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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by daliax22 View Post
Yeah but it's not that great unless you find a photographer who is willing to stay at least 3 nights and include travel in the package, which is what I was lucky enough to find with Artistique Photographie who are a lovely husband-wife photographer team and were willing to turn this into a mini vacation. See my previous post from today....
Oh there are plenty of photogs out there willing to travel to the RM! Mine has a house in Puerto Morelos so I was able to avoid the 3 night stay requirement. What I meant about all the new brides being lucky with Karisma changing their policy is that it seems you all are now able to book a Mexican photographer besides the preferred vendors. That wasn't the case when I booked which is why I brought someone from the US.

Glad you found someone you like! A good photog that fits your style is the most important about the wedding, IMO.
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Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
wow and you're still going to be a bridemaid in hers? you are a good person!! That's so aggrevating that she expects you to make her wedding a priority while she refuses to consider yours....hang in there!!
Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
And that sounds nothing like a friend to me. Don't know how long you've known her, but it sounds like a lop sided friendship to me. :-(
Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Wow. I am at a loss for words. But I guess we will never know people's real reasons for acting like this. In her mind, she probably does think she is broke and sees nothing wrong with her behavior. My friend told me this about my destination wedding (yes, it made me mad and so frustrated, but she really is right): "You cannot justify the cost, location, etc to anyone. You are the only one that completely understands what you are wanting for your wedding. If someone does not want to attend, it is not fair for you to justify why they can or cannot afford your wedding. Bottom line, they are not coming and that's the end of it. Just be happy for the people that are coming!" Like I said, this comment made me so angry, but it also did give me a little piece of mind to stop thinking of all these reasons why someone is choosing not to come. It really did help my anxiety! haha So, yes, this girl sounds RIDICULOUS but don't worry about her. You are definitely being the bigger person in this situation. cheer2.gif
I am a person of my word. I said that I'd be in hers and didn't want to back out on that obligation. In her defense, I did make it known that I wouldn't harbor any ill feelings if any of them decided not to be in the wedding (easier said than done I have to admit). I did not, however, think she wouldn't come at all. Sad part is her FI and my FI have gotten close to the point where they hang out without us and it seems like her FI was MUCH more excited than she was. When I told them we booked the date and I know it was close to theirs, but I still hoped they could come, his response was, "Why wouldn't we come to your wedding? That's the least we could do since you're actually IN ours!" Well, she put a stop to that immediately! pokestick.gifI guess that's part of the reason it hurts the most. He was all excited and she's basically like I'll take it or leave it. My sister believes I'm justified and my FI is so laid back that he thinks I'm overreacting. So, I just keep my mouth shut for now, but if she decides to come at the last minute, I think I'll explode and shitfan.gif

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
How is everyone doing on their "to do's?" I got my invitations mailed!!! YAY!! I will post pictures soon. They turned out great, but they were SUCH a labor of love. Hours and hours and hours and hours of DIY.
Can't wait to see them. To do'shuh.gif Not too good! I did finally get FI to look at the menu options. Too bad I didn't put that on the to do list!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Yeah there were some candles on the table, definitely plenty of room for candles.

Pretty! Love the colors and the lillies, those should go great with either bronze or white blume boxes, good choice!

Wow, you are a nice person! I would have let a few things go but may have jumped this ship part way through. Lindz is right what she said and I declined two other weddings weeks before mine but these were mere acquaintenances. If I was in someone's wedding that declined to be in mine, I don't know how I'd take that. That's a little selfish... not only are you spending the money and making the effort for her while planning your wedding she's not doing the same for you, lopsided indeed. Good luck!
Yes, definitely lopsided. frown.gif

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
YAY! I'll be thinking about you in Vegas Wendy, so cute we share a day of celebrations :)
My Costco trip is Thursday, nails, tanning and working out and done!

Found out while at my hair dressers this Saturday she just happens to be in Vegas this weekend staying at my same hotel!! She offered to do my hair (same one who went to our wedding) for free again and wants to party with us. I was already going to invite her but thought she may not be able to get off work, crazy!
cheer2.gifI'm sooo happy for you girls! I have to admit just a little jealous too! Hope ya'll have lots of fun!!bunny_4.gif

And your hair dresser....AMAZING! How lucky are you?!

Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
Those of you that have created a website: we are having trouble converting our itunes songs to our playlist on our website b/c you have to have mp3 and itunes uses wave. Any ideas?
I wish I could help you on this, but I am NOT tech savvy AT ALL. FI did it all, but if you don't find someone to help you, maybe I can ask him how he did ours. I do know he had some issues adding the music.
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Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
Those of you that have created a website: we are having trouble converting our itunes songs to our playlist on our website b/c you have to have mp3 and itunes uses wave. Any ideas?
Yes, the iTunes are MP4 files...this is what I did: google the song you are looking for, i.e. Love Song, MP3. Or you can download off Napster. I think you can pay per song. I googled the MP3's and used Napster...but Napster had the best quality! They may have a special right now where you sign up for a free trial. You can just cancel after you are done. Lemme know if you need anymore help!
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hi girls, I am waiting to do my final wedding review until I get my pro pics back, but wanted to post my flower pictures for everyone. I googled a lot of flowers and also used the sticky note link regarding what flowers were in season in Mexico. I was very happy with the flowers; they were a superb quality and for the cost, I thought a great deal!

Bridal bouquet:
Orange & Pink lilies & roses - $50 additional (b/c size was 16" diameter)
Click the image to open in full size.

Bridesmaids Bouquets - $50 for each - yellow, purple, orange & pink lilies and daises (they added tons of yellow roses too which were pretty)
Click the image to open in full size.

Centerpieces - $50 each
Click the image to open in full size.
Inspiration Picture given was:
Click the image to open in full size.

Aisle decor - Tall glass vases of Gladiolas - $43 each - moved from canopy to in front of the DJ table
Click the image to open in full size.

Groom boutonniere - $25 - option was shown to us from Lomas in their binder at our pre wedding meeting.
Click the image to open in full size.

Sorry I dont have a close up of his flower really - but he loved it and thought it was worth $25. Imagine a guy saying that!! hehe it was cute.

Hope this helps! I think they did a great job of recreating what I sent them.
These are beautiful! I think better than what you sent them!
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
I am super excited and very stressed at the moment. I still don't even have my vows written! We are having a legal ceremony, so we can't change what is said, but we want to say something personal to each other...I better get on that!!
Meghan! I wrote my personal vows I think 3 days before we left, don't stress it. This is going to sound like terrible advice but I was stressing and thinking about it so much that I couldn't come up with anything (good at least). A friend on the forum says, "Go home, have a margarita and write!" So that's exactly what I did. I was in our living room alone, made a margarita for myself, drank half of it quickly then waited a little, once I felt relaxed, I sat down at my laptop, wrote 4 paragraphs (341 words) in less than 15 minutes. I even deleted a paragraph wedding day because I was afraid it was too long.

So don't worry, you'll do great!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I am a person of my word. I said that I'd be in hers and didn't want to back out on that obligation.

Yes, definitely lopsided. frown.gif

cheer2.gifI'm sooo happy for you girls! I have to admit just a little jealous too! Hope ya'll have lots of fun!!bunny_4.gif

And your hair dresser....AMAZING! How lucky are you?!
Well good for you, sticking to your word, you are being the honorable person here. You're a good friend hug2.gif

Thank you!!!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Meghan! I wrote my personal vows I think 3 days before we left, don't stress it. This is going to sound like terrible advice but I was stressing and thinking about it so much that I couldn't come up with anything (good at least). A friend on the forum says, "Go home, have a margarita and write!" So that's exactly what I did. I was in our living room alone, made a margarita for myself, drank half of it quickly then waited a little, once I felt relaxed, I sat down at my laptop, wrote 4 paragraphs (341 words) in less than 15 minutes. I even deleted a paragraph wedding day because I was afraid it was too long.

So don't worry, you'll do great!

Thank you!!!
4 days till the Vegas wedding! Are you Excitedhuh.gif?
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
4 days till the Vegas wedding! Are you Excitedhuh.gif?
I am! It's weird, I feel almost exactly like I did with Mexico but far less stress. I feel like it's not really happening :)

I love Vegas and I'm pretty confident it may be our best trip ever we're looking at 30-34 people, I've never been to Vegas with that many friends before!

