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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I am going with the Free Sweet Wedding package and adding on. I have a TA and she is dealing directly with the group booking dept at AS. They confirmed that we qualify for the Bride and Groom stay free if I book 16 rooms. This is even where I get lost and My TA and FMIL are kinda taking the lead! That is AWESOME! I heard from Faye and she said for sure we will know tomorrow!!!!
I also asked my TA to sort this out for me. She told me she got us the Free Sweet wedding package :) My TA is AWESOME!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think:
I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that.
Oh wow.. I love the map idea and birds. We don't have anything fancy like that...hehe.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I basically just ask his opinion on some things here and there and I told him he can pick out his shirts and pants for himself and the groomsmen. I also have him picking out the gifts for our parents and his brother (Who is his BM)

Also he is very excited about the Donkey and has come up with a scavengar hunt photo contest idea (Again I just let him roll with it) He wants to get little stuffed donkeys to put in the OOT bags with a list of pictures you have to get of the stuffed donkey doing silly things. For Example: Donkey with a beer, Donkey on a random strangers chair while they are sunbathing, donkey at dinner, Donkey with the live donkey etc etc. The everyone will send us their pics after we all get back and we will crown a winner. Again His idea and I thought it might entertain people and they could have some fun with it. AHHH my FI cracks me up sometimes.
My FI is pretty lay back. I always run things by him before making any decisions. He likes to be involved but that doesn't mean he gets to make any decisions fencing.gif I ask for his opinions but ultimate I make the call. hehe. He learned that this is just how it's going to work till the wedding plan is done.

That sounds so much fun. We have to think of something to entertain everyone... Ah. too much stuff to do.

Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
Does anyone see anything different between the pearl and free wedding packages except the bridal and grooms flowers?
Not much.. besides flowers and frame i also didn't see much of difference. if you can get the free wedding package, go for it and add on stuff that you want. use your TA to negotiate that stuff.

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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I basically just ask his opinion on some things here and there and I told him he can pick out his shirts and pants for himself and the groomsmen. I also have him picking out the gifts for our parents and his brother (Who is his BM)

Also he is very excited about the Donkey and has come up with a scavengar hunt photo contest idea (Again I just let him roll with it) He wants to get little stuffed donkeys to put in the OOT bags with a list of pictures you have to get of the stuffed donkey doing silly things. For Example: Donkey with a beer, Donkey on a random strangers chair while they are sunbathing, donkey at dinner, Donkey with the live donkey etc etc. The everyone will send us their pics after we all get back and we will crown a winner. Again His idea and I thought it might entertain people and they could have some fun with it. AHHH my FI cracks me up sometimes.
That is Freaking awesome!!!! I can totally see how that would make for some amazing pictures...I love it :)
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Mine did absolutely nothing!!!!! LOL But if he's asking for something to do, having him pick out things for him and the groomsmen is good. I can't think of anything else.
LUCKY :) I love the fact that he wants to be involved....but...sometimes I just want to be able to say..nope...can;t do that...has to be this way...
Then he'll ask why...and I can only say Just Because that's how it is....
He feels I'm being controlling...
Just venting :)
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-)

Cool profession! Nurses are valuable assets to the world! Seems like moreso that Doctors sometimes. :-) We are also going to shoot for the beach reception, but I haven't been able to see any photos yet and I have alot of curiosities about how it would all play out. And thanks for the kind words, it will/shall all work out. Oh and last thing, lime green it is!!! :-)

Geez, at the expense of cheering Maggie up, you all are starting to make me feel bad about the Memorial Day weekend. Hurricane talk, cheaper flights, better prices.....Debbie Downer here. LOL
Bop, would LOVE to take courses in photography and graphic design... But for now I'm trying to get enough motivation to start my Masters

I appreciate your view on Nursing! I am really proud of my profession, although a lot of times I wish I had a more flexible/artistic sort of job! I'm pretty sure I saw a few pictures of a beach reception at AS somewhere. If I find them, I'll definitely let you know!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.
Have fun!! We are planning my son's first bday too, and I CANNOT believe he is almost a toddler wtf.gif

