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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ladies I need some advice!

I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
We looked into booking them as well, only to find out they were banned. Anyway a couple of the other ones we looked at:
1) momentsthatmatterphotography
2) cancunstudios
3) claudia photo

We ended up finding someone locally in Toronto, who we are flying down with us. His name is Taylor Jackson, and I am loving his work.

I know that when we discussed not using the resort photographers, we were told it would be $500US, and it had to be an approved photographer. Or someone who was staying at resort (although they did not provide how long that person might have to be staying.)

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I am having my east coast Bachlorette in Philly! I am doing 2 so that all my Northern girls don't have to fly down here and my southern girls don't have to fly up there. So technically I get 2 Yah for me
Oh, how exciting! My girlfriends are throwing me a stagette in September, since they will all be visiting Toronto at that time. And my FI mother is throwing me a shower in October. It's great that the 2 parties are in different places, so that more people can join in on the fun :)

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.

Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.

I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.

I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.

I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)
Not sure why they are fussy. But once they agreed to our photographer, we made sure it was in writing and that they would be no additional fee! (we are flying in our photographer,so he'll be on the resort the full week)

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Argh! I'm so frustrated (sorry if this is a bit of a rant). I've been going back and forth with Carolina about what wedding package we would qualify for, as well as promotions (since you ladies all mentioned the bride & groom stay free).

So, she sends me the link. But it's only for USA brides. (I'm Canadian and although my fiance is American he lives here in Vancouver w/ me - but 1/2 our guests are coming from the USA... so I don't understand if we could still qualify). So... she sends me the link to Canadian promotions. And there's a GREAT Canadian bride & groom stay free promotion - - it applies to every Karisma hotel EXCEPT AS!!! aaaargh. I'm hoping that we might be able to negotiate out some kind of combo of the two promotions or something?!?

Anyone around here had any luck with their negotiations with the WC's at Karisma? I just want what I think is fair - since it seems to be offered to almost every other bride. And I'm in kind of a bizarre situation with the Canadian/American stuff. Suggestions anyone? TIA
I kept my eyes on all the promotions. And then talk with my TA. We tried to get the bride/groom stay free deal, that didn't work, but we have managed to get a room upgrade and 20% off on our reception/ceremony costs. So when you see a deal, ask them! You never know what they might agree to!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Oh thatâ€s good!

Yes I was, I had the free sweet wedding package and the Sky Deck, it was ideal! Do they still require you to get the Silver Package for the SkyDeck?

Yup..you need to have either the silver or the gold package to qualify.
As much as I would love the Sky Deck...I can't justify the extra $$$ (unless I win the lottery before then) when that can be a group event and the original plan was married on the beach anyway...
Wherever it wind ups being...I know it's going to be beautiful..I'm marrying the love of my life..surrounded by friends and family and an ocean...No complaints from me :)
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Oh thatâ€s good!

....Lots of photos help and follow up with stuff, ask for dimensions and photos etc. I asked for months to get the dimensions of the vases I was renting, only to get them a few months before my wedding to find out that they were FAR too small. Iâ€m glad I persisted heavily on this or else I would have been very disappointed that my orchids stems would be shooting out of the vase, not submerged and no floating candle because the opening was too small.

Toss any replies up here or PM them to me and Iâ€ll give you examples of what I would say back if you want :)

Also, you wonâ€t have any trouble with hurricanes at the end of May, I promise, youâ€re in the clear!
Oh... so helpful! Thanks. And I might just pass some replies your way to get your advice so beware what you offer a girl. wacko.gif

About the vase comment you just made. I'm totally thinking of DIY centerpieces but my idea also involves floating candles/flowers/vase etc. My big concern was trying to bring DOWN a bunch of vases. You can rent the vases just by themselves? Would you mind me asking how much they charged you or if you wouldn't mind sharing any info they gave you on vases? Renting would be sooo much easier! My email is [email protected] if that's easier. TIA.

Originally Posted by murmel View Post

I kept my eyes on all the promotions. And then talk with my TA. We tried to get the bride/groom stay free deal, that didn't work, but we have managed to get a room upgrade and 20% off on our reception/ceremony costs. So when you see a deal, ask them! You never know what they might agree to!

Thanks! That's VERY helpful info. That's how I feel, that I might not get the whole package but maybe some part of it. Did you have your TA dealing with the WC from Karisma? So far my TA basically says that I'm supposed to deal with the WC by myself and that she doesn't usually get involved in that part of it. She just strictly does the travel planning part. This wouldn't bother me so much (because really I like to do things myself and trust myself more than I trust her) if I didn't feel like her pressure and input might have more influence than mine because she's part of the whole industry?!?!

Any advice? I will definitely take AmyKH's words to heart and assume that Carolina has my back and will do her best to get me a great deal. I'm just worried that my TA might need to be involved too. Thus far, she hasn't been much (other than me cc'ing her on emails).
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Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post

Thanks! That's VERY helpful info. That's how I feel, that I might not get the whole package but maybe some part of it. Did you have your TA dealing with the WC from Karisma? So far my TA basically says that I'm supposed to deal with the WC by myself and that she doesn't usually get involved in that part of it. She just strictly does the travel planning part. This wouldn't bother me so much (because really I like to do things myself and trust myself more than I trust her) if I didn't feel like her pressure and input might have more influence than mine because she's part of the whole industry?!?!

