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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by Chapa View Post


Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!


Have fully decided yet...but we think we will do the legal stuff at home. But it sounds like it works either way.


Maggie the dress looks great! Can't wait to see the front.

My BM was over last night so we took some pictures of my dress. Give me a few days and I will try and learn how to post them.


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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Well you asked for it so here is some teasers!Dresses 026.JPG


Ooooooh, very pretty!!

Originally Posted by Chapa View Post

Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!


Hi!  This is personal preference, and I would say it's about half and half for those who choose symbolic over legal.  Some people don't want to do two separate ceremonies, and some people don't want to do the blood tests and/or are unable to be in Mexico the required number of days beforehand.

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post


Big NEWS Ladies! I bought my dress on SATURDAY! I am very pleased with it and it was the second time I tried it on. I really love it and think it is perfect for the vibe of my wedding! PLUS It was on Sale so I only used 1/2 my budget! SO EXCITED!!!


Congrats!!! Can't wait till to see your beautiful dress!!!




Originally Posted by Steve&Julia View Post


Hi Maggie,


trust the DJ cut off our songs twice our first dance and mother and groom dance it was going to get ugly when he messed up so much.  I totally would have perferred my $1500 and just had my friend do it which is what happen.


I will try to post a few pictures my photographer came from NY with me but he was great and much cheaper.  My friends had such a blast we were in the pool every  night.  THANK YOU CARDS.jpgI can't add the photographers pics because of the size but it was well worth trashing the dress :)

if you want to see it let me know I'll send them to you via email.the shoes.jpg


Julia, I LOVE your dress and the blue shoes!!! congratulations!!!!

where did you have your reception? looking forward to seeing more pictures.

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Well you asked for it so here is some teasers!Dresses 026.JPG

LOVE it. Where did you go? I don't recognize the place.. though I only went to one bridal salon...haha.

Originally Posted by Chapa View Post

Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!

Hi. We are only having a symbolic ceremony at Mexico. We didn't want to do blood test and paper work, etc. It's up to you to decide what's important. You don't need to have two ceremonies - the legal one can be between just two of you. I hope this help!

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Hi Ladies! I've been MIA because we went camping for the past 4 days and once again, I am trying to play catch up in my "real" life as well as around here. :-)

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post

Oooh Bop my colors are yellow, gray, black, and white (or cream?)... I'd love to see what you can dig up for me if you find a free moment between crime fighting, raising a family, planning a wedding, and amateur photography lol.


BTW, what site are you using to dig up all these inspiration boards?

MMC, give me a couple of days and I will see what I can locate or pull together. I quickly was able to locate this site with tons of photos of your color scheme.  Now keep in mind that it is more of a quirky. vintage, mod wedding....but I think it will give you some inspirations to start: http://www.thesweetestoccasion.com/2010/06/60s-mod-vintage-inspired-wedding-ideas/


I am actually digging these boards up by just using google. There is a TON of stuff out there because I am all about not reinventing the wheel if at all possible. ;-)  I'll let you know what I find next though, I just need to catch up on work first and I'd be happy to look for you.



Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post


Thanks for the offer but a lot of the work I need to do is with finalization of plans. For instance, I still don't know how long I'm staying out there because of the whole 7 day requirement for the "Free" pkg. Plus, I'm beginning to second guess brining my own flowers after I saw AmyB's and she said they cost $50 BUT I still haven't been able to get an idea of what available to me for that price. It's really just things that I want to get out of the way and not wait until the last minute to decide upon. I really appreciate your concern though, you're so sweet!


Oh and for the webinar, I was just under the impression the room upgrade would be available to all who participated. I really just wanted the room upgradelove.gif


You are the inspiration board guru now huh?


Ditto on not using theknot.com anymore. That was always my go-to reference but I have no use for it anymore. The only thing I can do on there that I like is the budget calculator, but since we've pretty much thrown that out the window I doesn't really make sense anymore.

