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Originally Posted by amcferron View Post
So, for those of you who brought your own photogs, do you mind me asking a ballpark price that you payed?? I have priced two and it just seems crazy, but then again, I have never had quotes for photographers to fly to another country either.....
I am paying $2000 for Erik Rodriguez, but that is only for 4 hours. I don't know how others compare. I think he is pretty good quality, and photographers I looked at to fly down with comparable quality were a lot more expensive. Wendy and Amy had good photographers who they flew down, but I don't know how much they paid....
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
I think I bought my book on amazon, but most major bookstores carry it.

I can definitely understand about wanting to look your best while trying on dresses! Wedding dress shopping is such a fun and unique experience that you don't want it tainted in any way! Just remember, if you're ordering a dress and not buying off the rack, you're getting a custom fit. Your actual fittings won't start until months later when your actual dress comes in. If you've lost a lot of weight between when you purchased and your fittings, they can take the dress in as much as needed. Ask the girls on here, lots of them kept getting more and more inches taken off their dresses.
Thanks Wendy! I will go and pick it up this week!!!

I will also get started on looking for the dress, thanks to you and Amy's recommendation! Looks like I have a new task! ;-)

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Well, this all depends on what you are looking for. I found my dress and purchased after looking for 3 weeks straight mid August 2009. My dress came in at the end of February and after 3 fittings finally had my dress with me at home mid -April for my May 8th wedding. Just to give you an idea of the typical timeline. If you end up buying a dress off the rack, you're golden, you can wait until next year to purchase a dress. Just keep in mind, if you don't know what you want it can be a process to find you dress, it was for me, to me the dress was most important, I'm big into fashion so yeah :)

Also like Wendy said, you still have awhile to drop the weight since your alterations won't be until right before your wedding.

sharon nagassar designs, Silk bridal bouquets, silk weddings, Custom orders, Latex, Real Touch, Natural Touch & Floramatique Silk Wedding Flowers

Has the most gorgeous real touch flowers ever. She has anything you could possibly want and if not, she'll dye them. I had magenta tulips in my bridesmaid bouquets. She could always dye white tulips for you. I suggest you contact her if you are doing real touch, all my flowers are real touch and I was blown away by how unbelievable they looked.
Okay, Amy......thanks a bunch, I will start looking for that dress! As long as they can take it in, I'm golden! I am dedicated to dropping some poundage asap!

Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
Hi I was wondering what extras some of you have added onto your packages at AS that are not included to make the day even more special! Also I love the photos Elizabeth Medina has done does anyone know her round about price or have any other suggestions for photog?
I hear that the sky is the limit. You can pretty much upgrade everything from your chairs, to your reception dinner selection, to your flowers. It all adds up and I hear that anything you've ever dreamed of.....AS can make happen for a price. Email Elizabeth Medina and request that she send you her package information. It all depends on what you want and how long you'd like her services for your special day. Good luck!

Originally Posted by amcferron View Post
So, for those of you who brought your own photogs, do you mind me asking a ballpark price that you payed?? I have priced two and it just seems crazy, but then again, I have never had quotes for photographers to fly to another country either.....
I agree with what one of the other ladies has said.....your photog is all a matter of personal preference. I think it depends where they fly in from and also if there are two of them (photog and assistant) versus one. We looked at photogs ranging from Mexico to Nova Scotia to Texas. We saw prices from $2K to $8K. It all dependso your photog personal style. Best of luck to you....the photog was my most important option and it consumed more of my time than the resort selection. FI said I became obsessed. LOL
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Well, this all depends on what you are looking for. I found my dress and purchased after looking for 3 weeks straight mid August 2009. My dress came in at the end of February and after 3 fittings finally had my dress with me at home mid -April for my May 8th wedding. Just to give you an idea of the typical timeline. If you end up buying a dress off the rack, you're golden, you can wait until next year to purchase a dress. Just keep in mind, if you don't know what you want it can be a process to find you dress, it was for me, to me the dress was most important, I'm big into fashion so yeah :)

Also like Wendy said, you still have awhile to drop the weight since your alterations won't be until right before your wedding.

sharon nagassar designs, Silk bridal bouquets, silk weddings, Custom orders, Latex, Real Touch, Natural Touch & Floramatique Silk Wedding Flowers

Has the most gorgeous real touch flowers ever. She has anything you could possibly want and if not, she'll dye them. I had magenta tulips in my bridesmaid bouquets. She could always dye white tulips for you. I suggest you contact her if you are doing real touch, all my flowers are real touch and I was blown away by how unbelievable they looked.

