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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Don't you love when people think you're younger?
No I hate it!! I get this ALL.THE.TIME.

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Has anyone heard anything about the mac in cancun?
No, but that's an awesome idea. I'd definitely look into it

Originally Posted by Ms.H View Post

I have Carolina too, how are you finding her? How long does it take before you hear back from her?
So far, Carolina has been super thorough and quick to respond. Sometimes, she responds within minutes!

Originally Posted by *lyndsey* View Post
now there is around £800 extra to be paid as it messes up the rooms. my fiance & I will end up having to pay this i feel stressed out & my weddings not even confirmed! ahhhhhgirl_werewolf.gif

lynds x
Sorry to hear about this!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
HAHA, he’s my husband now, no more FI! :) I also wrote it all down in the order I was to apply it in AND I watched wedding makeup video tutorials on YouTube.

Thank you very much! It’s nice to have control and know exactly how you want to look on your wedding
You must looove saying "my husband"
What youtube videos did you watch... I watched a few last week but didn't find any really wedding specific ones

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I ordered my invitations today!!!! I am so happy with them. I must have worked on them for a total of 3-4 hours playing with font and wording and size but I really like them!
Must fee great to check that off your to-do list!
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Originally Posted by kortneysmith View Post
I am freaking out just a little. My WC was Cecile. After several emails with no response I called and they told me she was no longer with the company. I spoke with a man who said he was the manager and now I can not remember his name. Have any of you ladies dealt with him and if so, do you remembe his name? He said he was going to email me my new WC's info but I have not yet received anything. I tried to call today and was on hold for 30 min with no response. My wedding is in October and I need to make some decisions and FAST but can not do so due to the change in WC.
Oh, what to do?
I suggest calling first thing in the morning - this is what i usually do and have success every time. Good luck, stay positive, its all going to work out
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
He's a Bug :) (Part Bostyon Terrier/Part Pug). He was a rescue last year..about 4.5. This was his "profile" pic on the rescue site...I saw it and fell in love with him..knew he had to be mine :)
His name is Baby Grinchmas (Baby..cause that's what he came with...and he looks so much like the Grinch). Actually his full name is Baby Grinchmas Theodore Pugglehead....we call call him Baby G
Love Him :)
He is cute! I LOVE the name. He does look like happy Grinch!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

Guess I should have read completely before I asked (didn't want my multiquote to be too long). He's cute. My FI wants a Pug and I'm not a big fan (of Pugs and most animals in general) but your dog is cuter. I have fallen in love with my BM's American Bulldog. Love him to death and think one may convert me into a dog lover....we'll see! LMAO at his name too!! Very creative...and long. Everyone thinks my FI's name is Theodore because his nickname is Theo.
I want english bulldog. I am in love with them. Just not ready for a dog yet... but I like the idea of it.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Where do you go in Houston?
Beauty Express on Bellair... hole in the wall but does a good job!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thank you! I was pretty happy with it and SHOCKINGLY really didnâ€t get too nervous or freak out while doing it.

HAHA, heâ€s my husband now, no more FI! :) Thanks girl, I was concerned too about having to do it over and over again but it worked out great. My practicing all the time really helped. I took my time to make it perfect and got used to it. I also wrote it all down in the order I was to apply it in AND I watched wedding makeup video tutorials on YouTube.

Yes, Lady Di here on BDW used Mac down there I believe and her makeup is stunning! Sheâ€s also a very naturally pretty girl but you should ask her.

Woo hoo!!

Thank you very much! Itâ€s nice to have control and know exactly how you want to look on your wedding
HAHA DUH!!!! Sorry about that! I contacted Lady Di! Thanks for your help :)
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Originally Posted by dakotaAZ View Post
Has anyone else started working with Faye? What do you think so far? I am still waiting to hear back from her about reception locations.
I'm not working with Faye, but for what it's worth finding out about the reception locations was the one thing for me that took AGES for a response. (well, felt like ages anyways... probably only a couple weeks)
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I stay away for about 2-3 days and it takes me two hours to catch up here! Ummm, yeah....lessoned learned and I won't let that happen again! LOL You ladies are BUSY! :-)


Before I start responding, I have a couple questions for you previous brides:

1) How far away from AS are the local markets/vendors in order to purchase Mexican trinkets and such for the OOT bags? Are they within walking distance or is AS smack dab in the middle of the jungle as I read elsewhere?


