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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Same boat! I've been ordering stuff for the OOT bags and decorations and favors and whenever a box comes he gets excited and says "oooh what's that?" Then he says that's nice what are you going to do with it. I say WE'RE putting these in the OOT bags. He just says oh ok and when another box comes the cycle starts again. Whenever I did ask his opinion he would say "what do you think" and that starts an argument because I say if I wanted to decide I wouldn't have asked you. So I've learned to just run things by him and say this is what we're doing and he says ok. He's very visual so nothing is really real to him until he sees it.
Haahaa!! Day and I work together so every time Iâ€d get a box at work, which literally averaged out to 1 a day for the last 2 months, heâ€s ay “what NOW!?â€

I should mention that any crafting stuff he was totally hands on! We DIYâ€d our STDâ€s which were a prooooccess and he really put in some work. He put together all the throwie lights, cut all the menuâ€s and stuff. So just no real creative help I guess.

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ladies I need some advice!

I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
Yeah something happened between Karisma & Del Sol because Del Sol heavily boycotts the Karisma resorts. My photographer did a photojournalist take on my Vegas wedding and half traditional, half photojournalistic style for my Mexican wedding if you want to check out my Vegas pictures to get an idea, let me know and Iâ€ll send them to you.

Otherwise you can check him out Chris Schmitt Chris Schmitt Photography | Intro if you mention you know me, heâ€ll hook you up! Weâ€ve become friends since working together, heâ€s an amazing guy and hugely talented. Heâ€s shot a few of us BDW brides actually and already has been to AS twice!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Del Sol stopped accepting Karisma b/c Karisma stopped accepting them.

It sounds like Azul/Karisma is relaxing their Mexican Photographer policy. Or at least that's what some of the past few pages of posts have seemed to me, so I would suggest you ask your WC what the current policy is and if you can use them specifically.

I thought AmyF's photo had a Del Sol look too. You can always tells your photog you want more of a photo-journalistic approach.
Thanks Amy, thatâ€s a compliment!!

As much as I complained about DH not being involved in any of the wedding plans' date=' I would have gone crazy if it were the other way and he was in my face with his opinion all the time. QUOTE']

I agree, I canâ€t complain too much, he would have driven me INSANE if he ever argued with what I wanted to tried to push in his own creative side… yeah no.

Liked your photographer & your photo! I hope you win!!!
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Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.


Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.


I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.


I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.


I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.

Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.

I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.

I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.

I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)
This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh youâ€re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, thatâ€s just not going to happen.

Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they donâ€t need names or the color of your vendorâ€s skin.

Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests.

Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you.

My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh youâ€re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, thatâ€s just not going to happen.

Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they donâ€t need names or the color of your vendorâ€s skin.

Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests.

Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you.

My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done!

This is exactly why you need to become a wedding planner in Mexico! Can you imagine? You and hubby could live on the beach and you could spend all day planning fantastic weddings for all us DW brides. I need you on my team!!!

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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
My TA was notified and she notified me. I had Tiffany but now I have Fabio.
Thanks Dani! I've been really curious about Cecile's whereabout, being that I have a pending email that went unanswered. I asked my TA about Cecile and and as much as I like her, she had no clue. So being my "NEED TO KNOW NOW" self, I emailed Fabio. Hopefully I will hear back from him soon.

Originally Posted by murmel View Post
I feel for you and the male dominated enviroment. I work with over 300 men, to 27 women (13 which have only joined in the last 3years!). At least I don't have the military side of it, just the old boys club sad.gif The shift work is always hard, but it just means when you have family time, you really take advantage of them!
Oh Honey, I hear ya....the goold ole boys network is alive and kicking here! I've seen some stuff happen that I know I would have been disciplined for had it of been me. :-) I'm really professional at work and we have one guy who literally has personal conversations loudly in his office while having his booted toes up on his desk. Myself and another gal are always cracking up because we're like, "If we had our feet up on the desks hackling like hens, one of them would be in our office in a heartbeat talking to us about disrupting the work environment and maintaining professionalism." I just have to laugh about the stuff the good ole boys get away with. ;-)

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Wow, that's so exciting... retirement at 46 I would have a field day with that one! I could totally see how that would be, primarily former military, mostly men and having to not "show your weakness" so to speak with being bubbly and trying to get them to view you as one of them instead of being a woman or having to treat you differently etc.
If it's any consolation at all, I absolutely admire and respect you. I have always been fascinated by that field and am addicted to crime/cop shows etc. All D and I have been watching for the last two days are Locked Up, Locked up Abroad and Drugs Inc. haha so fascinating! I love seeing the process and learning the logistics of it all and procedure. The hours do sound terrible though, once I'm home, I'm home and no work will happen which is the perk of my job, there's no weekend work ever so I'm lucky.