Oh Amy, I forgot to thank you for the real flowers link! I went over there and checked out her stuff and it looks great!!! Thanks for the suggestion as well! Do you mind me asking how long it took for her to produce your order from the time you submitted it? Also, how did the travel/transport to AS from Cali go for your flowers and how did you pack them?
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I feel you pain on this one. Last week my Grandmother called me to annouce she will not be coming to our wedding due to a news story she saw where 6 people got their hearts cut out in Cancun. I googled it. It was a drug gang killing a rival drug gang. So I called my grandmother back and asked her if she had recently joined a Mexican Drug Cartel and if she did then she might be right and not want to come. AHHH I was really upset at the time but it makes me giggle now!
I completely missed that story on the news! I'm surprised my FFIL hasn't called to check the status of his bullet proof vest on that one!

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
My aunt told me she had no money but just got back from Disney. It sucks but just keep reminding yourself its about you and FI..no one else.

I am just taking comfort in the fact that I have been to 2 DW's before and you girls as well...everyone has said that they have no regrets. They will be the ones regretting their decision when they aren't in the pool sipping a corona.
Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
The hardest part for me has been seeing FI sad when his friends make comments about it. To be perfectly honest, this whole destination wedding was my idea. FI is a very outgoing, gregarious guy, and he has a TON of friends that he's still in contact with. I'm more reserved and private...I tend to have a few very close friends rather than a ton of acquaintances. I just couldn't see walking down the aisle with 300 people staring at me, most of whom I barely knew. I knew I'd be too nervous and worried about that factor to actually enjoy marrying the man of my dreams.

Fortunately, I'm the luckiest woman in the world, and Sean told me he'd marry me on the moon if I wanted to. He says that as long as I'm happy, he's happy, so he's really excited about our DW. I can tell that it breaks his heart, though, when one of his best friends tells him that he and his gf can't go because it's too expensive...even though they just bought a brand new $4,000 couch, $2,000 flat screen TV, and he buys himself whatever new toy he wants whenever he wants. Obviously it's not so much a money issue as a priority issue. That's what hurts me...to see him hurting. He'd never say anything, but I know it bugs him.
Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Thanks to ALL of you ladies who've helped support about this. Meredith, you hit it on the head for me with this comment. I sent out cards to the ladies I wanted to be my BMS (as none of them, aside from my sister and MOH live here). Probably my closest friend, the one who I'd think of as my MOH if I didn't have a sister and the one who is ALWAYS a rock and I never doubted, called and immediately said she pretty much doesn't think she'll make it. I was STUNNED. One of the other girls I expected this kind of news (I know money's tight etc.) but NOT this friend. frown.gif The worst part is that I think she's just making a snap decision and not really even considering it. She IS 8 months pregnant right now and I think she's just being hormonal a bit and is unsure of the future in store etc. But the wedding's like a YEAR from now!! (And I'm about 98% sure that the financial element for her is not that much of an issue).... sigh. I'm just bummed because I know marriage is kind of unimportant to her so I don't think she really considers it a big deal to be there or not. It is a big deal to ME, but I don't feel right to pressure her on it.

Basically, I just asked her to sit on it and think about it for a bit and that if she wasn't able to come I totally understood...blah blah...

anyways, thanks again ladies. Knowing that some of you have gone through this with parents and other very close family members helps to put it in perspective. It helps us who are going through it to keep our chins up I think.
I am in similar situations. I think my FI really wanted to change to a wedding at home when he realized a lot of people weren't gonna come. I just really didn't want to feel obligated to mingle with a buch of my mom's friends and other misc. people I don't know at my wedding reception. I'm in a Sorority and my FI is in a Fraternity and I could just see the circus our wedding could become. My grandmother had 10 people on her guest list!! On another note, one of the girls I asked to be in my wedding declined AND isn't coming (by far one of the most frustrating things I've encountered). I'll post that story below so this isn't so long.