2) When and how did you ladies chose your reception site, especially since they say there are two weddings per day? Did you get to select the site or was it chosen for you based upon your party size? Also, how do they decide which wedding party gets first dibs on the reception site?


Thank you so much for helping me sort out the confusion that is settling in about the details. :-)



Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
These are beautiful and you did a WONDERFUL job!


Originally Posted by chong View Post
Question... did you guys wear spanx under your wedding dress? My designer is telling me I MUST wear one in order to look flawless under the dress... but I am not sure where to buy one. He knows someone who sells nice spanx and costs around $200. Do you think it's too much? I don't want to buy a cheap kind and end up regretting when I see the pictures. Any recommendations?
I bought a pair of spanx last summer for a wedding I was in at Nordstrom's. I'm not sure if that is near you but I know I paid less than $100 retail for the one that goes down to right above your knees and connects to your bra. Hope that helps you some!


Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Oh girls! I went away for three days and you left me with so much to read. I caught up and hit all of my multi quotes and then it didn't work. So much to say but will have to go back and do it some other time. I just got home from work and am baking cupcakes for my son's 1st birthday tomorrow. So bittersweet. The birthday, not the cupcakes:)


In terms of looking for updated packages...I really use this site as my measure. One of you girls mentions a sweet deal, I try my luck and ask for it. Sp far almost 3k saved. Hoping they will let me downgrade to free wedding package which (after adding on flowers) should be at least another $500-600 saved. I know I'll spend it elsewhere, but better than throwing it away on "extras" I will not use.

Happy Birthday to your baby! What a memorable milestone!


I too am BEYOND appreciative for this forum and all that it has taught me! I haven't tallied up how much we are saving, but I imagine it is a pretty penny! I am a frugal girl, so I feel you on feeling great about all the girls here and their invaluable help and tips!!!



Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post
Hello Ladies! Well, I just wanted to say hello and say that I am waiting for our date confirmation at Azul Sensatori, then it will finally be official and I'm so excited! I am so happy to be able to talk to other brides from A.S. My date would be April 25, 2011. I thought things would seem easier once I picked a resort lol, now we seem to have many more things to do, wedding packages, getting guests to pay on time to get the right rate etc. I feel like I might start driving my friends/co-workers and family crazy with wedding talk so i am happy to have this forum, you all know what I am going through!
Welcome and Congrats!!!! welcome.gif


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
NUMBER ONE! ADD me to the date list! I have in writing confirmation for 3pm on May 15th 2011 FINALLY!!! I am so HAPPY.
Congrats on getting your date solidified, Maggie! I know that is a great feeling!!! thewave.gif


Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post

I don't know who was asking about Tiffany or what the story was behind her, but she was my WC and she was dumb as F***. Seriously I thought that chick was going to give me a stroke.

smile120.gif Nicole, you get me weak! I love your honesty!!!


Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
PPS - It's my birthday today and I just looked at my profile thing on the side and my age has changed. BOO! haha
msnparty.gif Happy Belated Birthday, Beaz!!!


Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
PS my FI told me today that he hated the color combo I have been doing. Thanks love for this tidbit that would have been helpful when i showed you the color board 2 months ago! I luckily haven't done much but did have everything envisioned a specific way and got samples of invites and stuff like that.
I'm sorry....this would have made me let out a loud obnoxious sound at him. LOL Not a curse word, just a peculiar sound. LOL Hopefully you guys can come to an agreement on a nice color scheme. I've actually recently seen a really nice blue and green beach wedding that I never would have thought of but loved. PM me if you want the link and I will scrounge it up again!