The official Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1st - November 30th

They will let you know via your TA or you can contact Fabio
Thanks Amy! I used to love those shows too and they too used to have me sucked in. :-) I can't watch too many of them though because I become overly cynical and make all these pessimistic comments during the show. LOL I sit there and dissect every little thing and I make comments like, "That's so fake or That is not real!" It drives FI nuts to listen to my commentary when he's trying to watch TV! LOL For instance, I can't watch any CSI's AT ALL! When they take a fingerprint and pull up a person's location and personal history on a large screen pc in 10 seconds, I always laugh! But I do dig Locked Up and I am a First 48 groupie!!! LOL

Oh and thanks for the info on the hurricane season, how naive of me to not research this. :-( All will be wonderful though!

And I emailed Fabio as soon as I realized Cecile is MIA. Hopefully I hear back from him soon.

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
haha.... ditto the cheering up comment. Don't worry, Memorial Day weekend won't be BAD (it can't... it's our wedding weekend) embarrest.gif

As for the booking up fast, I think that ours might be one of the big groups they're talking about. Our TA just sent me our list and so far we already have 51 confirmed! But, I'm pretty sure that they also add pressure for people to book early by saying that the hotel's booking up. (I'm hoping anyways, because it would be so disappointing if guests can't come purely because of that).
Yes, Beaz.....our wedding weekend will RAWK! drum.gif I love that word for some odd reason! LOL You are on a ROLL with your group! That is wonderful and I'm sure you will have the best time! You don't have to worry about us taking up many rooms and I assume we are one of the smaller wedding groups that weekend. We only have 21 confirmed as of today, so you are packing 'em in! smile123.gif

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think:
I like them both! They have a very rustic yet modern color feel to them! Can't go wrong either way IMO!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do?
I have assigned him tasks.....hate to make it sound like he is a child. But that is the only way I could tame his comments and involvement with things. I saw early on that he was going to cause me some irritation with his comments, so very early on, I picked out things for him to do. For instance, when I started looking at pictures of bridal gowns online and my BM dresses, he started making comments about what he thinks I should wear. I told him flat out, "You don't get to have any say so at all about my dress, so please don't go there." He got the point. I have since assigned him the task of locating and reviewing a DJ and their costs. He is also responsible for locating GM attire. And he is responsible for getting our life insurance policies updated. I only ask his opinion about wedding stuff if I really need it otherwise he will go on and on. Love him, but he is a talker. LOL

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I really don't have anything else to do with the resort now. All my details have been finalized for about a month. Too bad the change didn't come earlier, but I really didn't have any problems with Tiffany though.
LUCKY YOU!!!! How are you feeling being that your ceremony is right around the corner? ? ? ? ? ?

Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
Does anyone see anything different between the pearl and free wedding packages except the bridal and grooms flowers?
I too didn't see any difference in the two packages aside from the flowers and a free 5X7 photo. If you are bringing or hiring your own photog, there really is no need for their free photo. And if you totla up the cost of flowers for a bride and groom, they in no way equal $950.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
I also asked my TA to sort this out for me. She told me she got us the Free Sweet wedding package :) My TA is AWESOME!
Really? You're TA selected that package for you? I asked our TA if we could have that package and we got this long, drawn out response about how she didn't know if it was applicable to previously booked couples. She seemed to think it would not be available to us because we booked 2 months ago or so. I'm really frustrated with the term of things and how things tend to be so undefined.

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Bop, would LOVE to take courses in photography and graphic design... But for now I'm trying to get enough motivation to start my Masters

I appreciate your view on Nursing! I am really proud of my profession, although a lot of times I wish I had a more flexible/artistic sort of job! I'm pretty sure I saw a few pictures of a beach reception at AS somewhere. If I find them, I'll definitely let you know!
I'm right there with you! I am itching to tap into more creative activities! I find them to be very therapeutic and I just don't get enough fun stuff in my daily life. I bought a really nice Nikon and I keep saying I am going to learn how to use all of the features on it, otherwise I could have just bought a point and shoot. :-)
Oh absolutely, I heart nurses! One of my BM's, whom I've been friends with since Jr. High, is a L&D nurse. Her circle of friends are mostly nurses and I've had several convos with them about their profession. They are all so dedicated, passionate, and knowledgable about their field and I have nothing but respect for nurses. They don't get enough credit IMO.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Does anyone know if I can request this guy?! I've heard nothing but great things about him and STILL haven't heard what's going on with Cecile.

OMG!! I feel your pain. If I heard him say one more time, "It's just too much for me to process right now" or "my head hurts, can we talk about this later" or the best one "we have time, I'll go full speed in Aug" I think I would've slit my wrists pokestick.gif I had to have a few tantrums and start picking overly expensive stuff to get him on board with planning. When I told him I was gonna order $9 wedding invites his headache went away quick! girl_werewolf.gif
I emailed Fabio to see what is up with Cecile. As soon as I get a response, I will let you know.
Your quotes about your FI made me laugh! Gotta love 'em!

Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Hi ladies! How's everyone's planning going? Hope none of you are driving yourselves crazy!!!!

