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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Glad you got a good TA. They will make things easier for you.

I just decided on a Honeymoon location! We are staying at the Excellence Playa Mujeres Aug 28-Sept 4. It looks so awesome. Secrets Maroma was about the same price, and thats where I thought I would go, but I really fell in love with the Excellence. I am using a friend's TA who is great, so much better than my crazy wedding lady. She said any sale any drop in price we will get, no need to rebook or anything.

Have a great weekend everyone! I will be working on my planning thread this weekend. I need to do it now or else I will just forget everything!
Amy, my sister honeymooned there 1 year ago and she LOVED it. It looks gorgeous.
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Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Amy, my sister honeymooned there 1 year ago and she LOVED it. It looks gorgeous.
YES! Thanks - that gets me even more excited!!! My best friend went to the Riviera Maya one and said they felt like they were famous there it was so nice. I can't wait. A week of relaxation!!! And after this week I need it fryingpan.gif

PS - love the gingerlover name - did not "get it" until you posted the siggy pic - haha
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
hahaha I would be stoked about this too!!! I am almost as excited about my Vegas wedding as my real wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT wait to see that limo! hahahaha
I agree, this feels just as exciting!! Do you have any plans nailed down as of yethuh.gif I am cramming everything in this week! I am hoping this tacky look gets pulled off well if you know what I mean :)

Fantastic!!! How could you NOT be super stoked about that?!QUOTE]

LOL! I'm excited to see what happens on this color change stripper pole!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
You girls are too funny! Got to love all of it...the planning, the encouragement, the compliments! And you are all so right!

Amy, don't stress...Vegas is all about fun. Just go with the flow and I'm sure it will be amazing. You are a master wedding planner after all.

Wendy, what's coming up, AHR? Where are you having it? In Austin? Love it there. FI ad I may move there soon. Fingers crossed. He and the baby have been so sick for the past month. First the stomach flu and now strep (sic?) throat! Between that and traveling to NY for work and Boston for college reunion, I really could use some family around. And I think Austin would be a nice change of pace.
You're right, that's what I'm focused on, it won't be a classy event, well the room will be but other than that... :)

I'm sorry to hear your baby and FI have been sick! I hope they feel much better very soon.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Amy, I agree with Amanda....you're the master planner around these parts! Everything will be fine. Who goes to Vegas and doesn't have a blast?!

Uhhh, where do you find this stuff! Tres resourceful....can't wait to see. Sounds like soooo much fun. Now you're REALLY making me want a Vegas wedding frown.gif
HAHA! I have such a hard time deciding and I hate being time crunched, I'm back and forth on my theme so much I'm just wasting time!

Google searching! I'm the master :)

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
And Amy...don't forget bout me! After Meredith let me know what you have left to sell. I am down the street (well sorta) from you after all! Everytime I am at the Glendale Galleria I am like "oh Amy, maybe I'll run into to her, how weird would that be?" But then I don't. Probably better that way. How freaked out would you be if some random girl came up to you (me) and was like "AMY!!!!! I loved your wedding" Too weird. But can't promise I won't do it if I run into you. wink.gif

Did you have a bird cage for your cards? I was planning to get one but if you have one you want to get rid of, just let me know. That and the chalk board! :)
Oh I haven't forgotten about you! I think of you everytime I go through all the stuff I brought back which I mostly brought back in case you girls wanted anything. You really are down the street!
smile120.gif omg THAT would be hysterical! All you'd have to get out is "AMANDA!!! BDW!!!" I'd be like "OH!!!" Then give you a big hug hug2.gif I troll that mall all types of crusty though, you guys only know to "prettiest day of my life me" so you may not even recognize me!

I didn't have a birdcage for my cards, I thought about it but also knew that no one would bring any cards or gifts to Mexico. Ooo the chalkboard I may keep, it's so freaking cool I love it!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
You are stoked because that is AWESOME! Almost as awesome as a beer serving donkey at a wedding! So excitied for you!!
Good point, there's a lot of awesome going on here, love it!

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Mornin' Ladies!!!! Just stopping in to say hello to you all and to wish you all a wonderful weekend of planning and task - doing! ;-) I was checking in on you guys via the last few pages and it sounds like everyone is in full progress mode.

I was able to get reassigned to a new DW.com TA, Karilyn Barnett, and I freakin' LOVE her already!!!! We spent two hours on the phone the other night and she has revived my enthusiam about the wedding and the AS. My previous TA was gracious enough to send a "best wishes to you" email to us, which was kind, yet akward. Anywho, we are moving along and I've got an alchemy out on etsy for our STD's. I am actually feeling behind the curve ball, because we officially have less than 12 months left, but it is what it is........

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hello and wish you all a fantastic weekend!!! xoxoxo
I'm so happy for you!! Oh a good TA makes ALLLL the difference, should be smooth sailing from here on out.

Hope you have a great weekend as well!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
I just decided on a Honeymoon location! We are staying at the Excellence Playa Mujeres Aug 28-Sept 4. It looks so awesome. Secrets Maroma was about the same price, and thats where I thought I would go, but I really fell in love with the Excellence. I am using a friend's TA who is great, so much better than my crazy wedding lady. She said any sale any drop in price we will get, no need to rebook or anything.

