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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
I always felt out of place on the forum because I thought I was the ONLY person not doing a huge wedding, but honestly if it doesn't work for you, don't be intimidated. I only had 7 guests, not kidding lol. I didn't do a private reception and I wouldn't change a thing. I honestly did minimal planning. Read my planning thread (link below) and you'll see lol. I was prob the worst bride ever, but whatevs! I had soo much fun.
That makes me feel so much better...everyone is doing all of these amazing big group things...and I'm reading and I'm like I want to do that...but realizing it doesn't make sense with such a small group. I just read your planning thread...I love it :) I'm perfectly happy doing just the small dinner and then maybe hanging out in the bar...
I'll probably be asking you all kinds of questions in the next few months :)
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Haha no prob! Ask away :)
Where did you have your ceremony and dinner? Where can I see your pics? I'm sure it's all discussed on here somewhere...but thought it might be easier than looking through everything and trying to find :)
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
LOVE it! You're right it looked like soooo much fun! It's amazing how things can go totally wrong or just wrong and you don't even care because you're having such a great time. You two look so happy and so adorable, gorgeous cake and flowers!

I love that we both had cupcakes! Mine did get decorated but the thing that went horribly wrong for me was that the 30 person amazing limo NEVER showed up. I called to find out where it was and got put on hold for 10 minutes. Called back and busy... my MOH's husband call and he tells me they will be here in 7 minutes. Meanwhile, they are an hour late and I had to call the Chapel and tell them I had no clue when I'd arrive. Luckily for me it's Vegas and they do weddings every 15 minutes and said they'd squeeze me in :)

So, here comes rickity party bus (NOT what I ordered) to pick us up, flickering lights, no music, no AC. 5 minutes in, breaks down on the freeway... hence my real hitch hiking photos :) We all had the best time on the side of the freeway it was hysterical! Replacement party bus picks us up, music, AC, lights, 2 stripper poles, ok good... guy tries to leave us at the chapel, MOH's husband works a deal. All in all great night, limo company, so going down.
Thank you! We really did have fun. I'm okay with the other details not having worked out. I'm the only one that knew what it was supposed to be. The biggest "OOPS!" was that I completely spaced on the wedding favors. We were in such a rush to get everything off the boat. I've decided I'll mail them to people. I wouldn't normally add that extra task onto my life, but half the people brought gifts, so I'll just include it in their thank you's.

OMG I love this story! The way you describe it all with such a good attitude is quite amusing. You got some really good side-of-the-highway pics out of it! I totally thought those were just made up shots. I'm glad it all worked out, but I do hope you raise some holy hell from them.

BTW, love it that you're changing your siggy pic so often. It's fun to see all the different pics!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Oh wow I am in the throngs of my AHR planning now and you girls are giving me hope that it'll be a blast (although Amy this was not your AHR now that I think about it :)

Wendy you look adorable in the photos and damn I forgot how hot your wedding dress was!
Aw, thanks Amy! I really do love my dress! It was fun to be able to get to wear it again. I think I can officially retire it now.

Are you kidding me, your New England-themed AHR is going to be a blast!! I can't wait to see the pictures. When is it?

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
FABULOUS!!! Love the photos! Looks like you guys had a blast!!!!
Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Congrats! And really great advice! Your party looked like so much fun.

FI and I just looked. He normally isn't interested during my "forum" time but since he is from Austin he had to check them out. Looks like you guys had a blast. How hot is it there now? Looked like everyone was staying pretty cool.
Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post

Wendy! You guys looked like you truly enjoyed yourselves!!! What a fun way to celebrate your union! I loved the slide and picture of you guys jumping from the top of the boat! Congrats again and thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks ladies!!! We really did have a good time. Everyone keeps saying they can't wait for their next party barge experience. DH's work friends who were there even went straight to their boss on Monday morning and said they needed to rent one for their next team building exercise. Love it!