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Oooooh very elegant dresses!! Love your colors!!
Thx Wendy!

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Amy is absolutely right!! It's hard to imagine this now since you're in the throws of planning and have incoming negativity, but on your wedding day NONE of this will matter. I promise you! You'll realize that the people who are there to share it with you are the ones who needed to be there and wanted to be there. Having a DW really does show people's true colors, shockingly so sometimes. hug2.gif

During our planning DH's family could not stop talking about what a financial hardship coming to our wedding was. I wanted to scream "SO DON'T COME!" In fact, they still talk about "financial recovery" from it. But I'm waaaaaaay beyond caring about statements like this. People can make their own choices and need to take responsibility for them. They also need to realize that this is a WEDDING, i.e. not about them but about YOU!

Just to throw in some brevity here: one of DHs good friends from way back (more like a sister to him) just called yesterday to say she won't be coming to our AHR--because she's not comfortable in a bathing suit!!! Okay, now hear me out. I know a lot of us women have body image issues (though she has no reason to, she's maybe a size 6 and tall), but the reason this makes me smile120.gif at the stupidity of the situation is because of how mad she was that she wasn't "chosen" to go to Mexico. She actually hung up the phone on DH when she found out she couldn't come to the wedding. To a wedding in Mexico. At a resort. On the beach. Where bathing suits are pretty much mandatory. wtf.gif
Something tells me she probably wouldn't have come if the AHR was in December and bathing suits were not the attire. She may still be hurt by not being able to come to Mexico. Either way, that's one less person you have to spend money on...that's the way I'm viewing things these days.

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
The funniest part of the grandma story is I know she will change her mind 100 times. My mom said my grandpa's response was well then i am going without you because I want to swim in the clear Blue water! (They live in Pittsburgh) HA LOL
Go Grandpa!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
The DJ, Cigar roller and the cake table I would say don't need a centerpiece. My cake table wasn't that big and it would have been in the way, especially since they pulled it out into the center of the dancefloor for me to cut and everyone circled around us. I had candles on the cigar & cake table and that was fine for me.

I love your colors! Nice and warm and rich :) White goes with everything so a combo of the two would be nice I think! Do you know what kind and color of flowers you are getting?
So on your cake table was there room for items other than the cake? I wanted to put some candles around the cake.

Thx! We're using white lillies and white, purple and lime callas.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Before I headed to bed, I just had to say how much I LOVE this freakin' thread! We all seemed to come together, drop a few F-Bomb smilies, encourage one another, and log out of here with our pep back in our step about our DW planning or experiences.

I appreciate all of you and your support! All of you had the most honest and genuine advice and it helped me get out of my temporary DW pity funk. Upwards and Onward!

So I haven't been good at the whole to-do's list thingy, so I'm going to ask you more senior or advanced brides what I should be doing with my time as far as planning and preparation right now. I've done the following and I keep feeling like I have all the time in the world, but I know 11 months will sneak up on me and I'll wish I completed more tasks.

1- Sent out STD email and ordered STD magnets from ETSY.
2- Booked photog and paid deposit.

What's nexthuh.gifhuh.gif Does anyone have a DW checklist or know of where I can find one on here?
You're so sweet! I would say start with your dress AND if you're having bridesmaids start with theirs. My deadline for them to order their dresses was June 1st and only 2/5 of them have done it wtf.gif Also, reserve the locations at the resort where you want everything to take place.

Originally Posted by Boam2be View Post
Hello everyone,

Im a newbie from the uk and just wanted to say thankyou. Ive read this forum, right from the beginning, starting a couple of weeks ago and have been hooked, ever since. The advice and support that you give on this forum is great.

