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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Sorry guys, I am soooo behind!!!!



STARTING Monday, June 28, 2010 ENDING Sunday, July 9, 2010

We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list!


The futuremrslutz's (Lindsey) To Do's:

1) Order OOT stuff (working on)

2) Book Vegas Wedding (Ryan is handling the entire weekend, except the actual wedding part...I will handle this.)

3) Work with wedding design company to order linens, etc

4) Finalize Thursday night party

5) Decide on vowels…to write our own or nothuh.gif

6) Order rose petals for the isle

7) Order garter, hair accessory, jewelry, etc

cool.gif Bridesmaid gifts

9) Finalize outfits

10) Order for procession

11) Music for wedding

12) Music for reception

13) Music for Thursday night party (maybe hire steel drum guy)

14) Send out “before you leave packets”

15) order luggage tags for guests

16) Choose menus

17) Design/print programs

1cool.gif Spa appointments for girls

19) Decide on Mac to do my makeup or resort

20) Ok, I am about to have a major anxiety attack!!!!!


Danielle's New To Do's


1. Buy tiara---DONE

2. Find and buy comb/barette---DONE

3. Find and buy jewelry

4. Find and buy bridesmaids jewelry----DONE

5. Get heels on shoes cut down-DONE

6. Make reception playlist-DONE

7. Buy placecard holders---Not going to use.

8. Print menus and placecards

9. Buy unity sand set

10. Order programs-DONE

11. Decide what to do for centerpieces

12. Order paper lanters

13. Order bridal party t-shirts

14. Buy OOT bags and contents

15. Order reception favors

16. Order ceremony stuff- bubbles/tissues/rose petals

17. Pay for Ty's wedding band

18. Finalize ceremony script---DONE



Meredith's new to do's:

1. Invites, invites, invites

2. Get thread for welcome bag monograms

3. Stay on FI about menu

4. Buy luggage tags for welcome bags

5. Buy paper lanterns and candle holders

6. Start looking for gifts for my helpers

7. Book cigar roller for reception

8. Buy confetti for ceremony

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Originally Posted by LMMDC View Post
Were any of you participating in the Karisma (El Dorado/Azul) webinar last night? It provided a great overview, beautiful pictures, and answered a few FAQs. One of the interesting points is that through one of their promotions, you get money towards your first anniversary stay and you can use this toward a stay at any of their 5 resorts! Since we are doing AS for the wedding, I thought it would be fun to go back to one of the adult only places if we return.
I have taken 2 of their webinars and they are great :)
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Re: BDW - I keep saying the same thing. Lately I have nothing of substance to talk about unless it involves the wedding (sad, I know). But now I have you ladies for reference. I may mention one of you and what you're doing and my MOH is like, "who are you talking about, you're new friends?" It's kinda hilarious.
I'm right there with you guys. I refer to you as all as my "forum friends" and it is hilarious because when I'm talking to muy family and I don't have an answer for something, my Dad will say, "Well did you ask your forum friends?" We laugh everytime because all my immediate family knows this is more of a resource for me than the paid WC and AS folks.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Ladies, I'm heartbroken because I will not be able to do a site visit next week.frown.gif However, I have to say that AS was very accommodating and my WC set it all up. The problem came from my end because my mom INSISTS I'm destitute and need to save my money for the wedding/honeymoon. wtf.gif Too bad she's been talking about what she's gonna do for 60 for the past 2 years. So, I, in no way wanted my wedding to interfere with that. I got sick of fussing about it so the cruise is officially off. I still tried to look into keeping my site visit appointment but flights are more expensive than I expected.
I'm sorry Meredith! I know how much of a treat this would have been for your to get some of your visual curiousities satisfied. If it is any consolation, like you said.....you and FI will get to take it all in together and enjoy the aww of the moment in each other's company. Good memories!!! :-)