Wondering if you ladies can help me out? I'm in a photocontest. To win you have to get the most votes on fb. Here's the link: Moments that Matter Photography's Photos - 2010 $100 Favorite Photo Contest | Facebook. Click like on my pic (Nicole & Curt). Or if you don't like it, don't vote for me!!! Thanks ladies!!! xoxo
Sure, headed over now to check it out and vote for you.

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Del Sol stopped accepting Karisma b/c Karisma stopped accepting them.

It sounds like Azul/Karisma is relaxing their Mexican Photographer policy. Or at least that's what some of the past few pages of posts have seemed to me, so I would suggest you ask your WC what the current policy is and if you can use them specifically.
When we were selecting a photog, I feel in love with Del Sol's underwater TTD sessions. I often wondered what happened between them and Karisma because that's a pretty severe business move to ban them altogether from your premises. :-/
Our TA took our photog choice to our WC and had she and Fabio put in writing that she was permitted to photograph our wedding as well as the terms of her stay. As many of the other girls suggested, I would have them put whatever their final decision is in writing because they seemed somewhat wishy-washy on what the "actual" policy is/was.

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.

Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.

I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.

I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.

I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)
I whole wholeheartedly agree with you here! I wish I would have known about the photog issues and restrictions prior to booking. I'm not sure it would have changed my photog decision, but just to know their policy up front would have been nice. I'm over it now, but I cope with things better when people are honest and forthcoming about things rather than disclosing policies after you have me legally obligated. A good photog was second to a good resort for me, even more important than the dress, so I had a little heartburn as we went through the photog debacle. But it is what it is and we will all have fabulous weddings regardless of who is behind the lens! :-)
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Argh! I'm so frustrated (sorry if this is a bit of a rant). I've been going back and forth with Carolina about what wedding package we would qualify for, as well as promotions (since you ladies all mentioned the bride & groom stay free).


So, she sends me the link. But it's only for USA brides. (I'm Canadian and although my fiance is American he lives here in Vancouver w/ me - but 1/2 our guests are coming from the USA... so I don't understand if we could still qualify). So... she sends me the link to Canadian promotions. And there's a GREAT Canadian bride & groom stay free promotion - - it applies to every Karisma hotel EXCEPT AS!!! aaaargh. I'm hoping that we might be able to negotiate out some kind of combo of the two promotions or something?!?


Anyone around here had any luck with their negotiations with the WC's at Karisma? I just want what I think is fair - since it seems to be offered to almost every other bride. And I'm in kind of a bizarre situation with the Canadian/American stuff. Suggestions anyone? TIA

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh youâ€re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, thatâ€s just not going to happen.

Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they donâ€t need names or the color of your vendorâ€s skin.

Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests.

Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you.

My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done!
Okay help me understand the process here please.....I thought we had to finalize all of our details and payments with the Miami WC's prior to arriving? Is Kiara at AS or in Miami? I thought AS WC's had no say about prices and that was all solidified prior to our arrival. Help me understand here please, because I'm ready to start negotiating! ;-)
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Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Argh! I'm so frustrated (sorry if this is a bit of a rant). I've been going back and forth with Carolina about what wedding package we would qualify for, as well as promotions (since you ladies all mentioned the bride & groom stay free).

So, she sends me the link. But it's only for USA brides. (I'm Canadian and although my fiance is American he lives here in Vancouver w/ me - but 1/2 our guests are coming from the USA... so I don't understand if we could still qualify). So... she sends me the link to Canadian promotions. And there's a GREAT Canadian bride & groom stay free promotion - - it applies to every Karisma hotel EXCEPT AS!!! aaaargh. I'm hoping that we might be able to negotiate out some kind of combo of the two promotions or something?!?

Anyone around here had any luck with their negotiations with the WC's at Karisma? I just want what I think is fair - since it seems to be offered to almost every other bride. And I'm in kind of a bizarre situation with the Canadian/American stuff. Suggestions anyone? TIA
I'm not help here, Beaz because I am in America, but I had a quick question out of curiosity.....why do the packages differ for Canada vs. America and why does it matter to them?
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm not help here, Beaz because I am in America, but I had a quick question out of curiosity.....why do the packages differ for Canada vs. America and why does it matter to them?
I think it has to do with the different tour operators that book the trips from the 2 different countries. But seriously, why would they be almost identical packages but only the USA one was available at AS?!
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Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ladies I need some advice!

I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
Sorry, no advice here. We're bringing a photographer down from home.

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Fi is a trial attorney...he does plaintiff's work...he basically sues medical/pharmaceutical companies! haha That may be a conflict of interest since I work for Johnson and Johnson?!?!? He works his ass off, but he loves it!!!!!

OHHHH I vote for Le Blanc! I will give you a full report when I return

I can't WAIT to hear all about it! I'm so excited for you! Can't imagine the butterflies you must be having these days. thewave.gif

Sounds like you're FI has a great niche area. That's one of my job frustrations actually - that I'm not in a specified trial area enough for my liking. But... we all need something to work towards right. ;-)
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