Have a great weekend everyone! I will be working on my planning thread this weekend. I need to do it now or else I will just forget everything!
OMG it's GORGEOUS!!! I remember seeing this when looking for a resort for my wedding. Can't wait to see pictures from this, the hammocks over the pool, SOLD! cheer2.gif
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
YAY my TA!!!! 2 hours--ha! Remember I warned you she was a talker!
She is but I soooooo didn't mind! It turns out, she is from N. Cal as well and lived in my city for several years so we blabbed about local restaurants for awhile. LOL Compared to how impersonal and unable to communicate our last TA was, Karilyn was a breath of fresh air! She explained the why's and what's of everything and totally made us feel at ease. It was actually warming speaking to her. Our last TA was just trying to get is to sign stuff without explaining things and when we wanted to decrease our group rate she almost appeared upset with us. It was drama for no reason. Anywho, I've already professed my love for Karilyn to my FI! LOL He's happy to see me happy for once with this whole TA ordeal and didn't mind listening to the blab for 2+ hours. lol

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Glad you got a good TA. They will make things easier for you.

I just decided on a Honeymoon location! We are staying at the Excellence Playa Mujeres Aug 28-Sept 4. It looks so awesome. Secrets Maroma was about the same price, and thats where I thought I would go, but I really fell in love with the Excellence. I am using a friend's TA who is great, so much better than my crazy wedding lady. She said any sale any drop in price we will get, no need to rebook or anything.

Have a great weekend everyone! I will be working on my planning thread this weekend. I need to do it now or else I will just forget everything!
Thanks Amy, I'm feeling more at ease already!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
YAY my TA!!!! 2 hours--ha! Remember I warned you she was a talker!
In all that running my mouth, I forgot to simply say....THANK YOU for recommending her! I was so excited that I forgot why I was writing you back! LOL I really appreciate it and you don't know how much your refferal has put my mind at ease! I aprpeciate it! cheer2.gif
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Ladies that have already been married, this one's for you!

What do you think the chances are that I'll be able to convince (or that they'll be kind enough on their own) the onsite WC to have my chivalri chairs moved from the ceremony on the sky deck to my reception at plaza zavaz for the set-up up fee?

I am having 70 guests and its not in my budget to order them twice but I am sooo obessed I cannot do without them. I know that they are def in for my ceremony as I cannot imagine looking back at pictures and seeing any other chairs there. (Again, I am going for the antique look/feel and the other chairs just won't cut it.)

I am having a cocktail reception between the ceremony and reception somwhere other than the reception site. (They are also moving my ceremony flowers down and don't want my guests to be there as they set up) so there should be enough time to have htis done.

My WC told me I had to order chairs twice but hoping you'll think that I'll be able to work something out once I am there.

I hate to feel this way about this subject but I can only base this off my own experience of having the chiavari chair situation. I worked on this for a while and negotiated, wheeled and dealed and this was one point that was non-negotiable with Lomas.

I don't think they will move them all for you to be perfectly honest. You can try but I wouldn't risk betting that the onsite coordinators will change their mind. =(
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

Well welcome! Are you here all weekend or just today? I don't think I realized you live in Houston.

Come all you potential Austinites, move here! LOL I'm so jealous of the larger cities (like Dallas/FW, Chicago, Jersey/NYC brides) and their BDW meetups! So far there's only one other Austin bride on here that I know of. I'm on a mission to recruit more!
I am technically in Kyle, TX for the weekend. but I will be in Austin proper at the end of August for a Bachlorette party for a friend of mine getting married in Houston. I will also be in New Braunsfel second weekend in Aug. But if you ever decide to attempt an Austin meet-up and it's on the weekend I will drive over to Austin NO problem!!! I went to a Houston one a couple weeks ago with 6 ladies and it was a blast. It's so much easier to talk for hours to other brides instead of endlessly droning on to my friends who don't always want to talk about my wedding...IMAGINE THAT! LOL
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Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
Hey Ladies< i wanted to check and show my excitment for all the upcoming brides, Its so cool to see so many brides going to Azul Sensatori. We should be getting some sort of offsite wedding coordinator fee, we do a fantastic job of planning and support :) hehe
After reading a few pages, I see a few things have changed.
Chong, Im so glad I told you about this blog and that you found your way around on here- isn't it amazing!!! Looks like the gazebo fabric price went up on you, booo!! That totally sux. Sometimes if you write a email asking for them to honor the price you heard it was before their may be somthing they can work out for you. OR maybe even inquire about it with the onsite? Maybe they will atleast give you a resort credit and you can use they credit for a massage or twards wedding day hair style or somthing ;0huh.gif
Also, I remember trying to order drinks to room service and them saying no only beer, but we found an employee that was super nice and we talked to him about it and he said he would bring up drinks lol we threw $20 to bring 10 margaritas and 10 shots up and he did it :0, again TIPS GO ALOOOOOONG way. Believe me, he came back up a few times for orders lol.
Anyways, Im enjoying all your pics and so excited for upcoming brides. Who's nexthuh.gif Meganhuh.gifhuh.gif?? wink.gif

Oh my goodness, there has been so much chit chat I have missed in the passed 2 days! You girls have been busy! Yes, I am next! I can't believe I leave in 2 weeks!!!! I do not even have everything done, and I am starting to stress! I have my bachelorette party tonight, which will be good, cuz I need some stress relieved! I have report cards to finish right now, as well as finishing last minute wedding stuff. I can't believe after 2 years I am only 2 weeks away!