Amanda, this is a pretty mild summer so far (by Austin standards). It was mid-90's that day and breezy once we were moving on the water. We've only hit a 100 degrees a couple times so far this year, which is weeeeeeird for Austin. I'm just glad the hurricane held off until this week. It's been nonstop rain for 3 days now.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Wendy, I forgot to tell you that I LOVED your dress and I thought it was VERY classy!!! I have to go over and check out your pro pics because I keep forgetting to, but I thought from your AHR reception pics that you made a beautiful bride. FI looked at your pics with me and thought your boat idea was real cool!!! He said he would like to do something like that and I had to reel him back in to focus on the budget at hand for AS! Very nice and you and Amy will have memories to last a lifetime!!!
Thank you!!

Do you live somewhere that you could do the boat?

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Thank you Meredith!
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Ladies, I'm heartbroken because I will not be able to do a site visit next week.frown.gif However, I have to say that AS was very accommodating and my WC set it all up. The problem came from my end because my mom INSISTS I'm destitute and need to save my money for the wedding/honeymoon. wtf.gif Too bad she's been talking about what she's gonna do for 60 for the past 2 years. So, I, in no way wanted my wedding to interfere with that. I got sick of fussing about it so the cruise is officially off. I still tried to look into keeping my site visit appointment but flights are more expensive than I expected.
Aw, sorry you don't get to go!!

Originally Posted by LMMDC View Post
Were any of you participating in the Karisma (El Dorado/Azul) webinar last night? It provided a great overview, beautiful pictures, and answered a few FAQs. One of the interesting points is that through one of their promotions, you get money towards your first anniversary stay and you can use this toward a stay at any of their 5 resorts! Since we are doing AS for the wedding, I thought it would be fun to go back to one of the adult only places if we return.
We were really excited about the first anniversary stay too, but then we did the math. See, we booked during post-swine flu rates and got a great deal. On the day we checked out, rates for a double room had gone up by $200/night from the time we booked. We have a $750 credit toward an anniversary stay, so that doesn't even buy us 2 nights at rack rates. *Sigh* we were sad when we realized that. We'll probably go somewhere else where our money will stretch a bit farther.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I'm sooooo excited!!! Just got my confirmation email from Kiara...February 11, 2012 at 4 PM......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
Hoooray, congratulations!! Time to move on to planning! Or in your case, since you're so far out, thinking about planning!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
ohhhhh thanks!!! We went to Nashville, TN (it's only about 2 hours away and by far the cheapest, closest option). We had SO SO SO SO much fun though!!!!!!!! Friday night, all the girls wore black, and I wore hot pink (fav color). As a party favor, I bought everyone a hot pink flashing diamond ring, black sunglasses, and a "what happens at the bach, stays at the bach" cup. I wore white sunglasses. So, you can imagine all 8 of us galavanting around town in our lil outfits and accessories. wink.gif We went to this FAB sushi restaurant for dinner. When I got to dinner, Ryan had surprised me with a little note and 3 bottles of Veuve Champagne for all of us! SO sweet! He had his bachelor party in Atlanta the same weekend. Saturday morning we woke up to bloody mary's delivered to the room (8 girls, 1 suite by the way). Then we went to brunch and hung out at one of our friends' condos for awhile. When we got back to the hotel, my friends Jaime and Jenn had decorated the ENTIRE ROOM!! It was soooo precious. Email me and I will send you a link to the pictures. AND we had a "Party Gals" party. hahah It was hysterical (just google it). It is basically like a sex toy party but for bachelorette parties...so imagine lingerie and glittery powder, drinks, games, etc. It was a BLAST!!!!! We then got dressed and went out to eat and hit the town again. We had our own personal chauffeur the whole weekend (he was really a cab driver in an Escalade) but he drove us EVERYWHERE! So great! There were sooo many great memories, lot's of laughs, and NO DRAMA (surprisingly enough)!! perfect weekend...BUT I paid for it until yesterday...was seriously still hungover from the weekend!
This sounds like so much fun!!!! I'd love to see the pictures. Do you still have my email or should I PM you?

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post

Yes, HAPPY WEDDING DAY MEGHAN!!!!!!!! pinkie.gifsmile123.gifthewave.gif

She was the first and now she's July 2nd, right? Or do I have it backwards...

