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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Awww Celina. I am so sorry to hear this. I think you made the right decision though. You will find your perfect resort, I know it! Its not cool that AB is acting like that. Even when I was there they were working on this mansion next door (I know its owned by the same guy who owns AB, but not sure if they were expanding AB or whatever) - but anyways, ppl who got massages in the palapas could hear the hammering the entire massage. lame!

I hope you have a good TA working with you. Good luck & keep us posted!

I forget Gingerlovers name.... but you guys I am gutted for you!!!doh.gif
Thank you Amy!! I'm super bummed too. BUT the important thing is that I'm finding out early enough that we can make the changes we need to without completely screwing up the wedding. And I still get to marry the man of my dreams on the beautiful beaches of Mexico, so I'm beyond ecstatic about that! I was head over heels in love with Azul Beach, and yours and Wendy's weddings were SO beautiful and amazing there, but things happen for a reason :)

So our back-up plan is probably going to be Barcelo Maya Palace. It's a HUGE resort...the complete opposite of AB...but my TA has a lot of good things to say about it and I love that there are different options for the more budget-conscious guests. We'll just see where the road takes us!

I hope you gorgeous ladies have a great holiday weekend...don't set anything on fire with all the explosives around...I'm gonna keep my hose handy just in case!
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

OMG! I think I'm officially the only one that hasn't done this. I won't even wear a bathing suit without a cover-up! Guess that solidifies the fact that I need to be in the gym this weekend. I envy you ladies that have the balls to do this. Maybe one day?
Meredith I totally felt the same way as you. I have SO many parts of my body that I absolutely hate, but I look at it this way: for some crazy weekend, my FI thinks I'm beautiful. I feel like it would knock his socks off to do this for him...he would TOTALLY not expect it, because I'm a total prude, and I want to surprise him. I'm going to do my BD shoot in October/November, which gives me a few months to whip my butt into shape and firm up some of my jigglies!
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
:smile29.gif I'm excited for you! Especially since you joined like 3 months after me and have beaten me to it....guess I need to start posting more! I flipped when I got rid of noob status. Also, happy that your 1st guests booked. I felt the same way. It was kind of a relief that it was confirmed that FI and I were not gonna be the only ones there. Lol. Have a great weekend!!

OMG! I think I'm officially the only one that hasn't done this. I won't even wear a bathing suit without a cover-up! Guess that solidifies the fact that I need to be in the gym this weekend. I envy you ladies that have the balls to do this. Maybe one day?
I bounced around to alot of threads that interested me, but the one I have spent the most time in lately is the OOT thread section. I am looking for ideas and since I am beyond cheap/frugal, I wanted to see what type of deals the other ladies were getting. I also figured if we started buying OOT stuff now, we could save alot of cash. So anywho, that's where a huge chunk of my posts lie, with the exception of this thread! ;-)

If I can do it, you can do it! I know it is totally a personal choice, but I am sooooooo out of shape and still carrying baby weight from giving birth years ago! I started losing weight shortly after I had her and then the death of her father just took me over the edge. Because I was busy tending to her needs, I ate everything in site to cope. I just came to terms last year with the fact that I'm an emotional eater. But I'm working on getting back down to my pre-birth baby weight. And it's been way too long and I have no more excuses!!! Probably TMI, but I tell you all that to say if I could show a little skin, I'm sure you'd be alright! ;-) I didn't go totally nude because I was too embarrased of certain "problem areas." But I said if I lost all the pounds I wanted to, I'd do it again later and get a little more adventurous!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I get excitied about allthat as well. It's the little things in life :)

I want to see! I will PM you

Ok Ladies I think you have sold me on this idea! Going to research in Houston:)
I sent it to you! It was a great experience, but I needed the help of patron and a glass or two of wine to calm me down! ;-)

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Thank you Amy!! I'm super bummed too. BUT the important thing is that I'm finding out early enough that we can make the changes we need to without completely screwing up the wedding. And I still get to marry the man of my dreams on the beautiful beaches of Mexico, so I'm beyond ecstatic about that! I was head over heels in love with Azul Beach, and yours and Wendy's weddings were SO beautiful and amazing there, but things happen for a reason :)

So our back-up plan is probably going to be Barcelo Maya Palace. It's a HUGE resort...the complete opposite of AB...but my TA has a lot of good things to say about it and I love that there are different options for the more budget-conscious guests. We'll just see where the road takes us!

