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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I've decided to go with lime green. I'm excited to have made another "final" decision. :-)
pinkie.gif Yay on making a color decision!!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I am getting married at Le Blanc in 3 weeks!
smile123.gif OMG!! Soooo exciting!

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
I would never call you a dummy! I didn't know any of this stuff before I met FI either. So in the electrician union (I think it may be the same for plumbing union) a person starts out as an "apprentice". They do that for 5 years, and go to school every year (for my FI it was 6 weeks a year). At the end of that time they take a test, and get licensed as a "Journeyman" if they pass. The pay is way higher, which I'm super psyched about! We may be able to afford this wedding after all!
Interesting. You learn something new everyday. I guess I should have looked it up like AmyKH but thanks for teaching me something. And how exciting is a pay raise??!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I actually didnâ€t know you worked overnight! How do you like the totally opposite from the norm schedule?

LOL, I thought the same thing, youâ€re not a dummy! Or we both are wink.gif I just Googled it: A journeyman is a trader or crafter who has completed an apprenticeship. A journeyman was a craftsman who had fully learned his trade and earned money but was not yet a master. To become a master, a journeyman had to submit a master work piece to a guild for judgment. If the work were deemed worthy, the journeyman would be admitted to the guild as a master.
Yeah. I work overnight 7 days and I'm off 7 days so it's not so bad. I like having the set schedule and I get differentials. Otherwise, I would rotate and work 6:30-3, 9-5:30 or 1-9:30 and that's too random for me. Plus I like the fact that I essentially work like 14 or so days a month but get paid full time pay. Sometimes it's hard for me to get back in the swing of sleeping when most people do and that kinda drives FI crazy but it's that or take a pay cut.

Originally Posted by dakotaAZ View Post
Good Morning
I know some of you have mentioned a new coordinator through Karisma, I guess Cecile is gone now also and that is who I was working with....So has anyone worked with Faye yet?
Well! I guess that explains why she hasn't responded to my emails for the past week and a half. I too spoke to her before the 4th and she said nothing about leaving.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
I agree that everything happens for a reason. Glad you got all of that sorted out AND confirmed! Congrats!!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
PS - what the hell? Did they fire everyone or did everyone quit?
I would really like to know who my new WC will be girl_werewolf.gif

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
The good thing about the FMIL is she wants this to be the best it can be and isn't afraid to get pushy about it with the resort or TA. It is kinda nice to have a bully in your corner even if it did drag out a bit. She is happy, I am happy so all is right in the world again!
I need a bully!!!

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
WTH did Cecile gohuh.gif No wonder she did not respond to my email a few days ago. We just spoke with our TA last night and she mentioned nothing about it.

Is Memorial Day Weekend the start of hurricane season?
I'm not sure about Cecile but that's my WC too and she's never taken so long to respond to me before so I'm assuming that's what happened.

June 1st is the beginning of hurricane season but rarely do any form that early.

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.
thewave.gif Have fun!!!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
So I guess my question now is, how and when do we find out who our new WC is? Will they respond to Cecile's email or will they notify our TA who will in turn notify us?
My TA was notified and she notified me. I had Tiffany but now I have Fabio.
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post

The hours are the worst part about the job. Criminals don't commit crimes 8-5pm, so basically we work when they work more often than not. This causes me alot of internal conflict because I would much rather be with my family at night after dinner than putting on my gear to head out the door. There is a saying in Federal law enforcement, "If Uncle Sam wanted you to have a family, he would have issued you one with your gear bag." My second gripe about it is that although it is 2010, women still have to work twice as hard (if not 3x's) to prove themselves in this male dominated field. You need to be able to shoot just as good as them, be willing to go through a door with or before one of them, and basically just overall hold your own. It's sad, but if they smell weakness, they will exploit it. And my last complaint is that it just doesn't jive with my personality some times. I'm pretty bubbly and outgoing and this work place is a very quasi-military profession and there are rules and policies in place to protect you and the citizen's rights. You make one wrong move and you can throw your whole career down the tubes. There's a lot of pressure to be perfect and that is unattainable to me. I basically supress who I really am during work hours to fit the mold of being boring, by the book, and bland. If you ever watch the Cop shows on TV, none of them really have hobbies or personal lives, it's all about the job. That is one thing I can say is modeled accurately about the profession in TV shows.
I feel for you and the male dominated enviroment. I work with over 300 men, to 27 women (13 which have only joined in the last 3 years!).
At least I don't have the military side of it, just the old boys club sad.gif The shift work is always hard, but it just means when you have family time, you really take advantage of it.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Yeah. I work overnight 7 days and I'm off 7 days so it's not so bad. I like having the set schedule and I get differentials. Otherwise, I would rotate and work 6:30-3, 9-5:30 or 1-9:30 and that's too random for me. Plus I like the fact that I essentially work like 14 or so days a month but get paid full time pay. Sometimes it's hard for me to get back in the swing of sleeping when most people do and that kinda drives FI crazy but it's that or take a pay cut.
Midnights are the hardest!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
My TA was notified and she notified me. I had Tiffany but now I have Fabio.
Fabio showed us around the resort for our site inspection. Very knowledgable and friendly! I am sure he will be wonderful :)
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-)