I plan to get married there September 2011. Ive booked the hotel but im still undecided which wedding package to choose (silver or gold) so havent got my wedding day yet. Is the gold package worth the extra money, or should i just go for the silver and add extras?
welcome3.gif I chose the Pearl Package and added on. It all depends on what you want. I knew I wasn't going to use a lot of the stuff offered in other packages.

Originally Posted by amcferron View Post
So, for those of you who brought your own photogs, do you mind me asking a ballpark price that you payed?? I have priced two and it just seems crazy, but then again, I have never had quotes for photographers to fly to another country either.....
I'm not sure if he would want me to quote what he's charging me, but I'm using Andrew Jordan, the same photog that Wendy used. He gave me a great deal and was very flexible with the price becasue he's trying to build up his DW clientele. He's definitely cheaper than the resort and has a better quality in my opinion. Give him a call/email and see what he can do for you. Cleveland Wedding Photographer-Andrew Jordan Photography
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So, for my "I don't care about your wedding cause it's too expensive story"


I have a good friend who (I did bullets cause it was wayyyy too long):

- took my original wedding date

- asked me to be in her wedding

- refused my request when I asked her to be in mine

- told me that since mine is a month after hers, she has to "see if they have money left" after theirs is over to come to mine

- chose a dress and shoes for us that total almost $500

- chose a honeymoon location that required plane tix that were $4000 (just airfare)

- cancelled that honeymoon because she needed more money to spend on the wedding (although everything was already planned and money was already alotted)

- called and asked for my TA's info NOT for info on how much travel was for our wedding, but for recommendations on placed to go for her honeymoon

- just got her mortgage reduced over $1k/month (approx cost for her and her FI to come to my wedding = $1600)

- and constantly says she's poor!!


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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
I am paying $2000 for Erik Rodriguez, but that is only for 4 hours. I don't know how others compare. I think he is pretty good quality, and photographers I looked at to fly down with comparable quality were a lot more expensive. Wendy and Amy had good photographers who they flew down, but I don't know how much they paid....
Meghan, I just noticed you are 10 days away from your big day!!!!!! cheer2.gif Are you excited, or are you excited?!?!?!? cheer2.gif
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
So, for my "I don't care about your wedding cause it's too expensive story"

I have a good friend who (I did bullets cause it was wayyyy too long):
- took my original wedding date
- asked me to be in her wedding
- refused my request when I asked her to be in mine
- told me that since mine is a month after hers, she has to "see if they have money left" after theirs is over to come to mine
- chose a dress and shoes for us that total almost $500
- chose a honeymoon location that required plane tix that were $4000 (just airfare)
- cancelled that honeymoon because she needed more money to spend on the wedding (although everything was already planned and money was already alotted)
- called and asked for my TA's info NOT for info on how much travel was for our wedding, but for recommendations on placed to go for her honeymoon
- just got her mortgage reduced over $1k/month (approx cost for her and her FI to come to my wedding = $1600)
- and constantly says she's poor!!
And that sounds nothing like a friend to me. Don't know how long you've known her, but it sounds like a lop sided friendship to me. :-(
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
So, for my "I don't care about your wedding cause it's too expensive story"

I have a good friend who (I did bullets cause it was wayyyy too long):
- took my original wedding date
- asked me to be in her wedding
- refused my request when I asked her to be in mine
- told me that since mine is a month after hers, she has to "see if they have money left" after theirs is over to come to mine
- chose a dress and shoes for us that total almost $500
- chose a honeymoon location that required plane tix that were $4000 (just airfare)
- cancelled that honeymoon because she needed more money to spend on the wedding (although everything was already planned and money was already alotted)
- called and asked for my TA's info NOT for info on how much travel was for our wedding, but for recommendations on placed to go for her honeymoon
- just got her mortgage reduced over $1k/month (approx cost for her and her FI to come to my wedding = $1600)
- and constantly says she's poor!!
wow and you're still going to be a bridemaid in hers? you are a good person!! That's so aggrevating that she expects you to make her wedding a priority while she refuses to consider yours....hang in there!!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post

I would LOVE to try on dresses but I'm being really vain right now and don't want to try them on until I lose some weight. I was giving myself until August to drop the initial pounds for a proper fitting. Do you think this is a bad idea?