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
He said, "wow! It was really good, you should be a makeup designer!" I don't know what a makeup designer is but I'll take it as a compliment. wink.gif
That is too funny! MEN!!! Gotta love them!


Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post
Thank you for the welcome ladies! I read about 25 pages of this thread last night and already am feeling better about planning. Now I am going to try to find some more info on the Free Sweet package?? I know I have lots more to read! Bear with me as I learn my way around here.
We've all pretty much got the scoop on this now if you haven't got it covered yet. My TA said to qualify for that package you need to book a minimum of 7 nights for you and FI and also have 15 additional nights booked by your guests in any room class and you are golden for the Free package. Hopefully that helps!


Originally Posted by *lyndsey* View Post
Hi All,

I've been away on holiday for a week & have had to catch up with my reading on here! We booked our wedding at the beginning of May and sent the wedding pack away about 7 weeks ago....we were told it would take a maximum of 8 weeks but still do not have a confirmed wedding date. i am so stressed already, there are 40 of us in total flying out & staying in mexico for 2 weeks for the wedding. we have one big party for thr family and then others booked separately as couples. on the family booking 2 of my friends booked on it as they were both bridesmaids and it worked out cheaper for my sister to pretend one of her kids was in the room with them. anyway one of my friends has now told me she has to cancel (long story) its not really her fault but i think she should have thought things through more when booking. now there is around £800 extra to be paid as it messes up the rooms. my fiance & I will end up having to pay this i feel stressed out & my weddings not even confirmed! ahhhhhgirl_werewolf.gif


lynds x

What day will your wedding day be?


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I am hoping this photo thing I am about to do works! I have 2 blind from birth poodles. Xander and Leonitis. Xander is the big one and Leo is the little one! We got them from a rescue here in Houston. We took Xander because I am a sucker for special needs. 3 years later the same rescue called us up and said we have another blind dog, would you like it. I don't dress them up very often but the Dog Groomer will do it during the holidays and take their pics for a small fee. She is going to take a pic of them in Tuxes for my favor card!
Your story of your doggies just warmed my heart.


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I ordered my invitations today!!!! I am so happy with them. I must have worked on them for a total of 3-4 hours playing with font and wording and size but I really like them!
Let's see 'em! Let's see 'em! ;-)


Originally Posted by kortneysmith View Post
I am freaking out just a little. My WC was Cecile. After several emails with no response I called and they told me she was no longer with the company. I spoke with a man who said he was the manager and now I can not remember his name. Have any of you ladies dealt with him and if so, do you remembe his name? He said he was going to email me my new WC's info but I have not yet received anything. I tried to call today and was on hold for 30 min with no response. My wedding is in October and I need to make some decisions and FAST but can not do so due to the change in WC. Oh, what to do?
There are a few of us in this same boat. Several of my emails have gone unanswered by Fabio about who we have been reassigned to since Cecile has departed. As I told another bride, I will be happy to share as soon as I hear who we've now got. In the mean time, I hate to say it.....but we've just got to excercise the virtue of patience as much as it sucks. :-( It will all work out, we will just lean on each other until the kinks are straight! :-)


Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ohhh and Bop I forgot to tell you, I bought a Canon dslr at the beginning of this year... Don't even get me started on how much I LOVE it
Giiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I am a Nikon feen!!! I refer to my DSLR as my second child. LOL I am very protective of it and I keep it nearby at all times. My daughter will tell me to kick back and relax with all of the photos of her. ;-) "Mom, enough please!" is pretty common for her, especially around soccer season when I deploy the rapid shot on her! LOL I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cameras and even tried to enroll in a JC course this past semester but it was full. :-( Do not get me started on my love for DSLR's! LOL offtopic2.gif


Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
I'm not working with Faye, but for what it's worth finding out about the reception locations was the one thing for me that took AGES for a response. (well, felt like ages anyways... probably only a couple weeks)
I am at the stage of trying to figure out where our reception will be held. How did you decide or arrive at your selection? Also, have you already had your reception location confirmed by your WC?
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