The hours are the worst part about the job. Criminals don't commit crimes 8-5pm, so basically we work when they work more often than not. This causes me alot of internal conflict because I would much rather be with my family at night after dinner than putting on my gear to head out the door. There is a saying in Federal law enforcement, "If Uncle Sam wanted you to have a family, he would have issued you one with your gear bag." My second gripe about it is that although it is 2010, women still have to work twice as hard (if not 3x's) to prove themselves in this male dominated field. You need to be able to shoot just as good as them, be willing to go through a door with or before one of them, and basically just overall hold your own. It's sad, but if they smell weakness, they will exploit it. And my last complaint is that it just doesn't jive with my personality some times. I'm pretty bubbly and outgoing and this work place is a very quasi-military profession and there are rules and policies in place to protect you and the citizen's rights. You make one wrong move and you can throw your whole career down the tubes. There's a lot of pressure to be perfect and that is unattainable to me. I basically supress who I really am during work hours to fit the mold of being boring, by the book, and bland. If you ever watch the Cop shows on TV, none of them really have hobbies or personal lives, it's all about the job. That is one thing I can say is modeled accurately about the profession in TV shows.

Is Memorial Day Weekend the start of hurricane season?
Wow, that's so exciting... retirement at 46 I would have a field day with that one!

I could totally see how that would be, primarily former military, mostly men and having to not "show your weakness" so to speak with being bubbly and trying to get them to view you as one of them instead of being a woman or having to treat you differently etc.
If it's any consolation at all, I absolutely admire and respect you. I have always been fascinated by that field and am addicted to crime/cop shows etc. All D and I have been watching for the last two days are Locked Up, Locked up Abroad and Drugs Inc. haha so fascinating! I love seeing the process and learning the logistics of it all and procedure.
The hours do sound terrible though, once I'm home, I'm home and no work will happen which is the perk of my job, there's no weekend work ever so I'm lucky.

The official Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1st - November 30th

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Regarding the WC's I don't know what is up but I don't think Tiffany left. I say that because the last I heard from her was right before the July 4th weekend and she told me she was off on Friday and would not be responding. I followed up with her all week the next week and nothing. Then I learned I have someone new. If she was leaving on her own and it was planned, wouldn't she say something? That and she was nearly impossible to deal with...very unorganized, never answered all of my questions, so slow to respond...so maybe they are cleaning house a bit? But will 150 brides each, they need some new planners....Amy, I think we found a way for you to work less hours! :)

I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.
HAHA, you think I'd work less? I'd say, more hours, but BETTER hours working doing something I enjoy. I love frantic stressful non-stop work, mediocre, averaged paced work I just can't do.

Have fun! Sounds like a great time! :)

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Yeah. I work overnight 7 days and I'm off 7 days so it's not so bad. I like having the set schedule and I get differentials. Otherwise, I would rotate and work 6:30-3, 9-5:30 or 1-9:30 and that's too random for me. Plus I like the fact that I essentially work like 14 or so days a month but get paid full time pay. Sometimes it's hard for me to get back in the swing of sleeping when most people do and that kinda drives FI crazy but it's that or take a pay cut.
Crazy, yeah I think you have a pretty sweet deal. 7 days off! I'd have to keep the same hours too, that would really mess up my body clock if they kept switching it up on me.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
So I guess my question now is, how and when do we find out who our new WC is? Will they respond to Cecile's email or will they notify our TA who will in turn notify us?
They will let you know via your TA or you can contact Fabio
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Wow girls..I was gone for 1.5 and half and wow was it hard to catch up. Chatty Cathy's as my mom would say.

I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.
HAVE A Fabulous time!!!! I will be in NYC this weekend to visit friends and go to a baptism. While I am up there I have an appt to go to J Crew Weddings to look at a dress that I like from looking on the internet! It will be my first dress shopping outing! EEK!

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
So I guess my question now is, how and when do we find out who our new WC is? Will they respond to Cecile's email or will they notify our TA who will in turn notify us?
My FMIL basically called and demanded to speak to Fabio. He is the ring leader of the WCs (Again great to have a bully in this instance so that i do not look like a crazy BRIDEZILLA - That is how we got Faye. So far so good with her. She emailed this morning saying she would have a written confirmation on our date by tomorrow.

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Ok girls...I have my monograms. Yup two of them. I want to share but not sure how to post attachments. Do you know how?
I am not sure but I would love to see. My monograms should be here next week! Also starting next week I am good to start being added to the offical date list and To Do list. I am this close to finishing the master guest list with addresses and info, wording for invitation getting signed off by parents, next up order invites!
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