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Originally Posted by chong View Post


Amanda, where are you having your reception at?


Reception at Zavaz Plaza and cocktail recpetion beforehand poolside right y the plaza. Not sure what the exact name is. You are on the beach, right?

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Originally Posted by meghan View Post



Hey Beaz2be,

I do not think spending the money on a cocktail party is worth it at all.  We got married on the beach, and then had our reception at Zavaz Plaza.  They had a little bar set up right there, so everyone was able to drinks while we had our photos done (we were not told that this would happen so it was a nice surprise!).  When guests got to the resort, we gave them a program saying what time they needed to be at Zavaz Plaza for the reception.  So, if people chose to go to their rooms or walk on the beach instead of going right to zavaz plaza, they knew what time to be back for.  Everyone was there on time, and everyone got to have drinks at the location while we had our photos done.  I would have been upset if I had paid for a cocktail reception knowing that all our guests were able to get drinks at our reception location anyway!







So good to know!  I can't wait so see some of your wedding pics!


Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


Thank you ladies for all the reassurance about the cocktail party. :o


How long did it take everyone to get confirmation on your date when you sent in the deposit form?  They were quick to let us know the dates available and to hold one but once I sent them my money, no more communication!  WTH??  My FI won't do any further planning or talking without that confirmation so I'm kind of stuck.  Then, my WC told me that they only allow so many groups at a time so I have to do that soon.  I wanted to wait a month or so to do the groups b/c I figured that would be a good time for people to book (when all the airlines have their prices out and all).  Ugh, I'm feeling very pressured to make many important decisions all at once and I want (and I believe am going to) take my time! 


Ahh, okay I feel better now.  Oh, and I'm going to the Running of the Brides tomorrow!  Please cross your fingers for me that I find my perfect dress!! :o)  That would just make my day!


Great idea ~ just may have to steal this one :o





I didn't put down my deposit until they confirmed my date and time!  I also waited until I had received the group rates in writing, and reserved 20 rooms for our guests.  That was definitely the most stressful part of planning so far!

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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


So, all in all, not an enjoyable experience for me.  I was really hopeful and positive but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  Luckily, I still have plenty of time so maybe my luck will change, and I will find that special dress that will make that dreamy man of mine melt!


Staying positive ~ On a good note, Got my approval from Azul today ~ Definitely 5/2/11.  




So sorry it didn't work out... I"m glad you didn't get sucked into the madness and just buy a dress you kinda liked.  I went to a Brides Against Breast Cancer event and bought a dress that I now realize is not really me...



Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post


Ok so funny story. I NEVER call my WC and today I was supposed to call my TA's supervisor to discuss all of the problems that I have had with her. I called and began pleading my case and she was being unresponsive like nothing. Mid-way through my two minute rant, I realized I called by WC and not the supervisor. I had been complaining to her about my TA and poor thing didn't know what was going on. BUT from that we bonded and she's really terrific. We walked through my planing document line by line, went over questions, she gave me suggestions, made updates, etc... She's fantastic...even going to try and get the price of the chivalry chairs down too...so I can have them at both the ceremony and the reception. FINGERS crossed. 


Oh and Chong she mentioned that you asked to do hanging bouquets from your chairs and move them to the reception to. Glad you took that piece of advice. $$$ saver. You girls all know by now, I love anything that saves me money on all of this. :)


Oh and another, not so happy, surprise...Lomas came back with quotes on the purple flowers. The ones you all liked, $350 per bouquet. Forget it! I think I have it figured out though. Not exactly what I wanted but I still like it and only $60 each. 


I'l keep you all posted on what my WC says about the switching out the make-up and make-up trial for two more updo's in the first spa package. I hope it is good news! Really won't save that much but every little bit adds up!



I love Carolina!  I love saving money too ;)



Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


Oh and I was going to post this link, I tried on this dress and fell in love with it, but don't want to buy the 3rd dress I try on, so many more out there!  I am only about 5'4 and have no curves, so I love this dress makes me feel like I have some.  Just wanted to share!  I am wondering if it is beachy enough?  I guess it is appropriate!  Also it is under $800 with 25% off if I get it before end of august.  Maybe I have been watching too many say yes to the dress episodes with 10,000 dresses, but isn't that super reasonable?! 





I tried it on in diamond white.  can you see it? 



I can't see it... Noob status lol.  If you have until the end of August to order it, take this time to really go dress shopping and see what's out there!  That way, you'll order your dress with 100% confidence!  I'm only 5' and petite so I know what you mean about certain dresses...



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Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post

Hi ladies!  So we are in the process of picking our wedding package.  is it my imagingation or is the free sweet wedding package actually the same or better than the pearl package??  i think we will ask for the free package and then spend the money on photographer.  FI is not sold on a private reception, he thinks the restaurant is just fine.  I am not sure, I need to find a review from someone who's done it!  Then we would just go to the disco after?  I am going to talk to my Mom about it, if she will pay for it then FI has no argument to why we can't have it lol.  Crossing my fingers!  Anyone else going to the Spoon?  Do you have to just decorate your own tables or just have it how the restaurant already looks.  I am not sure about this!

I heard you cannot do any decorations, make speeches, play songs, etc so you should ask your WC about the restriction for usin the Spoon restaurant for your reception dinner. i thought Spoon restaurant reservation has max of 40 ppl or something? you should check with your WC.


Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post

Hey girls just wanted to share our wedding website at www.weddingwire.com/danandjasmine


I was told also today that uncovered chairs for the ceremony are unlimited and only covered chairs are charged for that is awesome!

Oh I LOVE your wedding website. Super cute.. and love the song playing in the background. perfect for the beach wedding.