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Ok ladies here's a question for you. I'm obviously emailing Carolina (our WC) to try and find this out too but just in case any of you have any knowledge on it:

We're looking at the new wedding packages. We had the Pearl Package, but now are considering between the New Pearl and the Free Sweet Wedding Package. Seems to me the Free package includes MORE than the paid for pearl package. It has the amenities of the Honeymoon package too. BUT.... I don't understand what the requirements are to qualify for it. Specifically it says:
"Valid in Canada, USA and reservations booked at published rates only" Does this mean you have to book DIRECTLY through AS? I'm going to have my TA follow up too if need be as well to see if I qualify.

If not, I guess we stick with Pearl. The other thing is that they don't clearly specify on either package how many chairs are provided. The Pearl package only says "maximum group capacity and restaurant restrictions ...AZS - 40 people - Spoon Restaurant"
Does this mean that maximum 40 chairs are included? That ROXX if I'm correct. Wasn't it like 12 before?

Okay, sorry so long. Any insight is appreciated. Again, I'm going to find out from Carolina as well, so if anyone is curious to have official answers I'll pass them on
I have Carolina too, I'll let you know if I get any more info

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I just got an email from Kiara about an hour ago...deposit is processed...wedding confirmed..all wedding info sent to me...Now I get to start planning a wedding :)
Yay!! Congrats!
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think:
Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.
I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that.
These turned out beautifully! Great job wink.gif
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Ladies I need some advice!


I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA

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Originally Posted by chong View Post
I am so sorry to hear about this. Last time I talked to you, you were so excited about finally settling with AS. But sounds like you got it all worked out. You can vent any time :)

Ha... I know. I was afraid to leave for 4 days. My FI is making fun of me for sitting front of this computer AGAIN for hours. I am not sure if I caught on everything yet...

Have fun in Baltimore! I am going to MD to see my parents and Philly to see my friends (bachelorette/bridal shower) on the labor day weekend. I am so excited! I miss home. This hot weather hasn't been helping...

I am having my east coast Bachlorette in Philly! I am doing 2 so that all my Northern girls don't have to fly down here and my southern girls don't have to fly up there. So technically I get 2 Yah for me
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
That is Freaking awesome!!!! I can totally see how that would make for some amazing pictures...I love it :)
Feel free to Steal!!!! Oh and I just had another ne to add to the list. Get a picture of Donkey with another AS Bride! HA My FI and I have this master list on the fridge that we keep adding to.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I am having my east coast Bachlorette in Philly! I am doing 2 so that all my Northern girls don't have to fly down here and my southern girls don't have to fly up there. So technically I get 2 Yah for me
I should clarify that mine are in the spring! HA LOL