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

I know Amy. I'm just starting to have those dreams where the cake is a single cupcake or all purple and I can't shake them.
Oh I don't miss wedding dreams! Just know every bride has them and they disappear instantly right after the wedding.

Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
OMG don't even get me started on the internet friend thing lol. DH thought I was a total whack job. I became obssessed with this site and talked about it all the time. Then it got crazier.... I'm actually good friends with quite a few people on here and went to meet 13 of them in Chicago lol. Then we had another meet up just last weekend in Niagara. Try to explain that to people. "Uh I'm having a girls weekend with my internet friends" lol. DH is finally coming around.... but he still thinks its weird.
I'm so jealous you got to do a meet up! I think that would be really fun.

Originally Posted by Ms.H View Post
Hey Ladies,

We are getting married at Azul Sensatori on either nov. 16 or 17, 2010 - just waiting for confirmation. We are doing a destination wedding to keep the costs low and have a great vacation at the same time.

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
That makes me feel so much better...everyone is doing all of these amazing big group things...and I'm reading and I'm like I want to do that...but realizing it doesn't make sense with such a small group. I just read your planning thread...I love it :) I'm perfectly happy doing just the small dinner and then maybe hanging out in the bar...
I'll probably be asking you all kinds of questions in the next few months :)
I think you can definitely have a wonderful, wonderful time just doing the small dinner for your wedding and focusing on the rest of your trip. Everyone will be in celebratory mode, and it doesn't matter if you're at a bar or on a dance floor with a DJ.

Celina is another bride doing this too, I think. Or was until she had to change resorts. Um, her username is something like cjbarder0...
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Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Where did you have your ceremony and dinner? Where can I see your pics? I'm sure it's all discussed on here somewhere...but thought it might be easier than looking through everything and trying to find :)
Well, I was supposed to have my ceremony on the beach, but it got cancelled due to weather conditions. They tried to stick us in the hallway of building 3, but since we were such a small group my photog got them to agree to set up on the terrace of zavaz.

Ceremony set up (completely last minute)
Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

We winged the dinner. During our on site meeting they told me that they would let us do our dinner at Siena since we were such a small group. When we got there they had arranged for us to have our own private room. Small room, but I appreciated it. We had our own servers in the room for the whole time and they even went over and above by entertaining us with the tradition of tequila poppers. It was a blast. We were there until after 9pm and I think we scheduled dinner for around 5pm.

Here was the room for the dinner:
Click the image to open in full size.

I'll PM you a link of some pics!

If I missed anything let me know!!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

Yes, HAPPY WEDDING DAY MEGHAN!!!!!!!! pinkie.gifsmile123.gifthewave.gif

She was the first and now she's July 2nd, right? Or do I have it backwards...
OMG I completely forgot about that! Did she end up switching? Crap... I just went by her profile and the date list. Now my shout out doesn't make sense lol.
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Hello all you beautiful ladies! Man you have been CHATTY! I just spent the last hour trying to catch up on all that I missed. I took the last week off of work, and spent the entire time laying hardwood floors and painting my house. I am EXHAUSTED! Today is my first real day off and I plan on spending the entire thing in my pajammies, my booty firmly planted on the couch. My two dogs are keeping me company :)


So I'm most likely no longer an Azul Beach bride, either. They are giving us the run-around on the construction plans. First they told us that construction would begin in August and go through Feb/March 2011. Then they said nope...we're going to try to get done in time for Christmas....we'll have the final construction plans done on Wednesday (two days ago). Wednesday rolled around, and they said they needed more time to finalize plans. I'm just over it all. My biggest fear is that even if they say they'll be done by Christmas, they'll go over and my wedding would be smack dab in the middle of construction.


My TA asked for a quote for Sensatori, and they were "kind" enough to give us a "great" deal...$7 cheaper per person than our quote at Azul Beach. That's right, $7. There's no zero missing :) AS looks like a stunning resort, but honestly I'm just so mad at Karisma right now for this run-around I want to wash my hands of them.


So...not sure where I'll be getting married, but it will be somewhere in the Riviera Maya (since we've already booked our flights). You ladies have been the BEST support system, and I will definitely keep reading this thread to see all of the upcoming brides' weddings. Good luck to everyone!!!