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Question for past brides...or current...I am a huge emailer - much better with expressing myself through written word than speaking. However, I think I might get quicker responses if I call Miami direct. What method did or do you use?


Do you think because I am 10 months out they might not be as responsive as if it was closer? I do like my girl she has been really sweet so far, and sometimes she responds the same day but lately its been 1-2 week response time.
I always emailed...never called, and I found emailing was fine.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Also, got some more pictures my photog put up on a website, these are temporarily up if you wanna check them out :)

Amy + Daylen 2010
can't wait to look at your pics, but I am heading out right now for my bachelorette party...I know you look gorgeous anyway!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
haha 4 is right...wait, maybe 5?!? Thank you :) You girls are just so full of compliments today!!!

Oh girls!! As a result of all of your good thoughts and prayers and whatever else you were sending my way, my photog has definitely redeemed herself. Passports order, pictures and garmin sent! They will arrive tomorrow! WHEW!!!!!!!!!!! SUCH a relief. This week has been HELL and on top of all that photo drama....

SO glad it is working out!! You don't need any of that unnecessary stress! BTW all your photos are so gorgeous!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Mornin' Ladies!!!! Just stopping in to say hello to you all and to wish you all a wonderful weekend of planning and task - doing! ;-) I was checking in on you guys via the last few pages and it sounds like everyone is in full progress mode.

I was able to get reassigned to a new DW.com TA, Karilyn Barnett, and I freakin' LOVE her already!!!! We spent two hours on the phone the other night and she has revived my enthusiam about the wedding and the AS. My previous TA was gracious enough to send a "best wishes to you" email to us, which was kind, yet akward. Anywho, we are moving along and I've got an alchemy out on etsy for our STD's. I am actually feeling behind the curve ball, because we officially have less than 12 months left, but it is what it is........

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hello and wish you all a fantastic weekend!!! xoxoxo
cheer2.gif I'm glad you found someone easier to work with and easing your mind about is always a +

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Glad you got a good TA. They will make things easier for you.

I just decided on a Honeymoon location! We are staying at the Excellence Playa Mujeres Aug 28-Sept 4. It looks so awesome. Secrets Maroma was about the same price, and thats where I thought I would go, but I really fell in love with the Excellence. I am using a friend's TA who is great, so much better than my crazy wedding lady. She said any sale any drop in price we will get, no need to rebook or anything.

Have a great weekend everyone! I will be working on my planning thread this weekend. I need to do it now or else I will just forget everything!
cheer2.gif I'm glad you found a honeymoon location. I looked it up and it looks awesome. I'll definitely be waiting for a review and maybe we'll put that on our list for our honeymoon (FI's not budging on Zoetry frown.gif).

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Ladies that have already been married, this one's for you!

What do you think the chances are that I'll be able to convince (or that they'll be kind enough on their own) the onsite WC to have my chivalri chairs moved from the ceremony on the sky deck to my reception at plaza zavaz for the set-up up fee?

I am having 70 guests and its not in my budget to order them twice but I am sooo obessed I cannot do without them. I know that they are def in for my ceremony as I cannot imagine looking back at pictures and seeing any other chairs there. (Again, I am going for the antique look/feel and the other chairs just won't cut it.)

I am having a cocktail reception between the ceremony and reception somwhere other than the reception site. (They are also moving my ceremony flowers down and don't want my guests to be there as they set up) so there should be enough time to have htis done.

My WC told me I had to order chairs twice but hoping you'll think that I'll be able to work something out once I am there.

This really sucks and I'm going to try to get them to do this also. I'm not as determined as you though. I can take it or leave it if they give me too much resistance. However, if I make some headway with my request I'll definitely keep you in the loop. I must say that if Amy didn't get what she wanted with the time she had to get it, I'm thinking we may be disappointed. It really aggravates me that we are paying so much extra (for the Sky Deck) and I'm not sure about you but I'm not really using the stuff that comes with it (i.e. the programs, bouquet, hell I'm not even using the officiant). I just feel like they could at least do this for us.

Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Oh my goodness, there has been so much chit chat I have missed in the passed 2 days! You girls have been busy! Yes, I am next! I can't believe I leave in 2 weeks!!!! I do not even have everything done, and I am starting to stress! I have my bachelorette party tonight, which will be good, cuz I need some stress relieved! I have report cards to finish right now, as well as finishing last minute wedding stuff. I can't believe after 2 years I am only 2 weeks away!
cheer2.gif (so many cheers today) Have fun @ your bachelorette party!! 2 weeks? Geesh, you're almost there!!
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