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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
ooooooooo so is my FI!!!! What kind of a lawyer are you?
I practice civil litigation. Basically anything that requires going to court other than personal injury and criminal law. I tend to do a lot of family law and a lot of stuff involving real estate (construction/builder's liens, strata & co-op disputes that type of thing). It's a pretty general practice. One of the things I'd like to change down the road is to become a bit more specialized actually. Your FI? What's he do?

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Originally Posted by KittenHeart
Yes I went to Le Blanc on Katherine's recommendation!! I forgot to thank you for that, I am so in love with that place I can't wait to go back!
Maybe we can take a joint anniversary/birthday trip next year!!! July 2011!!!

You two totally made me email my TA and request info on that resort as maybe our 2nd week switch...as of right now we have decided to stay in one place...
Me TOO!! All this Le Blanc talk has made me put it on the list for my TA to try and figure out pricing for us for our "honeymoon" (right after the wedding, heading to another hotel). So far it's really between Le Blanc and Royal Hideaway Playacar. But I'm no where NEAR ready to make a decision on it. ... not til more of the wedding stuff is done I don't think.
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
UM YES! Fun!!!

smile120.gif Sorry to be blunt but you're wrong! Especially in February when you're going, it will be pretty dead out there. D and I went March 2008 and stayed in Cancun @ The Royal and we were worried as well, that freakin' hotel was EMPTY and there weren't really that many people out in the city either. Spring break is end of March/April I believe.

I think I just think that way of Cancun in general....What was the main difference between the 2 resorts?
btw..just friend requested you on facebook...I swear I'm not a stalker..just figured you would have more wedding pics on there :)
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Originally Posted by murmel View Post
You could easily do a deep blue or maybe a bright sunshine yellow.

I am still trying to figure out colors myself....
Thanks for the suggestion, murmel....I've decided to go with lime green. I'm excited to have made another "final" decision. :-)

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Off the top of my head what about something in the Blue catagory. Maybe light blue? or Green blue. Not sure!
Maggie, thanks for your suggestion....lime green it is my friend!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Well if you want it understated you could do the burnt orange and ivory or a light green if you don't want it girl? Take your STD to a store with different papers or envelopes and hold it next to it and see what you like.
Thanks Amy....lime green it is.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I'm going to try to post a link to the pictures from my bridal shower. I had a ball. The Sex and the City theme turned out great!!!!!!

Danielles Sex and the City Shower pictures by daniepps1128 - Photobucket
Everyone looks like they truly enjoyed themselves and the details were beyond thorough! Cool beans!

Originally Posted by LMMDC View Post
Congrats on selecting the big day! FI and I also recently booked for July 23, 2011!!cheer2.gif
Congrats to you both!

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Bigbop, I think we're in similar stages of planning... I sent out my STDs, too!

I'm going to try and post a pic of our STDs below! The color is not exact because of the bad lighting, but you get the idea.
Click the image to open in full size.

This may look better:
Click the image to open in full size.
Very cute!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
So sorry to hear about all the drama. My heart goes out for you.

As for colours, I agree with most of the blue/green suggestions. Light green or bright blue could look great with a burnt orange.
Thanks Beaz, this too shall pass. I'm going to take your suggestion and go with a light/lime green. I looked at those two together on theknot and they caught my eye the most, although I did love the aquamarine color too. So MANY decisions! Green it is though!

Originally Posted by hritlinger View Post
Azul Sensatori Bride March 11,2011!! Looking forward to getting all of the details planned and finished.
Congrats and welcome to you!!!!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Wasn't your Mom being very supportive before? That sucks that you have to deal with this amidst planning what should be your most fun party ever! I hope that things get straightened out - good for you for taking time to your self and reflecting.
Thanks Amy! She was and then she fell off. I honestly think she doesn't want to contribute to our wedding and rather than just communicate that, she has become dramatic and irrational. My parents are divorced and since I am a grown woman with a career, I didn't expect them to contribute to the costs of our wedding. My Dad volunteered to assist us with a small percentage and FI's Dad sent us a check for the rehearsal dinner. Once we talked openly in front of her about finances and their contributions, she became indifferent about the wedding. She has not returned my calls, emails, or texts in 3 weeks, so needless to say, I don't even know what the "real" reason is. It hurts not to have talked to her in 3 weeks and I don't even know what I did or said wrong, but it is what it is. I wish there was more to story and then I could justify her being mad about something, but even as I type this out it all sounds sooooo silly to me. I've prayed about it and I'm releasing it. :-) Thanks for your kind words though.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I know you B2B's don't want to stray from wedding talk but if you don't mind indulging me, what do you all do for work?
I'm a Federal Agent, but normally just refer to myself as a Cop because it just sounds so condescending and formal, which is not me at all. I don't like it, but I started young and have 14 years left until retirement, so I just focus on the sliver lining. I also feel bad complaining about a job in this economy when so many are without.