You are funny. I just wanted to let you know that I ordered my new BB today so that we can resume our late night BBM chats! I miss chatting with you and was beginning to have wedding chat withdrawl while I was up in the mountains! popcorn.gif LOL


And that is interesting that you wanted the room upgrade....I was only looking to get the ceremony costs comp'ed. I figured if we could save that $950 we could apply it elsewhere like maybe to the cost of my dress or something. I also got the room price comparison back from our TA, which I will post shortly because I need to go into my email and grab them. For us it looks like it is more cost efficient to stick with the Pearl package versus downgrading to the free. That Premium Suite is alot more expensive than I anticipated. sad.gif


And yes, the inspiration board seems to be my thing as of late! I sit there and dissect them and pull all the images that I love! Who would have ever thought that would be the "fun" part of all this for me. Go figure, an inspiration board nerd! LOL


Lastly, I second your motion on theknot.com. I only use that site now to pull photos from for inspiration. Other than that, I find it pretty useless.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post

Good morning ladies!  I see if you miss a week you miss a lot on here!!!!  What's up with the new look and why are our tickers gone???? Well if we still had the ticker mine would say "3 DAYS!!!!"  I can't believe it's here already.  We're on the way to the courthouse now to do the legal ceremony and then we leave for Mexico early tomorrow morning.  I've been packing and getting everything together which is why I haven't been on here in a week but we're pretty much ready to go.  I forgot to take pictures of everything for my planning thread before I packed it so I guess I'll take pictures in Mexico when we unpack. 


Adios Ladies!!!!  I'll definitely post some info when I get back.


YAYYYYYY!!!! How exciting!!! Congrats and I can't wait to hear all about your wedding!!!!!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post

Ok looking for opinions here.  Originally I wasn't really into having a "color scheme".  I figured my wedding color was "white" and my theme was "beach".  rolleyes.gif  I knew there would be color involved through the BM dresses and figured that would influence. So, I found BM dresses that I really like and there are 2 colors that I like - turquoise and purple.  I thought that it might be cool to have 1/2 and 1/2 (I have 6 in my bridal party... huge, I know)...  Then I was worried that 2 colors would be too busy (although I like the look of them together) and that I'd go with purple and then use turquoise as an accent color.


Since then 2 of the BMs have voted turquoise (I was surprised), 2 don't care and 2 haven't been canvassed.  Long story long - do you think having both purple AND turquoise BM dresses is too much?!  If so.... would you vote all purple or turquoise?  (the purple is called "plum" - but it's not nearly that dark).


Here's a link to the dresses if you're interested.  The style is BM1277 but the colors I'm looking at are the "plum" and "turquoise". 



Thanks for your opinions.  Sorry so long!


I'm not much help with the color decision phase, but if you tell me your final colors, I'll pull some boards for you!

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

The Running of the Brides is an event where "designer" dresses are on sale for $250, %500, and $700.  I got up at 4am to drive to DC, stand in line for two hours, the second hour of which was as sardines and because there was no order to the progression of the line, people were "butting."  When we finally got to the door, they let in a few people at a time which was an awful idea b/c this led to the first few groups getting like 40 dresses per group.  By the time I got inside, all the racks were emptied and without one dress in hand, I couldn't barter at all.  My mom and friend went off to try and find a nice person to offer one for no return.  I had to stay put so they could find me.  It was chaos and not fun.  I finally got some dresses and was not impressed.  They were definitely samples, some which had not been taken care of, and some looked like they were from the 80s.  I am looking for a mermaid type or fitted in the top and then flowy type dress which every time I even asked a group who had tons of dresses, they said they hadn't seen many.  Most I got my hands on were ball gown or Aline.  Honestly, we probably didn't give it our best effort and it may have been a much better idea to go later in the day.  We were over it by 10am.  I really only saw 2 or 3 gowns that I would have bought and they were already on other brides. 


So, all in all, not an enjoyable experience for me.  I was really hopeful and positive but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  Luckily, I still have plenty of time so maybe my luck will change, and I will find that special dress that will make that dreamy man of mine melt!


Staying positive ~ On a good note, Got my approval from Azul today ~ Definitely 5/2/11.  About to leave for some shopping with my daughter who is 13 and a junior bridesmaid.  Gonna look for some bridesmaid dresses and DIY/invitation type stuff.  Have a great day girls, and thank you all so much for the "luck wishes!"

I'm sorry that you woke at the ass crack of dawn only to be disapointed, but I will say that I LOVE your attitude about it and because of your positive energy, you will no doubt find "YOUR" dress. wink.gif


It's also great to see another Mommy on here. I've got a 9 year old daughter myself!

Originally Posted by Steve&Julia View Post

just got married at the hotel and it was great, over all fun hotel and good food.  just becaure in booking the dj he was not good for us and didn't download first wedding songs at all so first dance was cut off 3 times, mother and groom same thing.  also it says it comes with gow in the dark things we got nothing.


ipod would have saved us a lot more money and more fun.

