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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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STARTING Monday, July 19, 2010 ENDING Sunday, August 1, 2010

We will check in with what is done either as itâ€s done or every other Friday and start a new list!


The futuremrslutz's (Lindsey) To Do's:

1) Order OOT stuff (ALMOST DONE!!!!)

2) Book Vegas Wedding (Ryan is handling the entire weekend, except the actual wedding part...I will handle this.)

3) Decide on vowels…we canâ€t decide?!?!?

4) Order garter and hair accessory

5)) Order for procession

6) Music for wedding (still debating bw guitarist and playing my own music)

7) Music for reception

cool.gif Music for Thursday night party (maybe hire steel drum guy)

9) Send out “before you leave packets†–mailing today!!

10) FINALIZE menus

11) Design/print programs

12) Decide on Mac to do my makeup or resort (Has anyone gone to the mac in cancun?)

13) Get Bridesmaids gifts monogrammed and give to the girls!

14) Signature cocktail recipe

15) Order the rest of Ryanâ€s gift

16) Start packing! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

17) Make cd for OOT bags

1cool.gif Send detailed weekend timeline to WC

19) iron on bridesmaids wife beaters for wedding day


Meredith's to do's:

1. Invites, invites, invites - ORDERED...JUST HAVE TO COME UP WITH WORDING

2. Get thread for welcome bag monograms - DONE BY THE LADY DOING THE EMBROIDERY

3. Stay on FI about menu

4. Buy luggage tags for welcome bags - PURCHASED FROM ANOTHER BDW BRIDE

5. Buy paper lanterns and candle holders - LANTERNS, YES, CANDLE HOLDERS, NO

6. Start looking for gifts for my helpers

7. Book cigar roller for reception - DONE (TOO BAD CECILE IS STILL M.I.A.)

8. Buy confetti for ceremony


Meredith's new to do's

1. Come up with wording for invite

2. Stay on FI about menu

3. Buy candle holders

4. Purchase gifts for our helpers

5. Buy confetti for ceremony

6. Email Fabio about Cecile

7. Email TA about Fabio and Cecile

8. Buy remaining items for OOT bags

9. Start on song lists

10. Buy LED lights


MaggieandJayâ€s To Doâ€s


Week of 7/19

1. Finalize wording for invitations

2. Order Invitations

3. Design insert for invitations with booking info and resort info

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Winski - no, not everyone brought their own photog. I hired locally and paid the $500 fee. I'm not sure who the resort works with, possibly still Caribe? I think there's a few threads floating around on them... try a search. I think there was a bride on here that used the hotel photog but I can't remember who it was.

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Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski View Post
did everyone bring their own photographer? I'm a photo freak and I was wondering if anyone used any of the photographers the resort recommends
Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Winski - no, not everyone brought their own photog. I hired locally and paid the $500 fee. I'm not sure who the resort works with, possibly still Caribe? I think there's a few threads floating around on them... try a search. I think there was a bride on here that used the hotel photog but I can't remember who it was.
There are only 2 that the resort works with that you don't have to pay the fee for...
Matias Cano: professional wedding photojournalist photographer in riviera maya
Caribe Photo: Professional weddings and events photographers company Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Cancun, Riviera Maya Mexico

Caribe is MUCH more reasonably priced...but in looking through all their pics (I found most on facebook)..they seemed just like normal pics that my friends and I would take...

I really don't want to spend so much extra, but I don't want crappy (and they weren't crappy..just average) pics either...