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Hang in there girl! Your mom will realize the day is about your dream wedding not hers. I hope she will come around soon for your sake.
Thanks gingerlover. I hope she does too, because I only plan to do this once!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Hey Ladies! I've been away for a few days and as usual, you Ladies are moving full steam ahead. I needed to get away and not do any wedding planning because I was beginning to get stressed out with the family drama around me. I cannot believe I am posting this on a public forum, but I am having issues with my Mother and she has been making this wedding planning a nightmare as opposed to something fun. I'm her firstborn and only daughter and I guess my expectations of her involvement were/are a little higher than her perception. Anyway, I'm channeling and processing it all and working on beginning to accept that although she has the funds, she just might not be at or involved in my wedding. It hurts, but it is what it is. I just never invisioned my wedding day without my Mom being front row and center stage. Lots of lessons to be learned in life.

Moving past the drama and resisting the urge to emotionally dump here....and back on to weddings!!! We got our STD's back and out in the mail. I will be honest and say that I was on the fence about them and almost hesitated to send them out. We found an awesome seller on Etsy and while I loved all of her other work and samples, I don't think my idea translated over well via email. I wanted something very natural and organic. I love raffia and we are using Burnt Orange as our main color with sand brown and white as accents. After seeing our STD's, I am starting to think we might need another bright accent color. I am a tomboy and not a big fan of pink, so that color is out, although I have seen other weddings and I think those two colors are beautiful together. Any suggestions of an accent color to go with burnt orange that don't give off a "fall wedding" feel are greatly appreciated. Because I know how much we all love photos, my STD's that I sent out are below. We placed thins self-adhesive magnets on the rear so that people could place them on their fridge if they chose to.

Click the image to open in full size.

Any ideas for a pretty accent colorhuh.gif??
I'm sorry you're going through extra unecessary stress with your mom. I know it's easier said than done, but remember the focus if it all....you and your FH!! You still have time and maybe your mom will come around. Have you tried to have a heart to heart with her? Maybe if you bear all of your feelings she'll get the hint and step up a little more.

Your STDs are really cute!! I like them. I would also agree with Lindz and incorporate lime green and/or a turquoise or aqua maybe.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I'm going to try to post a link to the pictures from my bridal shower. I had a ball. The Sex and the City theme turned out great!!!!!!
Loved the theme and I feel like whoever put it all together really paid attention to detail. Very creative.

Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
Still trying to decide on the reception site, although we are having the ceremony on the sky deck on May 6, 2011 at 6 pm. It says something about a lounge area with modular seating, does anyone know if we can have the reception there?
I requested the same thing but was told that the sky deck was for wedding ceremonies only. I would still ask if I were you, maybe they'll tell you something different.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I keep going back and forth on bridal party...because I originally asked 3 girls when we were planning an at home wedding...now that it is destination..I am sure of only 1 of the girls...is it ok to pin down the other 2 and see if they are for sure this far out?
I would say ask now and put cost on the table up front. So, there's something you can start working on....their dresses and shoes! If they say they can't handle the cost, at least you know you extended the invite to them and they don't feel left out. They may surprise you and be all in.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thanks Meredith! Chris is wonderful, my husband has made me promise no more photos until I'm pregnant though... I'm sure I can figure out something in between wink.gif
With all your creativity? I'm sure you can!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I know you B2B's don't want to stray from wedding talk but if you don't mind indulging me, what do you all do for work?
I'm a pharmacist at a hospital out here and I think you all know I work overnight.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Most of my family is out of town (at least all the cousins) and I can't see any of them actually GOING to the wedding if invited...but I don't want to chance it...I literally just sent out an email a few days ago to get addresses and then FI tells me today that we should cut back...which I totally agree with...but I wish he would have said this last week :)

Is an email saying you're uninvited rude or do I just let it play out and deal with it when I have to? FI wants to post something on our website saying we have decided to go with just immediate family and bridal party..is that ok or super tacky? I think it's a combination of both :)
I would say deal with it when it comes along. I was paranoid that people's feelings were hurt if they weren't invited, but most understood. Also, know that everyone won't come. We sent out 100 STDs (about 200 people) and less than 50 have booked. On the flip side, don't invite people you don't want to be in close quarters with or people you don't think will mesh well with others. Since it's gonna be a small wedding you WILL have to deal with everyone there on a more than usual level compared to a large wedding.

I completely agree with AmyB about having people "on your side." That way some of the battles can be fought for you by others AND a lot of the chattering will only occur in the background. You may never hear all of people's concerns and that would be great if that remained the case. Let someone else deal with all of that.