Any advice? I will definitely take AmyKH's words to heart and assume that Carolina has my back and will do her best to get me a great deal. I'm just worried that my TA might need to be involved too. Thus far, she hasn't been much (other than me cc'ing her on emails).
We haven't really had to deal with the resort planning part yet. But our TA deals only with destination weddings and deals a lot with Karisma. So it's a bit of a bonus for us. Eventually in the fall, we will sit down with our TA, who will deal directly with the WC for us. Makes it easier for me, to talk directly to our TA and tell her what we require. She will then deal with the WC for us, and report back. Plus it means we have someone who is bargining from our corner :) I am sure there are many things that need to be planned in advance, but it also sounds like the WC onsite are fabulous at last minute details (like the decor, problem solving, etc.).
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Originally Posted by murmel View Post

I kept my eyes on all the promotions. And then talk with my TA. We tried to get the bride/groom stay free deal, that didn't work, but we have managed to get a room upgrade and 20% off on our reception/ceremony costs. So when you see a deal, ask them! You never know what they might agree to!
Where are you looking for current promotions? Is it on the Azul website?
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
If any ladies need ideas for Bachlorettes, not to toot my own horn but I love planning them and throwing them and I have been in 15 weddings and I always take the lead on the Bachlorette. (The downside to being an promotion and event planner in radio) I have done different themes, etc so if you BM or yourself get planners block let me know I can spit out some ideas! I think I just like to plan theme parties and I use bachlorettes as my excuse.
Wow... I actually requested to have bridal shower (actually just bbq with whole bunch of college friends) and follow by some crazy bachelorette party. I would love to hear your ideas. GO GO GO!

Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Hi ladies! How's everyone's planning going? Hope none of you are driving yourselves crazy!!!!

Wondering if you ladies can help me out? I'm in a photocontest. To win you have to get the most votes on fb. Here's the link: Moments that Matter Photography's Photos - 2010 $100 Favorite Photo Contest | Facebook. Click like on my pic (Nicole & Curt). Or if you don't like it, don't vote for me!!! Thanks ladies!!! xoxo
Your picture is my FAVORITE hands down. I just "liked" your picture. I hope you win!!!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Right now FI is all about the color of my bridesmaids dresses...what is the nice way to tell him that really that is something he does NOT get to choose or really even a say in?
There was almost a fight last night...but I pulled back becasue I have such a long time that if we start fighting now....

On to my next question....are you all fans of BMs wearing the same color or different colors? I'm leaning towards jewelish tones...and bnow he's talking about GM all wearing different colors...HELP!
That is so funny. My FI wanted to help me "pick" the color for the wedding too. He was so head strong about the color choices. We end up compromising the color choices - blue and pink :)

My BMs are wearing all the same color (blue) and same design dresses. I was trying to match the color for the GM but I ended up going something silvery color for them. You might say that I am not too concern about the color scheme. Some brides might frown up on it but I am pretty easy to please pinkie.gif

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.

Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.

I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.

I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.

I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)
I AGREE!!! I made this huge fuss about the photog policy to my TA and she was able negotiate with the resort to allow me to use their "extend list" without any additional fee. I am having Erick Rodriguez (Claudia Rodriguez's other photog member). They are pricey but I do love Erick's photos so I am happy with my choice.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh youâ€re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, thatâ€s just not going to happen.

Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they donâ€t need names or the color of your vendorâ€s skin.

Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests.

Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you.

My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done!

YES, I agree!!! I learned that they are willing to meet our every needs but you get nothing if you don't ask or tell what you want.

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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Really? You're TA selected that package for you? I asked our TA if we could have that package and we got this long, drawn out response about how she didn't know if it was applicable to previously booked couples. She seemed to think it would not be available to us because we booked 2 months ago or so. I'm really frustrated with the term of things and how things tend to be so undefined.
No, I told me TA about the free sweet package and that I wanted that package for my wedding. She called Carolina (WC) and got me the package! Like I said... my TA is awesome. I go through her if I am not sure how to get it myself. She has been the best working the details out for me. Who is your TA? Did you go through Destination Weddings?

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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Here is Fabio's email: [email protected]. When I was still looking at AS, he helped me a TON!!! I would just email him or call him and voice your concerns and request him!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
On to my next question....are you all fans of BMs wearing the same color or different colors? I'm leaning towards jewelish tones...and bnow he's talking about GM all wearing different colors...HELP!
I'm torn! My BM's are wearing 2 different colors (MOHs are in a different color) but sometimes I wish I would have just used 5 different colors (I think it may have helped with finding accessories/decor if I had broadened my color scheme).

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Here's another promotion to ask your TAs about....mine just emailed me and told me that we qualified for a free room upgrade because we booked within 10 days of the Karisma webinar that we took. We are saving a little over $1000 on our room...PLUS...TA and Kiara are working to see if we can qualify for the Free Sweet Wedding Package...1 of the qualifications is 7 days in the Premium Suites...we are doing 14 days in the swim up junior and they are trying to get that approved...so..that would be another $2500 saved....This is a good day :)
I'm glad one of us is getting major perks.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Toss any replies up here or PM them to me and Iâ€ll give you examples of what I would say back if you want :)
Thanks for the advice. I've been trying to go the route of telling and not asking and it seems to work but the negotiating? Not so much.

I may take you up on this (toss of replies) if you don't mind. I'm going to reach out to my TA 1st and see what she can do if anything.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Yup..you need to have either the silver or the gold package to qualify.
I actually have the Pearl Package and the Sky Deck.
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