I hope you gorgeous ladies have a great holiday weekend...don't set anything on fire with all the explosives around...I'm gonna keep my hose handy just in case!
I don't know anything about that new resort you mentioned, but I do have my fingers crossed for you that your transition from AB works out better than you planned! Have a great 4th as well!!!!

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Meredith I totally felt the same way as you. I have SO many parts of my body that I absolutely hate, but I look at it this way: for some crazy weekend, my FI thinks I'm beautiful. I feel like it would knock his socks off to do this for him...he would TOTALLY not expect it, because I'm a total prude, and I want to surprise him. I'm going to do my BD shoot in October/November, which gives me a few months to whip my butt into shape and firm up some of my jigglies!
I too have alot of problem body areas. Drives me nuts! But at the end of the day, I tell myself that those are the things that make me, me. And if I don't change them, it will never happen. And like you said, if your FI thinks you're beautiful.....well then that's all that matters! My FI will not expect it either and will be totally shocked!!! We did them when he was out of town for work, so he will be completely caught off guard.
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Maggie & Celina - You girls should do a BD shoot, it was the most empowering feeling ever to take those photos for my husband and blow his mind. It felt amazing and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!


My photographer told me this, all you need is good hair & makeup (pro), music and booze. He was right, I brought my BFF with me too and we drank and had a BLAST. It was so much fun. :)

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Thank you Amy!! I'm super bummed too. BUT the important thing is that I'm finding out early enough that we can make the changes we need to without completely screwing up the wedding. And I still get to marry the man of my dreams on the beautiful beaches of Mexico, so I'm beyond ecstatic about that! I was head over heels in love with Azul Beach, and yours and Wendy's weddings were SO beautiful and amazing there, but things happen for a reason :)

So our back-up plan is probably going to be Barcelo Maya Palace. It's a HUGE resort...the complete opposite of AB...but my TA has a lot of good things to say about it and I love that there are different options for the more budget-conscious guests. We'll just see where the road takes us!

I hope you gorgeous ladies have a great holiday weekend...don't set anything on fire with all the explosives around...I'm gonna keep my hose handy just in case!
That really stinks! I am not sure what you are looking for but when I was frustrated with my WC I thought about switching. I really liked the Real Resort in Playa. It had everything I needed (non beach ceremony, allowed kids, babysitters, etc) and was cheaper than AS. I hope that helps some.

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Meredith I totally felt the same way as you. I have SO many parts of my body that I absolutely hate, but I look at it this way: for some crazy weekend, my FI thinks I'm beautiful. I feel like it would knock his socks off to do this for him...he would TOTALLY not expect it, because I'm a total prude, and I want to surprise him. I'm going to do my BD shoot in October/November, which gives me a few months to whip my butt into shape and firm up some of my jigglies!
I think I am going to do this. I have been back and forth on it for some time now. My FI is doing an amazing bachelors weekend at our friend's house in Monetecito/Santa Barbara. (I am so jealous...wine tasting, kayking...they are even chartering a plane to go to the Channel Islands...me and my friends are far too broke to do anything but oh well glad he gets to have a nice weekend off.) I figured that would be a great time to do this because I could be gone all day and he wouldnt know what was up. But the it's only 1/2 half out. I need to get my butt in gear and tone up, tone up, tone up!!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Maggie & Celina - You girls should do a BD shoot, it was the most empowering feeling ever to take those photos for my husband and blow his mind. It felt amazing and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

My photographer told me this, all you need is good hair & makeup (pro), music and booze. He was right, I brought my BFF with me too and we drank and had a BLAST. It was so much fun. :)
I swear I am going to reach out to Chris! I have a lovely photog for my wedding who is a friend so she's charging me next to nothing. (Flight, hotel and $600 to shoot the wedding and other events that weekend.) I guess I could ask her but Chris' photos are amazing. BTW I saw your naked silhouette on his page :) Damn hot lady!!! Where did you guys shoot the session?
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
I swear I am going to reach out to Chris! I have a lovely photog for my wedding who is a friend so she's charging me next to nothing. (Flight, hotel and $600 to shoot the wedding and other events that weekend.) I guess I could ask her but Chris' photos are amazing. BTW I saw your naked silhouette on his page :) Damn hot lady!!! Where did you guys shoot the session?
Wow, that is a steal!

Chris helped me put together a GORGEOUS book for DH as well, I love working with him.