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Hello all you beautiful ladies! Man you have been CHATTY! I just spent the last hour trying to catch up on all that I missed. I took the last week off of work, and spent the entire time laying hardwood floors and painting my house. I am EXHAUSTED! Today is my first real day off and I plan on spending the entire thing in my pajammies, my booty firmly planted on the couch. My two dogs are keeping me company :)

So I'm most likely no longer an Azul Beach bride, either. They are giving us the run-around on the construction plans. First they told us that construction would begin in August and go through Feb/March 2011. Then they said nope...we're going to try to get done in time for Christmas....we'll have the final construction plans done on Wednesday (two days ago). Wednesday rolled around, and they said they needed more time to finalize plans. I'm just over it all. My biggest fear is that even if they say they'll be done by Christmas, they'll go over and my wedding would be smack dab in the middle of construction.

My TA asked for a quote for Sensatori, and they were "kind" enough to give us a "great" deal...$7 cheaper per person than our quote at Azul Beach. That's right, $7. There's no zero missing :) AS looks like a stunning resort, but honestly I'm just so mad at Karisma right now for this run-around I want to wash my hands of them.

So...not sure where I'll be getting married, but it will be somewhere in the Riviera Maya (since we've already booked our flights). You ladies have been the BEST support system, and I will definitely keep reading this thread to see all of the upcoming brides' weddings. Good luck to everyone!!!
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out sad.gif and you had to go thru all that! I would be mad too!
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
hahahahahahahaha dying laughing at this pic!!!! We really do have to party together at some point! I feel like I have pictures like this too! SO funny!
I agree, we would have SO much fun together!!! I would love to meet up one day 

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
I second weddings over jewelry! My friends thought it was so strange that I have been asking for an iPad over a diamond whatever!!

And ladies...don't get too excited about Ryan..yes, he is amazing, but he is still a MAN!!! He definitely has his moments...actually most of his moments are not romantic, but when he is romantic, he is SUPER romantic. AND we both love to do the same things, so that helps. So, he doesn't have to think too much about it. I am sure he ordered 3 bottles of Veuve for their party and thought "I bet Lindz would love this too!!!!" But yes, super sweet!!!

PS, I had my FINAL cheat meal tonight...we had date night (with my wedding stuff in tow, I must add...while we are at dinner...doing wedding stuff)...so more fish and veggies for me for the next 4 weeks...and lot's wine of course! That's one thing I cannot do without.
I love how youâ€re telling us to not to excited about your FI! Cracks me up!!! He seems sweet, youâ€re a lucky girl. I lost the romance battle a long time ago, DH doesnâ€t have a romantic bone in his body!

You my friend are so freaking skinny it makes me want to cry, youâ€re body rocks. Mine is sloppy at this point, so sad. I need to calm down on my partying/celebrating.

Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
OMG don't even get me started on the internet friend thing lol. DH thought I was a total whack job. I became obssessed with this site and talked about it all the time. Then it got crazier.... I'm actually good friends with quite a few people on here and went to meet 13 of them in Chicago lol. Then we had another meet up just last weekend in Niagara. Try to explain that to people. "Uh I'm having a girls weekend with my internet friends" lol. DH is finally coming around.... but he still thinks its weird.

I've met Cassie, you're going to LOVE her :). She's the sweetest girl ever.

I always felt out of place on the forum because I thought I was the ONLY person not doing a huge wedding, but honestly if it doesn't work for you, don't be intimidated. I only had 7 guests, not kidding lol. I didn't do a private reception and I wouldn't change a thing. I honestly did minimal planning. Read my planning thread (link below) and you'll see lol. I was prob the worst bride ever, but whatevs! I had soo much fun.
I know Iâ€m so jealous! I so badly want to go to one of your meetups, I know Iâ€d have a blast with you girls 

She seems super sweet, canâ€t wait to meet her, her wedding looks like it will be a lot of fun!

You were the best bride, totally calm, wise with your words and large or small it doesnâ€t even matter because you had a great time!

Originally Posted by Ms.H View Post
Hey Ladies,

We are getting married at Azul Sensatori on either nov. 16 or 17, 2010 - just waiting for confirmation. We are doing a destination wedding to keep the costs low and have a great vacation at the same time.