I even have 2 dresses again, one for ceremony, one for partying and clubbin' afterwards. Can't believe it! LOL smile41.gif
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Hey Ladies, I've been MIA for a while. It's been a long road but so far I'm having a healthy pregnancy and things are back on track with planning our now postponed wedding. I had a hard time coming on here for a while, I would literally start crying about the wedding I had lost and was looking forward to for so long but it was nuts because I was sooo happy about the baby... I guess I can just blame the crazy hormones!


It looks like we will be switching to Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. Our TA basically told us there was no way we could get the same rate at AS, but I'm not even sure they checked into it. Oh well... Dreams PV looks like a beautiful resort, however it really sucks starting all the plans and travel arrangments again from scratch.


I've got a lot of snooping to catch up on... I can't wait to see pic's from the weddings I've miss recently... especially Amy (Kittenheart) with all of the detail you put into yours...I'm sure it was absoltely amazing! As well as everyone's else's!


Good luck to all my old friends and to all the new ladies on this thread! I'll have to check back every once in a while and see how it's going!



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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Hey Ladies, I've been MIA for a while. It's been a long road but so far I'm having a healthy pregnancy and things are back on track with planning our now postponed wedding. I had a hard time coming on here for a while, I would literally start crying about the wedding I had lost and was looking forward to for so long but it was nuts because I was sooo happy about the baby... I guess I can just blame the crazy hormones!

It looks like we will be switching to Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. Our TA basically told us there was no way we could get the same rate at AS, but I'm not even sure they checked into it. Oh well... Dreams PV looks like a beautiful resort, however it really sucks starting all the plans and travel arrangments again from scratch.

I've got a lot of snooping to catch up on... I can't wait to see pic's from the weddings I've miss recently... especially Amy (Kittenheart) with all of the detail you put into yours...I'm sure it was absoltely amazing! As well as everyone's else's!

Good luck to all my old friends and to all the new ladies on this thread! I'll have to check back every once in a while and see how it's going!

Hi Crista!!! We miss you! hug2.gif

Glad to hear that you and baby and doing great! I'm going to PM you my links to my photos so you don't have to search through like 200 pages :)

I'm sure it's just emotions because you have nothing to be sad about. Maybe this was meant to be! I've heard PV is one of the most gorgeous places in Mexico and you're about to expand your family, it's just happennig all at the same time.

Please stick around though, I'd love to watch your planning process and help if I can be of any to you!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Meghan! I wrote my personal vows I think 3 days before we left, don't stress it. This is going to sound like terrible advice but I was stressing and thinking about it so much that I couldn't come up with anything (good at least). A friend on the forum says, "Go home, have a margarita and write!" So that's exactly what I did. I was in our living room alone, made a margarita for myself, drank half of it quickly then waited a little, once I felt relaxed, I sat down at my laptop, wrote 4 paragraphs (341 words) in less than 15 minutes. I even deleted a paragraph wedding day because I was afraid it was too long.

So don't worry, you'll do great
Thanks Amy! I am going to take your advice!
I'll let you know how it goes!

Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Hey Ladies, I've been MIA for a while. It's been a long road but so far I'm having a healthy pregnancy and things are back on track with planning our now postponed wedding. I had a hard time coming on here for a while, I would literally start crying about the wedding I had lost and was looking forward to for so long but it was nuts because I was sooo happy about the baby... I guess I can just blame the crazy hormones!

It looks like we will be switching to Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. Our TA basically told us there was no way we could get the same rate at AS, but I'm not even sure they checked into it. Oh well... Dreams PV looks like a beautiful resort, however it really sucks starting all the plans and travel arrangments again from scratch.

I've got a lot of snooping to catch up on... I can't wait to see pic's from the weddings I've miss recently... especially Amy (Kittenheart) with all of the detail you put into yours...I'm sure it was absoltely amazing! As well as everyone's else's!

Good luck to all my old friends and to all the new ladies on this thread! I'll have to check back every once in a while and see how it's going!

Crista, I'm so happy you stopped in to say "hi"! I'm so happy you are doing well with the baby. I agree with Amy, that maybe this was all meant to be. You will be at a beautiful resort with a beautiful little baby!
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