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach!
thewave.gif I'm glad it all worked out for you!!

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
My fiance is a commercial electrician...he just got turned out as a journeyman last week, and I am so proud of him!!
Call me a dummy, but what's a journeyman?
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Just got an email from my TA and she said they have added a few things to the wedding packages..haven't looked at it all yet...but this was the info she sent me....

Azul has updated all their wedding packages. And, they are offering even more than before for the same price. I will send you the new wedding packages for you to look at.

Here are some of the additions to the Silver package they offer for $2,500:

Changes include:

Ø Added wedding guests concierge

Ø Added an in room mannequin with cover to display wedding dress available for up to 3 days prior to wedding date

Ø Added bride's personal in room wedding attendant on wedding day - available for a total of three hours prior to the start of the ceremony. Role of personal attendant is to act as the go to person for any of the brides needs to keep her calm as well as assist her in getting dressed.

Ø Added groom's room on wedding day (10am-4pm) - a separate room so bride and groom can get ready in different areas. Room is stocked with a selection of beverages and gourmet bites.

Ø Added witnesses if needed

Ø Changed from maximum of 12 to unlimited uncovered ceremony chairs

Ø Added a post wedding day brunch reservation for wedding group

Ø Added a late check out for bride and groom
Send to me please! [email protected]
~thanks, becki
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Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach!

My fiance spoke at length for 3 days with Fabio who is FABOLOUS. Totally honest...no BS and got the info we needed. We know that there is a chance there may be some construction going on but no bulldozers etc. We hope its all finished but there is a chance it won't be. He said ti will be the interior of the rooms. We are just keeping our fingers crossed for the best. We are also going to most likely plan ANOTHER trip there before the wedding to check out the progress.

So as of today 39 rooms booked and TA is working on getting 2 more if possible. Hooray...now I'm off to party plan - my sister is due in 7 weeks and I am planning her shower with my mom (poor mom has lots of showers/parties to plan this year)
YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! smile123.gif

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Awesome jobs ladies! Glad you love your jobs, that's always nice :)
HATE HATE HATE my job! I'm desperately trying to find something else.

I'm glad to hear you're getting overtime and being compensated for those crazy hours you're working!! I'm technically salary but get an hourly wage and my boss refuses to pay overtime. So, I refuse to work overtime :)
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I am soooo sorry to hear about your mom, but I love your attitude! Ok, i regards to the STD's. I know you said you are not a girly girl, BUT a dark fuchsia would look gorgeous with burnt orange. Just hints of it. Look at Kittenheart's accent color in her flowers. That would be gorgeous. Also, as crazy as it sounds, I think lime green would be a fun "pop." And lastly, and maybe my favorite...turquoise (like a deep turquoise)!!! That would look amazing!!! Any jewel tone will look pretty with burnt orange.
Thanks Lindz! I've got no choice but to put on my big girl panties and suck it up. But as for your color suggestions, I love the concept of intergrating lime green, so I'm going for it! I'll give it a try and let you all know how it come out!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I'm sorry you're going through extra unecessary stress with your mom. I know it's easier said than done, but remember the focus if it all....you and your FH!! You still have time and maybe your mom will come around. Have you tried to have a heart to heart with her? Maybe if you bear all of your feelings she'll get the hint and step up a little more.

Your STDs are really cute!! I like them. I would also agree with Lindz and incorporate lime green and/or a turquoise or aqua maybe.
Thanks for your understanding, Meredith. I appreciate your advice. I've tried the heart to heart and she has not responded. You'd think I cursed at her or disrespected her. But I digress, I can't internalize her issues. I'm going with your advice to focus on the FI and myself and let the other chips fall where they may!

Thank you!!!! I was kinda sad because the sample email she sent us versus the real deal were a tad different. They contained less raffia and looked more homemade in my opinion, which I did not like. It's just a STD, so I won't get caught on the small stuff. I'm also taking your advice, and a few other ladies, on the colors and will go with lime green! I like those together, especially since I'm also a huge fan of the banana leaf look on the table, which is what I would like to also use.

Oh and I forgot to tell GingerLover.....Congrats on getting AB nailed down and solidified. I know you must be relieved and I'm happy for you! pinkie.gif
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm a Federal Agent, but normally just refer to myself as a Cop because it just sounds so condescending and formal, which is not me at all. I don't like it, but I started young and have 14 years left until retirement, so I just focus on the sliver lining. I also feel bad complaining about a job in this economy when so many are without.
Same here......started very young and since my job is covered under law enforcement retirement too I only have 15 years until I can retire and I'll only be 48!!! I guess I'll start my second career then. Sad that I'm already thinking about retirement but hey you gotta have something to look forward too!
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