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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by suzannepdc View Post
For just the location? No, and that's pretty ridiculous. We did have to pay for the fabric that they use to decorate. We used a purple/eggplant and it was $75 for each so $150. Seems a little crazy for two pieces of fabric, but I think that they have to rent it too, so there's not much you can do. I think the white is cheaper for some reason, but that's all we paid for on that since we did not want the flowers they sometimes put on it (they were expensive and we didn't really think they added anything).
Perhaps she meant it would be extra because of the fabric. She didn't go into it any further than just to say that the gazebo is really pretty. I figured I could change my mind once I got down there.
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
HAHA, I know... wait until you have nothing to do planning wise after your wedding and it's nice for a few weeks and then it's sad because you don't want it to be over!

I actually did a little research and the Hangover Suite doesn't look anything like it did in the movie... it's kinda meh looking in real like and so for $5,000 I decided that wasn't worth it... (I'm thinking the price went up since it was in the movie) I am now in a MGM Skyloft, 3,000 square feet, pool table, flat screens, butler, all that stuff. Also you have to have a private guest list for anyone coming to your suite because it's escort only to those suites which is pretty cool. I paid $2,000 for the suite and I'm having everyone bring a bottle of alcohol and a mixer, get some hor'derves and done!

You cannot make pre-reservations for Le Chique, I tried and they told me that your personal concierge is the only person who can make them and that depends on your building number.

I didn't... I thought it may jinx it... haha not totally seriously but I just didn't want even have a thought of needing it. Not the most foolproof plan but you know what, it all worked out. :)

The suite @ MGM still sounds amazing. I love that hotel. You're gonn ahave sooo much fun! I just rold FI your plans and he's trying to make it work. He loves Vegas more than I do. He's sitting here suggesting that we make it legal for New Year's. Lol! Too bad I gotta work.

I kinda figured that about LeChique but just thought I'd ask.

As far as the jinxing goes...I agree. I'm not a "gotta have insurance" kinda girl. I'm more of a "whatever happens, happens" so I'm shocked that I'm even considering it. Problem is, watching the news today with it being the 1st day of hurricane season and all they got me a little paranoid. So, I'll keep you guys posted on what we decide.

Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Le Chique..... really hound your personal concierge about getting reservations as soon as you get there. We actually ate there twice and it was great both times. Make sure you make clear that you want to eat there and not having a reservation is out of the question.
Thanks for the tip!!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
OK Ladies, I got my budget and things are looking good. My grandparents really want us to move the wedding from 2012 to 2011 and it looks like I may be able to swing it budget wise on my end so now I am waiting on my FI family to be cool with it. Then I can talk to the WC at Azul Sensatori and see what dates in May of 2011 are open. YIKES! I am an event planner so it's not like I can't get everything I was planning to do over 2 years done in 1 righthuh.gifLOL
Question for you ladies; I have had 2 WC's contact me from AS
Tiffany Borowsky and Cécile Alix. Did anyone have good experiences with one or both?
Thanks ladies! I would be Lost without you guys!

I have Cecile and I have to say she is prompt. Bullets and numbering are definitely the way to go and even then you may still have to remind her that there was a question she didn't answer. She is nice tho and seems to really want to help. She is a little uncertain about a lot of things tho, so if I were you I would take a lot from this thread and let her know that you know those things are available. Otherwise, she isn't upfront about your options, etc. It's kinda like if you don't ask, she won't offer.

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I was trying to multi-quote but it didn't work but anyway I was told that the payment is due 45 days before, which for me will be June 16th. I sure hope that day comes and goes without them asking me because due to some screw up with the IRS I haven't gotten my tax return yet and I just found out that I probably won't get it until the first week in July. We were planning to use the tax return to pay off the wedding. We can rob Peter to pay Paul to pay the wedding off but who wants to do thathuh.gif It'll be just my luck that the resort will be looking for my payment on June 16th exactly!

I feel your pain about the tax stuff. We're not in the same boat but this year I convinced my sister to go to the place I've been letting do my taxes for the past 3 years. We went and my returns came back no problem. Hers, however, was never filed!!! Come to find out, the place went out of business under "Liberty Tax" and never alerted us to that fact. They cleared out of the building and disappeared. Shady, shady, shady! I'm sure everything will work out tho. According to everyone else's experience with the matter looks like you'll be fine.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Thank you so much for the reassurance, Taylorwd! I honestly think this thread is a blessing and a curse. :-) If you start reading from the beginning it is SOOOO negative. And then if you talk to ladies who have recently had ceremonies, all are happy! I think I might just need to stop reading anything prior to page #400. :-) Thank you!

Honestly, I tried to start from the beginning. Even recruited my MOH to help me read. I would say that starting around pg 400 is about right because some of that info is no longer relevant anyway, i.e. photog policy.

UPDATE! However' date=' I sent her a stern, but nice email...come to find out she has been going through a divorce. I am glad she got back to me and is supposedly shipping my Garmin today and getting her passport on Wednesday...YIKES!!!! 8 weeks out! But thanks sooo much for all your advice...I will keep you posted. I just hope she keeps her word, because I really do love her work!! And she seemed so professional in NOLA for my e pics....