WOW! Thanks for sharing that advice.....who or what was the name of your DJ or DJ company???? We are heavily contemplating booking a DJ right now and it would be helpful to know who to avoid, if you don't mind that is.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Big NEWS Ladies! I bought my dress on SATURDAY! I am very pleased with it and it was the second time I tried it on. I really love it and think it is perfect for the vibe of my wedding! PLUS It was on Sale so I only used 1/2 my budget! SO EXCITED!!!

YAY!!!!!   You are on point, Maggie! smile159.gif

Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

I really need to stop reading Tripadvisor.  The water/beach situation is really stressing me out :(


Is it really as bad as they say it is? 

Don't read it!!!! It had me second guessing our choice as well and was going to stress me out. If you want to be fair, pick two other hotels and read their reviews as well. People seem to only use TA.com if they have major complaints to air. Don't torture yourself.

Originally Posted by Steve&Julia View Post

Hi Maggie,


trust the DJ cut off our songs twice our first dance and mother and groom dance it was going to get ugly when he messed up so much.  I totally would have perferred my $1500 and just had my friend do it which is what happen.


I will try to post a few pictures my photographer came from NY with me but he was great and much cheaper.  My friends had such a blast we were in the pool every  night.  THANK YOU CARDS.jpgI can't add the photographers pics because of the size but it was well worth trashing the dress :)

if you want to see it let me know I'll send them to you via email.the shoes.jpg

Love, love, love your blue shoes!!!! This is a sexy and fun pic and I love it!


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

Well you asked for it so here is some teasers!Dresses 026.JPG

Pretty! Now, let's see the front! Total picture whores, eh??? LOL

Originally Posted by Chapa View Post

Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!

We are doing it before we leave. I CANNOT do needles to save my life....they scare me as much as snakes. So Justice of the Peace it is for us. I think it is all a matter of personal preference and the two of you have to do what is right for you guys. We are also taking photos prior to our ceremony and it made me feel better that we will already be married so that I won't have all that superstitous crap lingering around in my brain. cheesy.gif

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So here are the rates that our TA provided for our wedding week for the two of us.  We will probably forego the Free Wedding Package and remain with the Pearl because as you can see, the Premium Suite doesn't seem worth it. If any of you past brides have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.


7 nights in Premium Jacuzzi Suite - $2002.16 per person
7 nights in Luxury Jacuzzi Ocean view - $1310.80 per person
7 nights in Luxury Jacuzzi Jr. Suite - $1,205.24
7 nights in Jacuzzi Jr. Suite - $1126.36

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Wow, I was gone for a week and you girls pound out 20 pages!


Well I didn't have time to go back through it all but things that did pop out (pictures of course)


Julia - You are a gorgeous bride! I love the yellow petals and the blue shoes, gorgeous!


Maggie - I love your dress... so romantic and just gorgeous, totally the style I wanted to pull off but just couldn't! Who's the designer?

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Love the pictures! I would love to see more and the TTD photos.  I want the the TTd photos FI doesn't see the point. So iI'm making the final decision.  Where did you take the TTD photos.  We have an outside photographer so I definitely don't want to pay the $500 twice.  The blue shoes are fabulous!



Love the dress so far. If the back looks good I'm sure the front is too.  Can't wait to see it!


Oh man just totally forgot who said they could send me some photos of eldorado, SORRY.  If you can PM me the photos.  I am truely trying to let FI make final decision of honeymoon so he will definitely need visual aids! He laughs and jokes about this site being full of people paid to make comments.  He hasn't gasped the idea of blogs and forums. He makes me laugh everytime I sign on!   

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where did your husband ( isn't that so awesome to say...HUSBAND!) and his groomsmen get there suits?  My Fi asked me about where he should go and I wasn't sure.  I have been so focused on me I had forgotten to outfit him.  So if you can help that would be wonderful! Thanks

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Originally Posted by Chapa View Post


Hey Everyone!

I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!



We are going to just get legally married here afterwards. It seemed easier and cheaper!



Originally Posted by chong View Post






LOVE it. Where did you go? I don't recognize the place.. though I only went to one bridal salon...haha.



Hi. We are only having a symbolic ceremony at Mexico. We didn't want to do blood test and paper work, etc. It's up to you to decide what's important. You don't need to have two ceremonies - the legal one can be between just two of you. I hope this help!



Believe it or not David's Bridal! I went to look for a possible TTD $99 dress and ended up trying on this dress. I liked it so much I went back to try it on again and I could beat the price!



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