Yes, I was also told that uncovered chairs are included in the Free Wedding package and it's unlimited!!! This was a big money saver.


Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post

Oh and I was going to post this link, I tried on this dress and fell in love with it, but don't want to buy the 3rd dress I try on, so many more out there!  I am only about 5'4 and have no curves, so I love this dress makes me feel like I have some.  Just wanted to share!  I am wondering if it is beachy enough?  I guess it is appropriate!  Also it is under $800 with 25% off if I get it before end of august.  Maybe I have been watching too many say yes to the dress episodes with 10,000 dresses, but isn't that super reasonable?! 





I tried it on in diamond white.  can you see it? 

I think it's beautiful and it's a great price!!! what are your other dresses look like? do you really need the 3rd dress? let us see what your other dresses look like!!!


Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post

Reception at Zavaz Plaza and cocktail recpetion beforehand poolside right y the plaza. Not sure what the exact name is. You are on the beach, right?

Yes... we are on the beach. I think our ceremony is around the Zavaz Plaza and the beach reception is near the Sky Deck area. We will be on the opposite side of the resort but I am sure we will see each other at the bar!!!


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Originally Posted by chong View Post





Yes... we are on the beach. I think our ceremony is around the Zavaz Plaza and the beach reception is near the Sky Deck area. We will be on the opposite side of the resort but I am sure we will see each other at the bar!!!


That's crazy. Ours is the exact opposite. 

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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post




Oh and another, not so happy, surprise...Lomas came back with quotes on the purple flowers. The ones you all liked, $350 per bouquet. Forget it! I think I have it figured out though. Not exactly what I wanted but I still like it and only $60 each. 


I'l keep you all posted on what my WC says about the switching out the make-up and make-up trial for two more updo's in the first spa package. I hope it is good news! Really won't save that much but every little bit adds up!


Disappointing to hear some of the flowers are that expensive, but hopefully the more reasonable priced one will do the trick. And please let us know if they let you switch up the spa package. I am still trying to figure out what to do.




Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


Hi ladies!  So we are in the process of picking our wedding package.  is it my imagingation or is the free sweet wedding package actually the same or better than the pearl package??  i think we will ask for the free package and then spend the money on photographer.  FI is not sold on a private reception, he thinks the restaurant is just fine.  I am not sure, I need to find a review from someone who's done it!  Then we would just go to the disco after?  I am going to talk to my Mom about it, if she will pay for it then FI has no argument to why we can't have it lol.  Crossing my fingers!  Anyone else going to the Spoon?  Do you have to just decorate your own tables or just have it how the restaurant already looks.  I am not sure about this!


I think you can use table decorations, but nothing on the floors/walls. They do have a privacy curtain, so that you are seperated from the main dining hall. I think they can fit up to 60 there, the price is for up to 40. They also offer your own private waiters for the evening.




Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


Oh and I was going to post this link, I tried on this dress and fell in love with it, but don't want to buy the 3rd dress I try on, so many more out there!  I am only about 5'4 and have no curves, so I love this dress makes me feel like I have some.  Just wanted to share!  I am wondering if it is beachy enough?  I guess it is appropriate!  Also it is under $800 with 25% off if I get it before end of august.  Maybe I have been watching too many say yes to the dress episodes with 10,000 dresses, but isn't that super reasonable?! 





I tried it on in diamond white.  can you see it? 

It looks great! And if you love it...that might simply be the one. I only went to about 5 stores, and then tried on a dress (not at all what I thought I would like) and feel in love! Go out try a few others, then go back and try it on again. If you still have that loving feeling...just go for it!



alfred angelo dress.jpg

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How many BMs are all of you having?  I asked 3 girls..and 1 is a definite..2 are probably nos..but could change their mind closer to the wedding.  I don't want to just ask anyone..and basically anyone else that I might want there as part of it wouldn't be able to afford it (which is the reason the other 2 are nos)

I completely understand the price thing...because I know I couldn't afford to go and be in a DW...

So..should I just leave it as is...with my one BM? It will be easier because she can wear whatever she wants (well..anything I approve that she wantscheesy.gif) and I will save $$ on bouqets...it will allow FI to only have to have 1 GM...and it keep things smaller and more intimate which is what I wanted in the first place....


Okay..with all my rambling...I have apparently answered my own question smile35.gif


If my other 2 wind up coming...fabulous...if it's only one..just as fabulous...

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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

How many BMs are all of you having?  I asked 3 girls..and 1 is a definite..2 are probably nos..but could change their mind closer to the wedding.  I don't want to just ask anyone..and basically anyone else that I might want there as part of it wouldn't be able to afford it (which is the reason the other 2 are nos)

I completely understand the price thing...because I know I couldn't afford to go and be in a DW...

So..should I just leave it as is...with my one BM? It will be easier because she can wear whatever she wants (well..anything I approve that she wantscheesy.gif) and I will save $$ on bouqets...it will allow FI to only have to have 1 GM...and it keep things smaller and more intimate which is what I wanted in the first place....


Okay..with all my rambling...I have apparently answered my own question smile35.gif


If my other 2 wind up coming...fabulous...if it's only one..just as fabulous...

I had a really hard time with this one. I will have 3 BM, and FI has 5 groomsmen. I struggled with the idea of trying to match sides, but didn't want to ask people just to ask people. So I finally concluded I asked people because I wanted them there, not just to match his side! It's a hard choice, but whatever should happen is meant to happen and you should enjoy it either way wink.gif

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just got married at the hotel and it was great, over all fun hotel and good food.  just becaure in booking the dj he was not good for us and didn't download first wedding songs at all so first dance was cut off 3 times, mother and groom same thing.  also it says it comes with gow in the dark things we got nothing.


ipod would have saved us a lot more money and more fun.

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