If any ladies need ideas for Bachlorettes, not to toot my own horn but I love planning them and throwing them and I have been in 15 weddings and I always take the lead on the Bachlorette. (The downside to being an promotion and event planner in radio) I have done different themes, etc so if you BM or yourself get planners block let me know I can spit out some ideas! I think I just like to plan theme parties and I use bachlorettes as my excuse.
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Originally Posted by murmel View Post
Fabio showed us around the resort for our site inspection. Very knowledgable and friendly! I am sure he will be wonderful :)
Does anyone know if I can request this guy?! I've heard nothing but great things about him and STILL haven't heard what's going on with Cecile.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
HAVE A Fabulous time!!!! I will be in NYC this weekend to visit friends and go to a baptism. While I am up there I have an appt to go to J Crew Weddings to look at a dress that I like from looking on the internet! It will be my first dress shopping outing! EEK!
Ooooh!! F-U-N!! I wish I could still go dress shopping. That has been the best part so far.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I just got an email from Kiara about an hour ago...deposit is processed...wedding confirmed..all wedding info sent to me...Now I get to start planning a wedding :)
pinkie.gif Congrats!!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do?
My FI is in charge of the guys' attire and gifts, the menu for the reception, obtaining our marriage license and setting up our legal ceremony. On everything else I think a lot of us have the same method....narrow down and then make them feel useful.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I really don't have anything else to do with the resort now. All my details have been finalized for about a month. Too bad the change didn't come earlier, but I really didn't have any problems with Tiffany though.
Can I have him, then?!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Also he is very excited about the Donkey and has come up with a scavengar hunt photo contest idea (Again I just let him roll with it) He wants to get little stuffed donkeys to put in the OOT bags with a list of pictures you have to get of the stuffed donkey doing silly things. For Example: Donkey with a beer, Donkey on a random strangers chair while they are sunbathing, donkey at dinner, Donkey with the live donkey etc etc. The everyone will send us their pics after we all get back and we will crown a winner. Again His idea and I thought it might entertain people and they could have some fun with it. AHHH my FI cracks me up sometimes.
Love that idea! Too bad I can't steal that one...no donkey for us.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Same boat! I've been ordering stuff for the OOT bags and decorations and favors and whenever a box comes he gets excited and says "oooh what's that?" Then he says that's nice what are you going to do with it. I say WE'RE putting these in the OOT bags. He just says oh ok and when another box comes the cycle starts again. Whenever I did ask his opinion he would say "what do you think" and that starts an argument because I say if I wanted to decide I wouldn't have asked you. So I've learned to just run things by him and say this is what we're doing and he says ok. He's very visual so nothing is really real to him until he sees it.
OMG!! I feel your pain. If I heard him say one more time, "It's just too much for me to process right now" or "my head hurts, can we talk about this later" or the best one "we have time, I'll go full speed in Aug" I think I would've slit my wrists pokestick.gif I had to have a few tantrums and start picking overly expensive stuff to get him on board with planning. When I told him I was gonna order $9 wedding invites his headache went away quick! girl_werewolf.gif

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ladies I need some advice!

I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
I'm going with Andrew Jordan if you want someone from the US. Check out his website Cleveland Wedding Photographer-Andrew Jordan Photography and Wendy's pics. He's also a vendor here "groomsarepeopletoo." He's really easy to work with so far and willing to work with your budget. Also you may want to look at some of the other photogs that brides have used recently because they all should already have a relationship with the resort and already be approved.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
If any ladies need ideas for Bachlorettes, not to toot my own horn but I love planning them and throwing them and I have been in 15 weddings and I always take the lead on the Bachlorette. (The downside to being an promotion and event planner in radio) I have done different themes, etc so if you BM or yourself get planners block let me know I can spit out some ideas! I think I just like to plan theme parties and I use bachlorettes as my excuse.
I'm thinking mine may already be planned, but I'll pass on that info.
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Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
I practice civil litigation. Basically anything that requires going to court other than personal injury and criminal law. I tend to do a lot of family law and a lot of stuff involving real estate (construction/builder's liens, strata & co-op disputes that type of thing). It's a pretty general practice. One of the things I'd like to change down the road is to become a bit more specialized actually. Your FI? What's he do?

Me TOO!! All this Le Blanc talk has made me put it on the list for my TA to try and figure out pricing for us for our "honeymoon" (right after the wedding, heading to another hotel). So far it's really between Le Blanc and Royal Hideaway Playacar. But I'm no where NEAR ready to make a decision on it. ... not til more of the wedding stuff is done I don't think.
Fi is a trial attorney...he does plaintiff's work...he basically sues medical/pharmaceutical companies! haha That may be a conflict of interest since I work for Johnson and Johnson?!?!? He works his ass off, but he loves it!!!!!

OHHHH I vote for Le Blanc! I will give you a full report when I return!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
You girls have been chatty!

Really?? What do you do? Well we were salary, doing crazy hours and then they realized it was illegal and we went down to 8 hours a day and it turns out this job isnâ€t an 8 hour a day job, itâ€s a MINIMUM of 10, 12 even better. Sad.

SO freakin†excited for you it gives me chills!