I'm happy you at least got an explanation.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
We purchased the insurance (including all my guests) through my TA. I thought it was more a travel insurance than wedding insurance. Like if your flight gets delayed and don't make it to the resort on the day you have already pay for it.. then you get money back for the night that you didn't stay, etc. It was only $39.99 per person. We thought it was well worth the purchase. My TA send me the insurance description. Since I am just at the end of hurricane season, I wanted to be safe.

I am worried about hurricane season also but a lot of the travel insurances don't cover natural disaster so I was just trying to see how worth it it all was. There is a type of wedding insurance that you can purchase that will allow you to cancel for any reason. So, that's what I was considering.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
I have Tiffany also. She's been very responsive to all my questions and been very helpful. I think it helps to call her and talk to her over the phone rather than exchanging emails all the time.
I would recommend getting all of the info ya'll speak about backed up in writing also. Cecile has actually been told by my TA that she has to be cc'd in all of her email to me because they conveniently "forget" some things.

Originally Posted by rkf1046 View Post
So, after reading this, do you have a GI consultant that is helping you or did you get this without using one?
No, I just have my TA and the WC that Karisma provided.
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HI I have a question...what did everyone do about the centerpeices? I am really struggling between bringing down things or just picking the ones from the resort. My dilemma is even though i may only pay 25 buxs for silk flowers and a vase, I may still end up spending almost 50 to 60 buxs in checking luggage. I'm just not sure if its worth the hassle

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hi girls! I'm baaaacccckkkkkkkk!!!

Its late and I should unpack and get to sleep but wanted to say hi and let you know I had the most beautiful, fun, amazing wedding!

I am sure you had a beautiful perfect day Renee too! Friday was gorgeous weather as well. We snuck down to AS on Monday but I could not hear any Texas accents - was looking for you :-)

I will tell you all more later, but my guests who were going to get bumped to AS Fri-Sun b/c Beach was booked were able to stay at Azul Beach all weekend after all - I was so excited! I found out during my wedding why.... There was a onlooker in a bikini sobbing during my entire ceremony and family pictures, and bridal prty pictures on the beach with a friend consoling her. Seriously for an entire hour. Turns out she was supposed to get married that weekend - called off the wedding - and her family still went as vacation. And she sobbed in a bikini and towel 50 feet from my ceremony and pictures!!! pokestick.gif

Even with the crazy crying girl, I was still so thankful no one has to move to another hotel.

Will start working on some photos to post soon. I have to do my planning thread and review as well.

The flowers though - were AMAZING. Prettiest wedding flowers I have ever seen. wow wow wow
Welcome Back!!! I am so happy to hear that you had crazy (literally with the crazy sobbing lady) fun wedding! Looking forward to hearing about your experience. Congrats! smile159.gif

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
There are two types of insurance. Travel insurance and wedding insurance. We just got the travel insurance and paid $131 each. That was for hotel and air. If we just got the hotel part it would have been much cheaper. We could have canceled our trip at any time and gotten a refund on all our travel related costs (hotel, air, transport, etc). We didn't get wedding insurance but we considered it.
I think I have travel insurance that covers hotel - I would have received the refund on all items except for air... if anyone is interested, send me a PM and I will send you the description of my insurance.

Originally Posted by rkf1046 View Post
So, after reading this, do you have a GI consultant that is helping you or did you get this without using one?
I was the one post that free cocktail hrs after Meredith told me about it. I was told that as long as your TA is in GI program AND you have completed the contract from Feb 2010. The promotion did not start till Feb 2010. I was also not qualify for a free cocktail hrs since I have completed my contract in Nov 2009. You can talk to your TA. My TA talked to WC to sort the details out. Only after that, I found out this detail. I hope this helps.

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
I'll post my ceremony script later for anyone who is interested.
I am looking forward to reading your ceremony script! That's what I am working on lately.

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
One question for you AS brides. Does anyone know if their is any kind of separate pricing for the Private Reception for children? I know that lots of resorts offer a 2 for 1 or children under 12 are free but I haven't been able to find any details about that for the AS yet.

Thanks in advance, and here's hoping I officially become an AS bride soon!
Welcome! I am also getting married at AS on Oct 10, 2010. I was told that kids are free unless they are 12 or 13 years old. They have to pay full adult price. I am going to ask my WC to get a more accurate answer. I will let you know once I find out.

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Interesting...I booked through DW.com but my WC said it is not offered to me. I am getting 20% off the private reception, cocktail hour and cake. In addition to the "bride and groom stay free package" I put that in quotes bc we arent really staying for free. We basically get a refund after the fact from DW.com for the lowest level room and the minimum number of nights stayed...so about $900 back. Not free but I guess I will take what I can get.

