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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
The trip advisor reviews are freaking me out. Some are so bad of sensatori. I keep second guessing myself. I seems their reviews are really good or really bad. I guess you can't pay attention to that.

Anyways getting pics taken Saturday and deciding what to wear. Found a wedding dress I love. ? found BM dresses. Its a start!
I know I've been away for awhile and all the other ladies have said this to you, but DO NOT under any circumstances read Trip Advisor. Their comments are so biased and not helpful. Not only did I make the mistake of reading them, but I copied and pasted it into an email and sent it to my BM's to look at JUST their photos because they do have a plethora of photos on there that the Karisma site lacks. While they loved looking at the photos, a few of them began to read the reviews and I had to calm them down and force them to read some of the other resort reviews on different resorts so that they could see how jaded the reviewers are. I won't beat a dead horse, but this is one case where Trip Advisor has been more harmful than good. :-)

Oh and CONGRATS on finding your wedding dress!!! What a relief! :-) Now the real fun begins for you!

Originally Posted by dakotaAZ View Post
Hello, I have not posted too much on here but have been reading through everything and havefound it to be really helpful, so thanks for all the great information!!
We have secured our wedding date at Azul in April but I am wondering how soon did everyone start deciding things like the reception space, food,flower, ect.? April feels pretty far off but I don't want to be behind the curve either.

Congrats Dakota on scoring your date! That is a sigh reliever and I'm sure all the other ladies will say that things started coming together once their dates were solidified!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Sorry to jump in with nothing helpful to say!

My photographer made this video with stills, video he took and music for my Vegas reception, made me crack up!

Hope you like :)

Amy+ Daylen+Vegas - Chris Schmitt Photography - Chris Schmitt
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video! You two make an adorable couple and are meant for one another!!! Your friends appear no less than a circle of love and watching your video gave me the warm and fuzzies!!!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
your siggy pix keep getting cuter and cuter Amy.

And girls, I PROMISE - my planning thread will be done this weekend. Its going to be stupidly long.

In the meantime, check out my adorable Maryland themed AHR favors! LOVE Them!!!!!

Click the image to open in full size.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this unique favor! I love how you incorporated the unique sweets as well!!!! FI and I love Old Bay and had some fresh broiled crab in San Francisco this weekend and used Old Bay on the pier like it was salt and pepper! ;-)

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Just sent it over :)
Hey Marmar, would you mind emailing me the new updates as well, pleasehuh.gif My email addy is [email protected] . Thank you kindly! :-)

Originally Posted by Ms.H View Post
Hey Ladies,

I'm just wondering if any of you are using the website provided to you by the resort, and if so, when did you get it and what kind of url is it? If anyone is willing to show me thiers I would totally appreciate it. I know there is a thread dedicated to websites, but Im looking for ones specifically for azul sensatori!

Thanks ladies!
We are not, we didn't build our own either. We are using the free DW.com site and uploaded all of our info there. It is not the best looking, but it allows our guest to price out their stay by using the drop down tab as opposed to us feeding them too much information overload via two sites.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
Hi Ladies!!!
I am finally back :) This has been the longest time I've been away from the forum. So much to catch up. I've been having some bad times in Houston so my life is a complete mess... like yesterday my car was towed in my own apartment parking garage. We have a place to unload and load stuff and less than an hour period a tow truck took my car! the apartment started to let them come in and out as they please and without a second thought they will tow your car. I was furious!!! I came out to my car to go out to the gym and I couldn't find my car. I thought it was stolen!
I am so glad that I am back on this forum and start more focusing on the wedding stuff. I have so much to share and so much to talk about... I am about to start :)
Welcome back Chong!!!
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
My Save the Dates came yesterday...does anyone think it is too soon to send them out? My mom thinks it is too early..but I think the earlier the better...it gives people longer to save and plan, right?
I don't think so at all. I am sending out my invites in August to give my guests plenty of time on the $$ front. Then instead of the STD I am going to do a reminder card with the Christmas Cards and in the spring!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
And another questionhuh.gif How long are/did you stay in Mexico for your wedding? We are planning 14 days...7 for wedding and family and friends...7 just for us....did all of you stay in just 1 resort? Or did you go to a different place? We are thinking of maybe going to Cozumel for the second week...but still totally up in the air....
We are going early before everyone (Monday or Tues) and getting married on Maybe Sunday now although I really want Monday then due to my FI's work we have to be back by June 2nd so no honeymoon for us right away. We are going to take a "honeymoon" after the holidays in 2011. My FI works in college athletics so after June 2nd it is all football for work all the time! Welcome to Texas! HA
I have most guests coming in Friday

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
That's so funny! Go Maryland!

OK, so I finished my planning thread. It doesn't really flow but whatever, I could only look at it for so long - plus I wanted to get it done before I got my pro pics - b/c then I have to write the wedding review. Phew so much to do :)

So, here it is:


Have a great day!
Great JOB!!!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
By the way ladies - I found my dress!! Got it on the first day shopping! I'm sooo excited. It's not ANYTHING like I had envisioned I would want however, so now I'm starting to rethink the whole image of the day/BM dresses etc.

I'm over the moon in love with it tho.
CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome!!!!

Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski View Post
Hey everyone! I'm booked May 12, 2011. This place looks amazing - if anyone has any info or ideas that would be amazing!
Welcome! These girls are the best !
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
I read few page discussion on the BD book. I don't know about me. I am in Houston so sounds like I have a lot of options... You guys almost convinced me to do it. smile36.gif

Lindz - I PM'ed you for the link!!! I am so excited to see it bunny_4.gif

Meghan... You look gorgeous!!! I am sooo happy that you had a sunny weather on your wedding day. I was definitely doing the no more rain dance for you. I love the short video you have posted on the Facebook. I cannot wait till to see more pictures. Congrats! thewave.gif

That is so awesome that your TA arranged a cocktail party for you guys. What a great surprise! I am jealous :)

I also have Erick Rodriguez. I was wondering what you thought about him. I am very excited to work with him. How many hours did you have him? I would like to talk to you more about Erick. Did you do a TTD session?