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Does anyone know what DJ they use at the resort? I've seen a lot of good reviews on DJ Doremixx but I think he'll wind up being about the same price as the one they offer once you pay the outside vendor fee. I know we've probably discussed it before but I just decided to try to get one so I didn't pay attention before.smile35.gif We were going to use our iPods but that's making me nervous now for some reason.
I too have started wondering about DJ's that AS ladies have used. This is FI's task and he even came on here in the vendor section to research! Go him!!! :-) He said he read good things about DJ Doremixx and DJ Mannia. I think he will be reaching out to both for info and pricing and if we get it before you, you know I'll share.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I talk about you guys all the time. Everyone is confused and thinks you guys are all in Houston and that I talk face to face with you. I have to explain in's on the forum. My FI finally realizes that being on the form makes me calm and happy so I leave him to his video games and he leaves me to the forum. It's a great arrangement.
Ditto! ESPN for FI + BDW AS thread on the laptop on the couch for me = A content couple! cheer2.gif

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Meredith - Did you see your up for Member of the Month?
Go Meredith!!! Where do we votehuh.gif?

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I'm sooooo excited!!! Just got my confirmation email from Kiara...February 11, 2012 at 4 PM......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
Congrats MarMar!!!! Let the official planning mania begin! :-) Luckily you have plenty of time, but we are here if you need us!
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Originally Posted by jaimeburns View Post
Hey all,

I have been gone for sometime, but have a question for you all. My wedding is in Dec, and I am trying to get a lot of my planning done now because I coach college volleyball and our season is from Aug-Nov so I want to get as much done as possible NOW.

Anyways, anyone who has been married there, I am thinking of having my reception in the area by the pools and I was wondering if anyone had had their reception here, if so, what kind of lighting was supplied if any. I am not wanting big center peices and I remember one bride saying she didn't have center peices and they put candles on the table anyways. There is a thatched roof structure and I was wondering if they put any lighting under there or do I need to ask(and pay) for that. Thanks!!
Hi there, I had my reception by the pool and it was the perfect place for our group. We had 65 guests (so nine tables or so), I brought LED lights for the round pink decorations for the staff to hang and the DJ also brought lighting. We didn't have any trouble with being able to see our meal, etc. I thought it was perfect. Here is a pic for you to see, it's not totally dark yet, but you can still get an idea of the set up:

Click the image to open in full size.
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
I was going to say the exact same thing! Amy know I AM CERTAIN that you live the fab life! Stop trying to deny it.

I saw them at work today. Wow. I am totally envious. The pics are great and looks like you guys had an amazing time. Honestly, I spend so much time on this forum and chatting with you ladies and looking at your photos that I am started to feel like I know you. Especially you Amy because your info comes up on my facebook feed everyday and with all the weeding pics hard not to look. Please don't be scared though. wink.gif He he.

BTW, I am sure that you all have probably experienced this by now but FI thinks I am crazy for talking about you guys and your weddings. He thinks I live off in this virtual world somewhere talking about a bunch of fake people and their fake weddings. I had to remind him that without this forum and my "virtual world" that I would be completely lost and much more stressed without all of your tips and advice. To that he cheers'd me. :)

WTH? Transportation breakdown. I'm glad you were able to get passed all that. Seems like you all had a blast. It is really so amazing that you had so many friends come and that they could come to both. What, do you all live the fab life?
Haha!!! I try to live it up, I really do AND I do go overboard that's for sure. I can't deny that... I am a fun lover, I can have fun doing anything and going anywhere... laundromat, alleyway, 7-11, doesn't matter. I think it's because I don't really get too embarassed and I can handle actin' a fool and I dance everywhere, DH always looks at me with a little smile shaking his head... :)

Glad you liked the photos, I had SO much fun! I feel like I know you girls too so it's not weird. I throw up so many photos and now a video so I think I'm become more real... since your FI thinks we're all fake, LOL! We are very real, I assure you. I would happily meet any of you in person, I'm proud of my forum friends and talk about you girls all the time. I'm going to Cassie's wedding from the forum in 2 weeks and get to meet her, I'm so stoked!