I'm just wondering who's getting the silver package and who's getting gold - and what you might be adding to your costs or upgrading?

Do these packages include dj? I see a lot of people saying they will be renting equipment? Is the reception included in your package?

Thanks in advance, i'm looking forward to hearing what everyone is planning!
Congrats and welcome!!! None of the packages include a DJ. You can rent equipment that is speakers, mic & ipod hookup which is an option over a DJ to keep the costs down.

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Thank you! We really did have fun. I'm okay with the other details not having worked out. I'm the only one that knew what it was supposed to be. The biggest "OOPS!" was that I completely spaced on the wedding favors. We were in such a rush to get everything off the boat. I've decided I'll mail them to people. I wouldn't normally add that extra task onto my life, but half the people brought gifts, so I'll just include it in their thank you's.

OMG I love this story! The way you describe it all with such a good attitude is quite amusing. You got some really good side-of-the-highway pics out of it! I totally thought those were just made up shots. I'm glad it all worked out, but I do hope you raise some holy hell from them.

BTW, love it that you're changing your siggy pic so often. It's fun to see all the different pics!

Are you kidding me, your New England-themed AHR is going to be a blast!! I can't wait to see the pictures. When is it
Yeah, in the grand scheme on things, no one knew and itâ€s no biggie. Good plan on the favors, that will be such a nice surprise.

Thank you! I am such a story teller, so I try and keep it concise, I could pound out 1,000 words without blinking so please stop me if I ever get tooooo wordy 

Thanks! Iâ€m a photo whore so this whole picture thing is feeding my fire!

I agree! Amy your AHR is going to be a BLLAAAASSSSTTT I canâ€t wait to hear about it and see pix!

Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Well, I was supposed to have my ceremony on the beach, but it got cancelled due to weather conditions. They tried to stick us in the hallway of building 3, but since we were such a small group my photog got them to agree to set up on the terrace of zavaz.

Ceremony set up (completely last minute)
Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

We winged the dinner. During our on site meeting they told me that they would let us do our dinner at Siena since we were such a small group. When we got there they had arranged for us to have our own private room. Small room, but I appreciated it. We had our own servers in the room for the whole time and they even went over and above by entertaining us with the tradition of tequila poppers. It was a blast. We were there until after 9pm and I think we scheduled dinner for around 5pm.

Here was the room for the dinner:
Click the image to open in full size.
Now having been to AS I know where this is, what a brilliant choice for a ceremony. I actually think it looks great, good view, super perfect! Man the hallway of building 3? That doesnâ€t even make sense…

I love the intimacy of your wedding, I bet everyone had a great time!

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Hello all you beautiful ladies! Man you have been CHATTY! I just spent the last hour trying to catch up on all that I missed. I took the last week off of work, and spent the entire time laying hardwood floors and painting my house. I am EXHAUSTED! Today is my first real day off and I plan on spending the entire thing in my pajammies, my booty firmly planted on the couch. My two dogs are keeping me company :)

So I'm most likely no longer an Azul Beach bride, either. They are giving us the run-around on the construction plans. First they told us that construction would begin in August and go through Feb/March 2011. Then they said nope...we're going to try to get done in time for Christmas....we'll have the final construction plans done on Wednesday (two days ago). Wednesday rolled around, and they said they needed more time to finalize plans. I'm just over it all. My biggest fear is that even if they say they'll be done by Christmas, they'll go over and my wedding would be smack dab in the middle of construction.

My TA asked for a quote for Sensatori, and they were "kind" enough to give us a "great" deal...$7 cheaper per person than our quote at Azul Beach. That's right, $7. There's no zero missing :) AS looks like a stunning resort, but honestly I'm just so mad at Karisma right now for this run-around I want to wash my hands of them.

So...not sure where I'll be getting married, but it will be somewhere in the Riviera Maya (since we've already booked our flights). You ladies have been the BEST support system, and I will definitely keep reading this thread to see all of the upcoming brides' weddings. Good luck to everyone!!!
Sorry to hear this, good luck on your next location!
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