I've decided to do real touch flowers, but I really want orange tulips and have not been able to find tulips PERIOD online. Has anyone seen any? I've decided our colors will be burnt orange, khaki brown, and white. I'm going for the whole burnt orange, starfish, and raffia theme. I LOVE raffia for some strange reason! LOL
Ooooohhhhh I love your theme idea. It sounds lovely. I love tulips too. Something about them give you that excited feeling that spring is here and the weather is going to get better. Your colors sounds great too!!!

I tried on dresses before I lost a lot of weight and you know what -- trying the dresses on made me much happier where I was with my weight -- I saw that I looked good in the dresses even though I wanted to lose 15-20 pounds. That confidence took the pressure off to lose weight and it made losing weight easier for me. Does that make sense? It all depends how you feel, but you don't want to put off looking at dresses too long in case, like Amy said, it could take over 6 months to get your dress made - thats before the time needed for fittings etc. And its nice to have the dress for a bit so you have time to match shoes, veil, etc.

I'm just excited to see your theme!!!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Afternoon my "forum friends!" ;-) I was just popping in to vent and whine for a tad. We sent our STD's out on Monday and we've officially got the buzz going for our wedding. I'm amazed at how many family members have been so critical. Mature adults (or so I thought) have made every comment ranging from "Those rooms are too small' to "Why isn't flight included in the rate" to "Kinda selfish to make everyone fly just to see you marry." I know I shouldn't be so sensitive, and I'm usually not, and I know from reading all the earlier posts that many of you ladies were met with similar negativity. But I'm trying to be a gracious and polite bride and instead I feel like telling people to Shut the F**K up and just stay home if they feel burdened. I'm so tired of responding to people, "Well I'm sorry but just know that we are NOT offended if you cannot make it and we totally understand." I feel like people don't realize that this is an optional attendance and no gun is being placed to their head for them to fly to beautiful Mexico to attend our wedding. stfu.gif

Anywho, I know I should suck it up and drive on......but I'm just sick of all the complaining and commentary and know that there are a few more to come. I had to vent because I feel like you chicks are the only ones who get it. I'm thankful for this space to do that from time to time......:-) fryingpan.gif
Oh gosh girl, I cried and cried and CRIED and am still getting upset about negativity surrounding my wedding. I would say 90% of everyone going is extremely excited, but the other 10% (which happesn to be a few of my bridesmaids) have made this process a living hell! At first it was them being angry that I chose such an expensive trip...and NOW they have booked their trips...but are not coming for the whole wedding weekend so they can EXTEND their vacation! Can you believe that? Missing 2 nights of wedding events so they can stay Friday or Saturday through Friday. Instead of Thursday though Wednesday. So my advice to you is this: you are going to go through SEVERAL stages of wedding planning. Throughout the process you are going to have sooo many highs and lows. Try to take everything with a grain of salt and not to take anything too personally. You may have a super productive day where everything goes perfectly well, then you may have a day where 3 people have called and said they are not going and the resort pissed you off. It's just the nature of a destination wedding. But in the end, it will be worth it! Like everyone else has said: the people that will be there will have a blast you guys! You will have soooo many memories with those that attend and most importantly, you and your FI will be getting married!!!! Rain, shine, oil, hurricanes, bitchy friends, best friends, etc...you will be husband and wife! I know it's hard but try not to get too upset. Yes, it is SO SO SO SO frustrating, but focus on the people that are so excited about coming. It really will make you smile thinking about the fact that you have x number of people happy about coming to your wedding. Hang in there!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
OH just know that this has happen to us all! I'm not kidding, probably every destination wedding bride has experienced a guest or family member complaining or voicing an opinion.