I wish they had more of a selection.
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
Question... did you guys wear spanx under your wedding dress? My designer is telling me I MUST wear one in order to look flawless under the dress... but I am not sure where to buy one. He knows someone who sells nice spanx and costs around $200. Do you think it's too much? I don't want to buy a cheap kind and end up regretting when I see the pictures. Any recommendations?
Nope, white thong and clear stick on bra & a garter is all I had on under my dress and that was nearly too much... I don't know what kind of dress you have or how the weather will be when you get married but if I had spanx on they would have had to cut me out of my dress & spanx to revive me... I was so hot and sweating to death on my wedding day so unless you're going to be in a cool area most of the time, I'm not sure I'd consider wearing spanx unless they breathe really well.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I was wondering if anyone that did the Sky Deck can tell me the info for tuning in to the live stream on our wedding day? I wanted to include this in our invites but STILL haven't gotten a response from a WC.
The WC onsite give you the web address when you meet them onsite. Just know that the chances of it actually working is about 10%. My mom was the only one out of everyone I gave it to that actually got through to the webcam and you can't hear anything on it, it's not the greatest quality.

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Sky Deck - When I booked you had to book the Silver package or above and add on the Sky Deck. I have since downgraded to the Pearl Package and am still doing Sky Deck. I am trying to downgrade to free package since it is well, free, and it actually gives me more than the Pearl package does. I've sent several emails about this with no response, I am going to take Amy's advice and tomorrow I will just say that's what I want. I am done with asking. It's not like my WC or my TA ever feels the need to respond to me anyway.

That brings me to my next point, I have almost 70 guests coming! You think that they would want to take care of me. But no, I have to ask my TA over and over again to call my guests back. charge them in a timely manner, book them over the phone if that's what they prefer and the list goes on and on. Amy is willing to work more for people who are nice. That makes so much sense. But also being in the service industry, I know that I wouldnt be were I am or have the clients I have if I didn't respond in a timely manner and answer the questions asked. I've told my TA that. She doesn't seem to care. Ahhh...can you sense my frustration?

Chong, you are already on OOT bags? Man, I feel really behind. I have SOOO much left to do. I did. however, schedule my first dress fitting for Wednesday. How long do they usually take? Due to my very hectic schedule, I was planning on taking a slightly extended lunch and going. The dress fitter is a 5 minute drive from work. You think that will work?

In terms of looking for updated packages...I really use this site as my measure. One of you girls mentions a sweet deal, I try my luck and ask for it. Sp far almost 3k saved. Hoping they will let me downgrade to free wedding package which (after adding on flowers) should be at least another $500-600 saved. I know I'll spend it elsewhere, but better than throwing it away on "extras" I will not use.

In terms of negotiating, Amy you seem to be the master. I asked for a better price on the chivalri chairs but Tiffany my old WC told me that wouldn't happen. They are a must use for me so I guess I will ask,I mean tell, my new WC that I need a better price. Fingers crossed that it works.

Oh there must be so much more but time to hit the hay. My weekend of flights to and from the east coast in addition to 3 parties in 3 days has got me beat. I need to wake up soon to decorate cupcakes and hopefully work out. Ah, why am I so overwhelmed all the sudden? Is this normal for brides 2 1/2 months out. AHHH! I can't believe it's that close.

Deep breath.

Ok ladies....good night!:)
Just tell them you'd like the free package and to please update your spreadsheet and send it to you. I had Kiara email me my updated spreadsheet so I could check it over, a few times a week.

If it makes you feel any better, Tiffany got a lot of complaints from the girls that had her for being out of communication and unwilling to work with people like help them out. You're new coordinator is a fresh start and hopefully will work more with you.

If it makes you feel any better, Kiara told me the same thing, she told me the chair pricing is pretty ridiculous and they never bend on it. I asked her if she'd try for me and she said she would. Once again like Meredith mentioned, kill 'em with kindness and know that the WC's are not the ones who make decisions, they don't price us, they are just our via to Lomas (the real enemy) LOL!

As for the TA, that's about the point I requested a new TA. Had I not done that, I think I would have actually melted down completely!

Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post
Hello Ladies! Well, I just wanted to say hello and say that I am waiting for our date confirmation at Azul Sensatori, then it will finally be official and I'm so excited! I am so happy to be able to talk to other brides from A.S. My date would be April 25, 2011. I thought things would seem easier once I picked a resort lol, now we seem to have many more things to do, wedding packages, getting guests to pay on time to get the right rate etc. I feel like I might start driving my friends/co-workers and family crazy with wedding talk so i am happy to have this forum, you all know what I am going through!
Mahalo & Welcome!! wink.gif

These girls are the best... try and read through the thread, or at least the last half of it which may seem daunting but it will answer SO many questions right off the bat.
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
Question... did you guys wear spanx under your wedding dress? My designer is telling me I MUST wear one in order to look flawless under the dress... but I am not sure where to buy one. He knows someone who sells nice spanx and costs around $200. Do you think it's too much? I don't want to buy a cheap kind and end up regretting when I see the pictures. Any recommendations?
Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Chong - Don't act like you don't know me if you do see me!! Lol.

Spanx? I know you can get them from Saks, Dillard's, etc. I don't think it should cost that much. I would say it may run you around $100 max for a good pair unless he knows something I don't. There are knock-offs that may not work as well but if you stick to the Spanx brand you should be fine. There's also a brand named Flexees (Macy's) that are pretty good too. Looks like you need to go undergarment shopping and see what's the most comfortable for you. Bring them with you when you have your dress fitting and see which works best.

Check out ShopStyle for Fashion and Designers - Shoes, Jewelry, Dresses & Clothes and type in Spanx and all the different styles and where to buy them will come up. HTH!

$200 is out of the question! I originally went to a lingerie boutique and bought a "slimmer". It cost $50 but I could see the stitching and seams through my dress so this weekend I went to Macy's and bought a Flexees slimmer for $28. It looks fine. If you're just getting something to just make you look neat under your dress you don't have to spend a lot of money.
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I'm still here, just been MIA over the weekend. We're not leaving until the 29th.
Woot you're so close!!!!

I don't know who was asking about Tiffany or what the story was behind her, but she was my WC and she was dumb as F***. Sorry, but that's the truth. You just have to literally number your questions in your email and then in bold at the bottom write PLEASE ANSWER EACH OF THE NUMBERED QUESTIONS. As a result, she will answer at least 2, but not all. Seriously I thought that chick was going to give me a stroke.
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
It's my 150th Post :) I'm a Junior Member!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Chong - You can bring as much as you want, you just pay for it. :) Check the specifics on the airline you're flying. Ours were by number or by weight and we paid to bring them all by weight I think which ended up being cheaper.

I pre-packed all my luggage and weighed it and measured it and calculated out exactly how much it would be etc.
Be sure to check with the airline ahead of time. I know even if we pay, we can't take more than 3 bags each. And there are weight restrictions, hence why we are buying a lot of the OOT bag fillers down there.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
Check out my profile picture!!! I finally did it. What a pain to get this picture up here.
Nice to see a picture of you!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
I just found out one of our guests (a friend from work) booked a trip to AS for this week. A last minute sale - she says she'll take pics of anything I want and go check it all out. Anyone have any requests they'd like to pass on? I'll have to think of exactly what I want to know about. I feel like there's so much information on this forum tho' that I don't really know what I'll need her to look into. :-) Still, fun to have a scout.
If you could ask your friend to take a few pictures of the back end of the Mexican restaurant (the patio) and of the beach bbq area, I would greatly appreciate it.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
Question... did you guys wear spanx under your wedding dress? My designer is telling me I MUST wear one in order to look flawless under the dress... but I am not sure where to buy one. He knows someone who sells nice spanx and costs around $200. Do you think it's too much? I don't want to buy a cheap kind and end up regretting when I see the pictures. Any recommendations?
Not planning on wearing Spanx. I have been told it can be really warm. But if you need it, I know a lot of malls in Toronto have stalls in the hallways that sell Spanx.

That brings me to my next point' date=' I have almost 70 guests coming! QUOTE']
Wow! 70 guests, that's going to be a great party :)

Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski View Post
did everyone bring their own photographer? I'm a photo freak and I was wondering if anyone used any of the photographers the resort recommends
After looking at the resort photographers, we found our own and am bringing in down with us!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Never mind...somehow I figured it out..I love when my boss is out of the office :)
Another face to put to a name! :)
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