It took me 3 days!! Lol.


In the past week FI and I have come to the decision that we will probably not have an AHR as we planned. I'm kinda bummed but kinda relieved at the same time. I feel like it was too much for me to plan and the fact that it was going to be Mardi Gras weekend, things were just really pricey. We would have spent the money we saved doing a DW on the AHR. Also, FI spent the week at home vitising his parents and they said that they thought it was too much to have to come to MX in Nov then have to turn around and come to N.O. in March. I kinda understand this, but at the same time I'm a little disappointed in this. FI and I have been living together for 3 years and not once have they been to visit. I think it's because his mom isn't keen on our pre-marital living arrangement but that's just specualtion. We could be living in a matchbox for all they know. I'm ok with not having a huge party. I was always fine with just having our wedding in MX and calling it a day. FI and his mom were the ones pushing to have an AHR because a lot of their family will not be there.


Anyway, now I'm torn because we put it in everyone's heads that we were going to do something that weekend. We even paid a deposit on the venue. Now, some people that I wanted to be involved in some way aren't going to be involved at all, i.e. my grandmother and uncle. We still wanted to do something but if his parents and possibly his BM won't be there I think it's a little pointless. So, one of our thoughts is to just do something like a bbq or a random party but not necessarily have that be connected to our wedding. I feel that this would be a fun idea especially since it will be Mardi Gras weekend. Or we can have an AHR for our one year anniversary. Any thoughts? Anyone going thru something similar?

Meredith, Who are you having your AHR for?  If his parents are coming to Mexico, then the AHR is not for them, right?  Are there guests who are not able to come to Mexico you really want to celebrate with?  Can they come to NO?  I really wanted my 90 year old grandpa to be there -- he was able to make an hour or so in Maryland -- so it was worth it to me.


I have to be honest here, while I had a great time at my AHR, it was a bit anti-climatic.  I don't regret having an AHR, I am just saying after my wedding was over I was a little relieved that it was over - and then I had to do the AHR stuff...  The week of, I was really excited, but the weeks leading up to it was more of a chore.


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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post





Really? That's weird, I had my dress steamed the day before my wedding and they picked it up and brought it back like 2 hours later and it was perfect. Not a wrinkle in the whole thing and it was satin so I was shocked... AND it was $13.


Good thing to keep in mind is that when you know your dress is coming back, don't let your FI open the door... he opened it and my dress is out of the bag exposed for all to see and he literally opened the door and flew back into the room and was like "It's your dress, I didn't see it!!"




I paid about $15 for my dress to be cleaned.  I sent them the dress on Fri and told them the wedding was on Sat at 3.  My bridesmaids send their dresses on Friday and got them back on Friday so I called to check on mine and they told me it would be ready on Saturday at 3!  I guess they were under the impression that I didn't need the dress until 3pm so if anyone does use them make sure they're clear on when you need it.  After I spoke with them they did end up having it ready by 11am and it looked fine to me.



Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post


Dani, welcome back Mrs.!!! You looked gorgeous and I love the color scheme.


Your drunk guest is funny, how hot was it and what time was it? In early May, my 5pm wedding... well I think I showed up at 5:30pm and it was SOOO hot... allll night long too, like no cooling down.



The wedding was scheduled for 3pm and I was late of course so it started around 3:40.  The temps had to be in the mid 90s and it was super sunny!  It didn't cool down during the reception either (but then again maybe that could be attributed to the lemon drop shots!!! LOL)



Originally Posted by chong View Post


Congrats Mrs!!!  thewave.gif


I am glad the iPOD worked out. That's what we are doing and I am starting to comply the list of songs. Would you be willing to share your list? I am asking my friends and family to help me with the song list. Most likely I will have to buy most of the songs on iTune.


What time was your ceremony? Who was your photographer? You look BEAUTIFUL!




I can share the list.  It's going to have to be later in the week though.  The ceremony was at 3pm.  Our photographer was actually the best man's brother.  He and DH grew up together.  He actually retired from photography but came out of retirement for our wedding for which I'm sooooo grateful! 


And thanks for all the compliments and well wishes from everyone!!!!



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Someone asked about the adult side vs. the family side vs. the premium side.  We had guests all over the resort.  As a matter of fact since the resort was sold out most of our guests were upgraded to the premium side ( I wasn't too happy about that because we wanted to be on the premium side alone but that's another story) but anyway. It really doesn't make a bit of a difference where the rooms were.  Everyone pretty much gathered at the adult pool swim up bar everyday no matter where they stayed.  We also had a swim up suite so in the evening we told everyone to just meet at our pool and we did more partying there, not sure if we were supposed to do that but we did and it was all cool!

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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

Ok Ladies, I'm finally caught up since I was gone. It took me 3 days!! Lol.


In the past week FI and I have come to the decision that we will probably not have an AHR as we planned. I'm kinda bummed but kinda relieved at the same time. I feel like it was too much for me to plan and the fact that it was going to be Mardi Gras weekend, things were just really pricey. We would have spent the money we saved doing a DW on the AHR. Also, FI spent the week at home vitising his parents and they said that they thought it was too much to have to come to MX in Nov then have to turn around and come to N.O. in March. I kinda understand this, but at the same time I'm a little disappointed in this. FI and I have been living together for 3 years and not once have they been to visit. I think it's because his mom isn't keen on our pre-marital living arrangement but that's just specualtion. We could be living in a matchbox for all they know. I'm ok with not having a huge party. I was always fine with just having our wedding in MX and calling it a day. FI and his mom were the ones pushing to have an AHR because a lot of their family will not be there.


Anyway, now I'm torn because we put it in everyone's heads that we were going to do something that weekend. We even paid a deposit on the venue. Now, some people that I wanted to be involved in some way aren't going to be involved at all, i.e. my grandmother and uncle. We still wanted to do something but if his parents and possibly his BM won't be there I think it's a little pointless. So, one of our thoughts is to just do something like a bbq or a random party but not necessarily have that be connected to our wedding. I feel that this would be a fun idea especially since it will be Mardi Gras weekend. Or we can have an AHR for our one year anniversary. Any thoughts? Anyone going thru something similar?

THis is the same thing I am going through, my FI refuses to pay for a AHR bc he feels that if ppl didnt make an effort to try to come to our wedding why should we go through extra measures to accommodate them. I understand his point being as though we currently have 70 ppl booked and only 7 of my family members/friends will be there which annoys me but I cant be too upset b/c I knew that going in. Bottom line we chose a destination wedding bc we could not afford the 400 person wedding I would have had at home, yes we want to include our friends and families but if its going to be stress and more money than we will defeat the purpose. At the end of the day its about you and your new husband. just my thoughts


Oh and if you havent already you should check out the reviews on trip advisor for the Banyan Tree I'm really swaying in that direction the idea of a private villa with a private pool is sooo appealing its what I think of when i think Honeymoon LOL

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