I am working on my OOT bag - so far I have beach towel (with embroidery) & hand sanitizer. Oh boy... I have a lot to do.

For wedding favor - I bought maracas. I am planning to put a tag on saying "Instead of tapping on your glass, here is a system with Mexican Class. Stand and shake with all your might to see the groom kiss his bride tonight." Something I saw other brides did for their wedding and I thought it would be fun :)

Hey Chong,
We absolutely LOVED Erik. My fiance and his bm are really into photography and they were super impressed with him. He made us feel really relaxed, and definitely knew what he was doing. We saw some pictures on his camera and were amazed with them. I don't have a single negative thing to say about him. We had him for only 3.5 hours, and I think 4.5 probably would have been perfect. I think I would have gotten him an hour before the ceremony...i only had him 20 minutes before. We did not do a TTD...to expensive for us.
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Here is the link for the Houston Thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-brides-57310/

I would say the only reason worth going is to register for prizes. One of them was a 4day 3 night trip to Azul Sensatori Which i would love to win for a scouting trip..LOL. Everyone I know who has gone has won something. With that said. My jeweler was there so I got to show my FMIL the wedding band I want and I got some great coupons for the dress shops in Houston. I didn't pay for the tickets because I got them thru work. So It was worth it!
Hey Maggie! Do you know if that wedding bonanza has a website so that I can see if they are coming to a city near me? I would love to attend one and of course enter for some freebies. :-) If not, no worries, I just haven't seen any wedding expos in or near my city.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
And the deposit has been paid for the hotel...we have a wedding date and a hotel confirmation :) I am as planned as I can be right now. I decided to stay with destinationweddings.com TA...she has been so helpful and has gotten us so much information...I couldn't justify switching to save $10 a person with all the work she has done. And I assume that if I do hear of someone getting a better rate, then my rate can be matched :)
Congrats MarMar on getting your date confirmed!!!!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
By the way ladies - I found my dress!! Got it on the first day shopping! I'm sooo excited. It's not ANYTHING like I had envisioned I would want however, so now I'm starting to rethink the whole image of the day/BM dresses etc.

I'm over the moon in love with it tho.
Congrats on finding your dress!!!!
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
That's so funny! Go Maryland!

OK, so I finished my planning thread. It doesn't really flow but whatever, I could only look at it for so long - plus I wanted to get it done before I got my pro pics - b/c then I have to write the wedding review. Phew so much to do :)

So, here it is:


Have a great day!
Amy, everything looked great and your wedding was beautiful! I also loved to see the items you made yourself. It gave me motivation to get my butt in gear and create an inspiration board so that all these muddled thoughts in my head would come together. Thanks soooooo much for sharing and not forgetting about us B2B's! :-)
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Question for all you AS brides who did a beach ceremony. What is the wooden aisle runner (that is provided with the pearl package) like? Is it easy to walk on/narrow wooden slats?


I'm just thinking about the type of shoe I'll get. I don't want to wear full on stiletto heels, but am planning to get an ever-so-slight kitten heel or wedge. Tho' I'm generally quite comfortable in heels I am one of those people who always manages to get my heel caught in boardwalks etc. and am curious if I should avoid the small kitten heel altogether. (Already having visions of tripping down the aisle - not a comforting mental image).

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Hey Ladies! I've been away for a few days and as usual, you Ladies are moving full steam ahead. I needed to get away and not do any wedding planning because I was beginning to get stressed out with the family drama around me. I cannot believe I am posting this on a public forum, but I am having issues with my Mother and she has been making this wedding planning a nightmare as opposed to something fun. I'm her firstborn and only daughter and I guess my expectations of her involvement were/are a little higher than her perception. Anyway, I'm channeling and processing it all and working on beginning to accept that although she has the funds, she just might not be at or involved in my wedding. It hurts, but it is what it is. I just never invisioned my wedding day without my Mom being front row and center stage. Lots of lessons to be learned in life.


Moving past the drama and resisting the urge to emotionally dump here....and back on to weddings!!! We got our STD's back and out in the mail. I will be honest and say that I was on the fence about them and almost hesitated to send them out. We found an awesome seller on Etsy and while I loved all of her other work and samples, I don't think my idea translated over well via email. I wanted something very natural and organic. I love raffia and we are using Burnt Orange as our main color with sand brown and white as accents. After seeing our STD's, I am starting to think we might need another bright accent color. I am a tomboy and not a big fan of pink, so that color is out, although I have seen other weddings and I think those two colors are beautiful together. Any suggestions of an accent color to go with burnt orange that don't give off a "fall wedding" feel are greatly appreciated. Because I know how much we all love photos, my STD's that I sent out are below. We placed thins self-adhesive magnets on the rear so that people could place them on their fridge if they chose to.


Click the image to open in full size.


Any ideas for a pretty accent colorhuh.gif??

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Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
By the way ladies - I found my dress!! Got it on the first day shopping! I'm sooo excited. It's not ANYTHING like I had envisioned I would want however, so now I'm starting to rethink the whole image of the day/BM dresses etc.

I'm over the moon in love with it tho.

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Anyways, you ladies will have to wait with the rest of them to see it - I will of course post pics after the day.
Phooey! :)

Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski View Post
Hey everyone! I'm booked May 12, 2011. This place looks amazing - if anyone has any info or ideas that would be amazing!
welcome4.gif Lots of great stuff here. Definitely go back and read, there's so much great info!
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