My group of friends all tend to lead fun lives, we see each other often and attend a lot of social gatherings or just hang out & BBQ :)

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I LOVE your photos and your video had me sitting here grinning at the pc screen!!!!!! Your ceremony had a lot of character and I'm sure not a soul in that room will forget it! And your description of the rickety bus had me giggling! Give that limo company hell from bridezilla land!!! ;-) Beautiful Amy!!!
Thank you again!! Yeah it was such the polar opposite from Mexico, which was perfect. The real wedding and then super laid back wedding.
Don't worry I'm scemeing to get this limo company back!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
smile43.gif I'm so pissed for you!! wtf.gif
I would definitely take them down Amy, that's soooo unprofessional. I'm glad you had fun despite it all but I know you were looking forward to that.

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY AMYKH (in case I miss you Sunday)!!! smile29.gif
Yeah I am pissed in general due to their SERIOUS lack of professionalism etc. Can't even believe it... THANK YOU for the birthday wishes! =)
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Re: Amy -I know Amanda...Amy is downplaying it all, but it's cool. Stay humble! Lol.
Re: BDW - I keep saying the same thing. Lately I have nothing of substance to talk about unless it involves the wedding (sad, I know). But now I have you ladies for reference. I may mention one of you and what you're doing and my MOH is like, "who are you talking about, you're new friends?" It's kinda hilarious.
HAHA!!! You girls kill me!!! I wish I was a wealthy socialite so I could say, yes I really DO lead a fab life! Reality is, I work my booty off 12 hours a day now and don't have time for much else sad.gif

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Ladies, I'm heartbroken because I will not be able to do a site visit next week.frown.gif However, I have to say that AS was very accommodating and my WC set it all up. The problem came from my end because my mom INSISTS I'm destitute and need to save my money for the wedding/honeymoon. wtf.gif Too bad she's been talking about what she's gonna do for 60 for the past 2 years. So, I, in no way wanted my wedding to interfere with that. I got sick of fussing about it so the cruise is officially off. I still tried to look into keeping my site visit appointment but flights are more expensive than I expected.
Awww, that's too bad, just know that you don't need one. Once you'll get there and meet the onsite coordinators you'll say in your head "Amy was right, this is totally under control!" =)

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Does anyone know what DJ they use at the resort? I've seen a lot of good reviews on DJ Doremixx but I think he'll wind up being about the same price as the one they offer once you pay the outside vendor fee. I know we've probably discussed it before but I just decided to try to get one so I didn't pay attention before.smile35.gif We were going to use our iPods but that's making me nervous now for some reason.
I don't but I know that both Doremixx & Mannia are great. I used Mannia and even talked him down on his price. They did a great job, MC'd the whole thing, had all my songs, took my suggestions etc. Brought and set up lights and everything.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I talk about you guys all the time. Everyone is confused and thinks you guys are all in Houston and that I talk face to face with you. I have to explain in's on the forum. My FI finally realizes that being on the form makes me calm and happy so I leave him to his video games and he leaves me to the forum. It's a great arrangement.
Same here, DH was on the computer playing games and I'm chatting with you girls! He has never thought it was weird either since he plays games online and talks to people he's never met before too!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Meredith - Did you see your up for Member of the Month?
OOOO!! I know who I'm voting for!!! Congrats girl!!! I think the voting starts this month so any day now if not today!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I'm sooooo excited!!! Just got my confirmation email from Kiara...February 11, 2012 at 4 PM......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Sorry guys, I am soooo behind!!!!
Don't be sorry, you're a busy girl!!!

I'm waaaay late because I thought I was in the clear. My cousin just told me to send out the invites for September though so.... sigh, it never ends.

I have NO reason to use this but I am dying to so, here we go ----> hit.gif

AHAHAHAA!! I love it :)
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Amy, What is that little face meant for anyways? Its super cute!


Regarding the DJ - I had whoever the hotel gave me and they were AWESOME. They had a DJ that did not speak English and an MC that did. If the MC is important to you, i would recommend using a family member or friend b/c they weren't totally clued in. Not their fault - its just that I never got to meet the MC or DJ until I got introduced, so I could not tell him what I wanted him to do it or how. Not a big deal but I wanted my name to be said and not just Mr & Mrs - but thats how they introduced us. In regards to the music, lights, bubble machine and smoke machine, everything was great.


Whoever asked about costs, etc, I would be more than happy to break out my expenses if you want to PM me.


I am working on my planning thread now, so hope it'll be up this weekend!!!!

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