You can eat for free at ANY of the Palace resorts with your wristband, cool feature but once you go to Le Blanc, you wonâ€t want to go anywhere else.

Itâ€s VERY anti-spring break… when you walk in it feels like youâ€re in a giant spa. The music is sooo calming and the vibe is super chill.

Lindz, check out the giant iguanas at the giant chess board & giant Jenga, D and I played both and had a blast, especially with the fearless iguanas at our feet!

I would say AS one upâ€s Le Blanc ONLY in the fact of the swim-up suites with large patios. You just canâ€t beat them, they are unbelievable and my favorite feature of the hotel. LeBlanc has a 6inch balcony maybe, itâ€s pretty much nothing. We got the Honeymoon Suite on the 8th floor that came with a 24 hour butler. The suite is nice, smaller than AS standard suite but nicer in the fact that the Jacuzzi is better, there is a fridge with booze and snacks and better tv channels than AS, not like that matters 

Iâ€ve always wanted to see that in action in person, what a rad job!
Seriously, I have only been gone a day and half and have a million posts to go through!! haha You girls are great!

I am getting chills thinking about it too!!! Ahh, we are so excited!!! Thank you for being so excited for us! haha And thanks for the recommendations!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today.

OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
Well, sorry you had to go through that stress. Those days are the WORST! You think you have everything heading in the right direction and you find out one thing that throws it all out of whack. BUT good news is that you got it worked out and have a fabulous new wedding date!!! YAY!!

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-)

How exciting!!!! I got excited for you just reading your sentence!!!! I'm sure you have bubblies all in your belly!!! (In a good way, of course! ;-) )

Thanks for sharing! Those bad boys went FAST!!!

Geez, at the expense of cheering Maggie up, you all are starting to make me feel bad about the Memorial Day weekend. Hurricane talk, cheaper flights, better prices.....Debbie Downer here. LOL
Thank you for being so excited for me!!! :) Yes, I bubblies all in my belly!! Excitement, nervousness (about hurricanes), and lot's of LOVE for Ryan!!! Can't wait to be his wife!!!!!!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think:
Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.
I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that.
PRECIOUS!!! I may even like the 2nd one better!!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do?
Ok, let's talk about FI's "roles" in the planning process. He has been on opposite ends of the spectrum. Either SUPER AMAZING or SUPER TERRIBLE! haha He has helped me with a ton of stuff. For example, when I was doing the invitations, he stayed up for HOURS with me helping me construct the invites, stuff them, and stamp the envelopes. He has also said "do NOT worry about a guest book (I was going to do a polaroid camera and have people take pic of themselves and write a little note on the white part...I will just do this for the Thursday night party on the beach) for the wedding. He says he is working on something super awesome for us. HMMMMM. I am kind of nervous...with my type A personality, I have not delegated ANYTHING! haha And have been such a micromanager through this process, so I hope he comes up with something cute! So, we will see what he comes up with. He is also helping his mom with the rehearsal dinner and planning our entire Vegas trip. He obviously had a big decision in the resort and is doing a lot with the menus for the weekend. He did several other little things here and there. Ok, so now for the bad part...stuff he doesn't care about, he DOES NOT CARE ABOUT! haha Like OOT bags...he thinks they are a waste of money. SO whenever I mention something I bought for them, he argues with me and says it's stupid. SO ANNOYING! So my advice to you...pick your battles and only involve him in things you think he will take interest in. It is SO weird with FI's...They could careless about a lot of the wedding, BUT when they find something they want to do, they will be ALL about it! It's best just to let them have their moment. wink.gif

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Ladies I need some advice!

I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
I didn't even look at photogs in Mexico,because I am flying mine in. BUT i have heard Elizabeth Medina is AH_MAY_ZING!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Does anyone know if I can request this guy?! I've heard nothing but great things about him and STILL haven't heard what's going on with Cecile.
Here is Fabio's email: [email protected]. When I was still looking at AS, he helped me a TON!!! I would just email him or call him and voice your concerns and request him!
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