I am gonnna go back and ask my TA about the free cocktail party though. Maybe she can work something out. :) Fingers crossed.
Same here... read my comment above. If you completed your contract before Feb 2010, you are not qualified. At least you are getting some money back. We didn't make 15 rooms sad.gif

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Very interesting.......we were told that we could not have 20% off of the reception, only other "private events." I'm really frustrated with the inconsistencies. I had a minor photog fiasco too and it is all starting to leave a poor taste in my mouth. And this is just month one of planning and Q&A. :-(

If you don't mind me asking, who is your DW.com TAhuh.gif? We are considering cancelling because I'm more frustrated with the communication or lack thereof, than a bride to be should be in month one. :-( pms.gif
That is inconsistent. Reception is a private event. Unless you are having at a restaurant that is NOT private. Are you dealing with TA or WC?

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Originally Posted by suzannepdc View Post
For just the location? No, and that's pretty ridiculous. We did have to pay for the fabric that they use to decorate. We used a purple/eggplant and it was $75 for each so $150. Seems a little crazy for two pieces of fabric, but I think that they have to rent it too, so there's not much you can do. I think the white is cheaper for some reason, but that's all we paid for on that since we did not want the flowers they sometimes put on it (they were expensive and we didn't really think they added anything).
What?!? I think I just got ripped off. My WC told me $150 per fabric. I am only having 2 blue fabrics to decorate my gazebo and it will cost me $300. I need to follow up on this.

Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post
HI I have a question...what did everyone do about the centerpeices? I am really struggling between bringing down things or just picking the ones from the resort. My dilemma is even though i may only pay 25 buxs for silk flowers and a vase, I may still end up spending almost 50 to 60 buxs in checking luggage. I'm just not sure if its worth the hassle
I am struggling with the same question. However, I decided not to have much flowers but many candles as a center piece since we are having a beach reception at night. The candles and its holders are too expensive to rent from LOMAS. I think you need to look at the price they are offering for each piece and decide what is the most economical choice.

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For all past AS brides, does anyone remember what the Zavaz lounge is like? It's supposed to be a bar inside the Zavaz restaurant. I'm trying to find a place to tell my guests to gather for an "informal cocktail hour" in between the ceremony and reception while we take pictures. I'm paying for a cocktail party the day we arrive as a welcome reception and I don't want to pay for another one after the wedding. My reception is at the Zavaz plaza so I was thinking the Zavaz lounge would be convenient. So can someone give me some information on this location and if it's not a good place can you recommend some place I can tell people to gather at?

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Originally Posted by dirtymartini View Post
It was me who asked. I was wondering, because now Kiara is telling me that they will charge me extra for using the arch vs. the gazebo. Which had NEVER been mentioned to me before. Anyone else run into this?
Sara that is crazy! There must be some sort of confusion on her part. You don't have to pay for ANY wedding location. You're right, maybe she meant the fabric...

BTW, I know the palapa gazebo is small inside, but what I've seen other couples do is get married right in front of it instead of standing under it. That way everyone can see/hear you but you still have the gazebo as your backdrop for all your pictures.
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Originally Posted by dirtymartini View Post
Wendy, just looking at your pictures again. I am wondering- at what point did you have all of those pictures taken? Before the ceremony, after, the day after? I want to be traditional and not see my groom until I walk down the aisle on the big day, but then I want some good daylight photos like you have.
We were adamant about not seeing each other before the wedding, so all our pictures were taken after the ceremony. The ones taken at the resort (the ones with stormy skies if that helps you differentiate!) were taken between the ceremony and the reception. The ones that are bright, sunny, and blue sky were taken the day after. After group pictures finished, we had over an hour to shoot just ourselves around the resort, and for the day after, we shot around town for about 4 hours.

I can't remember, have you done a site visit? If not, then the cutoff in our slideshow between day of and day after shots is the black and white one of us walking up the sand dune. That's the first day-after picture.

For timing the light, we purposely planned a 4pm ceremony and 6:30 reception. The sun in April sets at 7pm, so we knew we'd have plenty of light still left and wouldn't have long shadows in our pictures. LOL not that it mattered with the rain! Our thought was that we were paying all this money to bring down our photographer so we wanted the best possible lighting for our pictures.
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Originally Posted by mzgillis316 View Post
HI I have a question...what did everyone do about the centerpeices? I am really struggling between bringing down things or just picking the ones from the resort. My dilemma is even though i may only pay 25 buxs for silk flowers and a vase, I may still end up spending almost 50 to 60 buxs in checking luggage. I'm just not sure if its worth the hassle
I am actually moving my ceremony flowers to the recpetion and placing them in blume boxes. (I am getting full-on bouquets and handging them from the chairs closest to the aisle. Because they are bouquets they can be easily picked up and plopped into the blume boxes.) I am also going to Jo-An fabric and having different pieces/styles of beautiful vintage inspired fabircs cut and will places those large fabric squares underneath the blume boxes. That way I don't have to pay beyond the whte table clothes which are included but each table will have some personal flare.

I had gone back and forth with a lot of other, and much more creative ideas, but the hassle of bringing things with me and having to assemble things there really put me off. I think it is easier this way and am sure it will still look lovely.
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