We shot his session at his house believe it or not in his room. It was actually really comfortable, his wife was downstairs and she's the coolest chick ever. Those two are so cool and accommodating, I can't recommend him highly enough.
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post

I think I am going to do this. I have been back and forth on it for some time now. My FI is doing an amazing bachelors weekend at our friend's house in Monetecito/Santa Barbara. (I am so jealous...wine tasting, kayking...they are even chartering a plane to go to the Channel Islands...me and my friends are far too broke to do anything but oh well glad he gets to have a nice weekend off.) I figured that would be a great time to do this because I could be gone all day and he wouldnt know what was up. But the it's only 1/2 half out. I need to get my butt in gear and tone up, tone up, tone up!!!
You really should go for it! Don't worry too much about the things you don't like...concentrate on what you do like. I love my back and the photog that I used for my boudoir shots, used this as a starting point. Go with what you're comfortable with, and then feel it out. Remember your FI loves you for you! And will be thrilled to recieve such a wonderful exciting and thoughtful gift like this. I bought a cheap set of satin sheets to drape across me to hide certain areas, and it turned out looking sexy and intriguing. Take a few different pieces of sexy lingerie, and one of your FI shirts to wear! I wore one of my FI dress shirts and it turned out to one of his favorite shots.

Good luck and have fun with it!
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Hey everyone, we are back and soooo happy!! Thank you all for the good wishes...we had AMAZING weather! We flew into a storm and every day just got better and better. Our wedding day was actually the only day that we had not one drop of rain. We didn't think we could get married on the beach the day before our wedding, because it was sooooo windy, but the night before the wedding coordinator told us it would be great, and it was. It was the most beautiful day ever and I want to do it all again!

I"m so tired right now, so I'm going to be short, but all I can say is it is a FANTASTIC place to get married. No one has any reason to worry at all. I will post pictures as soon as I get some from friends. If anyone wants to add me on facebook to see pics, please do (meghan yao!)



Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Does anyone know what DJ they use at the resort? I've seen a lot of good reviews on DJ Doremixx but I think he'll wind up being about the same price as the one they offer once you pay the outside vendor fee. I know we've probably discussed it before but I just decided to try to get one so I didn't pay attention before.smile35.gif We were going to use our iPods but that's making me nervous now for some reason.
we used an ipod and it was amazing. I would not spend the money on a DJ. The wedding coordinator acted as an MC, but my brother did as well and he was amazing. We also did not have to operate the ipod. The sound system guy did. Sound system was fantastic! I was quite impressed actually, and I good music was really important to me. Everyone danced and rocked out right till we were cut off at 11.


Originally Posted by katken View Post
I think it is called Zavaz Plaza. The other thatched roof area was not available for my reception. I don't know if the rules have changed or not for that. When I was there they had lounge type furniture there and they would not remove it to set up a reception.


The blue glasses were just there. I wasn't super picky about the table set up so I didn't specify that at all. In fact, if I remember correctly I think those are the standard water glasses at the tables in the restaurants too.

It is Zavaz Plaza. That is where we had our reception, and we had the blue glasses as well. We asked to have that other thatched roof area, but they do not allow people to use it for private events anymore.



Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post
Oh, a few more questions! I'm full of 'em. :o)



The banquet kit listing I have doesn't say the cost for additional chairs for the ceremony. Does anyone know the cost?


Also, does anyone know the cost for the sound system alone? Lighting costs?


Thanks ladies!


Oh, and my name is Tisha ~ Looking into AS for a late April/early May '11 wedding!!


looking forward to getting to know all of you!

I think it is $9 per covered chair, and $4 dollars for each bow. Not sure what the cost is for uncovered chairs...maybe $4?


we didn't have additional lighting, and didn't need it. The sound system is $250, but we rented it for an extra hour and a half to take us to 11 pm for another $75. $325 in total....super good sound!

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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Hey everyone, we are back and soooo happy!! Thank you all for the good wishes...we had AMAZING weather! We flew into a storm and every day just got better and better. Our wedding day was actually the only day that we had not one drop of rain. We didn't think we could get married on the beach the day before our wedding, because it was sooooo windy, but the night before the wedding coordinator told us it would be great, and it was. It was the most beautiful day ever and I want to do it all again!
I"m so tired right now, so I'm going to be short, but all I can say is it is a FANTASTIC place to get married. No one has any reason to worry at all. I will post pictures as soon as I get some from friends. If anyone wants to add me on facebook to see pics, please do (meghan yao!)
WELCOME BACK!!!! I am so happy it went well!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!!
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