My own mother and brother did not come to my wedding in Mexico. To each, their own and everyone is different but people need to realize a wedding is about you and your fiance, celebrating and declaring your love. The number of attendees to this celebration and union doesn't matter at all. On your wedding day, I promise you, you won't be thinking about who wasn't there, or who thought you should have done it differently or who didn't approve of blah blah blah... I promise you that the feeling you will have on your wedding day is solely focused on your then husband and this blissful floating feeling. Wendy knows! I can tell she felt the same way :)

It's an unbelieve experience... ahhhh I'm so jealous mine is over! smile41.gif

My response was a little less PC, to anyone who commented, just told them, "it's my wedding and our decision was this, if you can't make it, we totally understand."

I think us past brides all mentioned how over emotion we were during our planning stages, it's natural :)

Sorry for going off, I just don't want you to stress or worry, those complainers won't be hatin' life when they are floating in the pool with a margarita now will they?
Amy, you are exactly right!! I am just trying to remember what you girls have told us!!! I know it will be worth it and the drama will seem so ridiculous after it is all said and done!

Originally Posted by artistique View Post
This is sad to say, but many people attend "at home" weddings just to be polite and get a free meal. I can't even tell you how many weddings we go to where the guests eat and leave! So rude, and in such poor taste. The good thing is that for your DW, the ones who are there, are the ones that care. love.gif Hey! and less people to feed too! wink.gif

hahah you are SO right! That was the main reaon we chose to do a destination wedding...we did not want to be meeting people at our wedding. We wanted an intimate group that we could spend the weekend with!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
cheer2.gif Love hearing this :) I know how you feel, love you all too, you all are wonderful women I feel fortunate to be a part of our little thread :)

You are on the right track! Right now I'd be doing the big staple stuff, avoid details until later. I would absolutely start looking for your dress, if you get a dress that has to be made it takes 8 months and you want time for alterations etc. It's a big decision and you don't want to be rushed. Then I would start looking into flowers, decide what you want to do, resort flowers, real touch etc. If you want anything custom made do that early too. Sometimes it can take awhile. Also deciding the theme and colors of your wedding now is a good idea so everything looks coordinated etc.

Congrats and welcome Natalie!! cheer2.gif

Personally, I did the free wedding which came with some basics and I added on and totally customized my wedding since the packages (silver & gold) came with stuff I didn't need or want, so it just depends on your needs. If you are bringing your photographer then obviously you don't need a package with one.

Good luck!
I am doing the same thing at my resort: choosing the free wedding and adding on what I want. My color scheme did not match any of the wedding packages and since I am bringing a photographer, I did not need the photography package.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
So, for my "I don't care about your wedding cause it's too expensive story"

I have a good friend who (I did bullets cause it was wayyyy too long):
- took my original wedding date
- asked me to be in her wedding
- refused my request when I asked her to be in mine
- told me that since mine is a month after hers, she has to "see if they have money left" after theirs is over to come to mine
- chose a dress and shoes for us that total almost $500
- chose a honeymoon location that required plane tix that were $4000 (just airfare)
- cancelled that honeymoon because she needed more money to spend on the wedding (although everything was already planned and money was already alotted)
- called and asked for my TA's info NOT for info on how much travel was for our wedding, but for recommendations on placed to go for her honeymoon
- just got her mortgage reduced over $1k/month (approx cost for her and her FI to come to my wedding = $1600)
- and constantly says she's poor!!
Wow. I am at a loss for words. But I guess we will never know people's real reasons for acting like this. In her mind, she probably does think she is broke and sees nothing wrong with her behavior. My friend told me this about my destination wedding (yes, it made me mad and so frustrated, but she really is right): "You cannot justify the cost, location, etc to anyone. You are the only one that completely understands what you are wanting for your wedding. If someone does not want to attend, it is not fair for you to justify why they can or cannot afford your wedding. Bottom line, they are not coming and that's the end of it. Just be happy for the people that are coming!" Like I said, this comment made me so angry, but it also did give me a little piece of mind to stop thinking of all these reasons why someone is choosing not to come. It really did help my anxiety! haha So, yes, this girl sounds RIDICULOUS but don't worry about her. You are definitely being the bigger person in this situation. cheer2.gif
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