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RE: AB ceremony locations


I cannot remember who asked, but I agree with Amy B. about the gazebo - it's really small and I think it would be hard for guests to see what is going on - even if it's the bride and groom. We got married the same place that Amy did - it was a bit windy, but it's much more open.

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Everything was awesome. We had the minister wedding - it was the woman with long dark hair. Her voice was so soothing and her english was excellent.
We got married by the same person! I thought she was fantastic - read our ceremony that we wrote - added a little in (DH gave her permission to do so) and it was perfect and fit with the rest of our ceremony.
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OK, I am only on page 750! But wanted to give some advice or what we did...


Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Yeah...I REALLY want to wear heels since I am just 5'3" but being a generally ungraceful and clumsy girl I think sandals will probably be the way to go. Just hate admitting to my mom she was right. lol
I wore platform flip flops for the same reason - there is a foot difference btwn me and DH. Claudia didnt even have me take off the shoes during our pix b/c she said our height difference was too much - LOL. This is what I wore: Amazon.com: WHITE WEDGE HIGH HEEL NOMAD BLING FLIP FLOP WITH SEQUIN TRIM SHOE SIZE 9: Clothing

The wooden plank is very unstable so if you walk in heels I'd almost say don't have the plank. I tested out the plank after another girls wedding the Thurs before mine and decided to do the flip flops and not the heels.


Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
for those interested, here are some links to my brother's website. He worked alongside our hired professional photogs in Mexico, and worked alone with his wife for our AHR.

pics from my AHR - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris's Wedding - UK Reception

Katie, you are so freaking cute I love seeing your pictures. I was a bit bummed there were not more fun english hair feather/flower thingys though wink.gif Congrats on such a gorgeous day. That cant be the easiest thing in the UK :)


Originally Posted by Sammyhawk View Post
My appts were for 8&9 and I didn't get out of the solon until 12. ... We actually found out yesterday that we are getting relocated. ... that means moving to Little Rock, AR. .... Wish me luck girls, and in my down time- when I want to not think about the move anymore I will post some of my planning stuff.
Oh girl - I have only seen your siggy picture and DAMN is that was your TTD dress then I cant imagine how fabulous you would have looked in your 1st dress. And the storm clouds look so good in pictures.

That super sucks about you having to move again. Can his company give him a time or length committment in Little Rock? I have only heard GREAT things about Little Rock. It sounds so southern to me, but anyone I have met who has worked there or gone down for a business trip loves it. I would actually consider it myself. I hope you have a smooth transition.. You deserve to have your honeymoon phase uninterrupted!


Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Does anyone know if they charge more for holidays? I am thinking Memorial Day May 2012 because we will only need a symbolic ceremony and according to them they only perform those M-Th
I had a symbolic ceremony on Saturday with the Free Wedding package (ie no higher costs). The minister was amazing.


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I got all 1,125 of my pro pix today and spent the entire day going through them at work... I've felt giddy and floaty allll day long, like reliving my wedding day all over again... I'm so jealous of you B2B's, you are going to have the time of your lives!
SOOOO jealous! I bet your are in picture heaven! I cant wait to get mine. Claudia is sending them to my Dad's. I'll be there June 25th so I hope they get there by then. If not I'll have to wait until AHR on July 24th... Are you getting an albumn made too?


Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
I have a question for those married already - did you use the hotel's hair and makeup people? I see that LOMAS has a specialist or I saw on other threads that girls had MAC artists come to them. Does AB (or AS) allow vendors such as hair and makeup people come if its not from them or LOMAS? Also do flowers and stuff have to come from LOMAS?
OK, well I think Karisma is owned by this guy who also owns LOMAS. I am not sure, but I really think they are all interrelated. The hotel uses a vendor, Lomas, to handle all special events including weddings. So you have a WC from Lomas and also one from the hotel. You meet with both for your planning meeting. Lomas then uses the spa people from the hotel. So, it must be all interrelated somehow.

I used the hair & make up people. Stay tuned for my review, but I can tell you that they are very good, you just have to be very specific as you get your stuff done. They recreated my hair perfectly, but other people we did have to say _ more volume or less volume - etc. They don't just take your hair and use their creativity and they always said "I think it looks good" for everything. For example, I brought down fake eyelashes from MAC which were ridiculously long. They put them on and I was like "now way, I look like a doll" they were like an inch long! But the spa lady said she thought they looked good. My friends handed her the scissors and told her to cut the length in half. MUCH better! They were happy to make any changes we wanted.


Originally Posted by suzannepdc View Post
We wrote our entire ceremony. DH met with the minister right before the wedding and gave it to her, she read through it and he told her if she had something she wanted to ad lib, that was fine, but we did not want any religious references. She was fine with that. She was fantastic and I was so happy with her (I was really nervous that we'd get a very religious minister and run into a problem).
I wonder if you had the same lady we did. DH said she was really nice before the ceremony and calming. She read our ceremony perfectly and even edited some parts wher I had grammatical errors. I'll post my ceremony script later for anyone who is interested.
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
AB is about to start construction in August. More than what I just mentioned about the spa. Apparently they're revamping the rooms and expanding the resort to bring the total count to 128 rooms (adding 30 rooms). I think it said Aug-Dec 2010. Most of our AB brides on here don't have weddings until 2011, but Sara's (dirtymartini) is in November this year.
I think might have started this already. They were chipping away at that mansion past the AB - you know the one that is between AB & the nudey resort? That must be where they are expanding b/c the Villa is right next door on the other side. It was not overly noisy but I would not get a bachfront massage until 6pm or later.

Originally Posted by chong View Post
Am I over reacting about the flower cost? Looks like for me & FI, 3 bridesmaids & 3 groomsmen will cost me about $1000 or more. I know flowers are expensive but REALLY? Is this typical? I am wondering if I need to get silk flowers... though I am not sure if it's that much cheaper. Any thoughts? Am I over reacting about the price?
i"ll post my pix, the pix I gave the resort, and the prices. I think all in (5 bouquets, 5 boutineers, 5 centerpeices, and canopy flowers) it was about $300-$400 total. And they were the prettiest flowers I have seen at a wedding.

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Ok girls, if you guys want to see my engagement pics...
I hope the drama is over for you Lindz. My computer wont let me log into her site. I'll try tomorrow at work! The 2 so far are amazing. I wish I would have had them done professionally now in multiple outfits. So cute.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Total side note... looking through my million wedding photos I was anxious to see DH's reaction to my book! I get to the part and the photos start with him excited, then smiling, then welling up with tears and CRYING! I talked him and was like... "honey that's not the reaction I was expecting... who crys for nudity!?" LOL... " He said it was what it meant and the french on the side of the book cover, he speaks and writes French and it's the biggest turn on ever... and the quotes and whatnot. I just thought it was hilarious I was expecting maybe a blush or a look on his face that said "hey she's hot!" but instead it was totally touching to him, very cute :)
So cute Amy! I love that he cried. Thats awesome. Does it make the liver cleanse worth ithuh.gif? haha

Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
Le Chique..... really hound your personal concierge about getting reservations as soon as you get there. We actually ate there twice and it was great both times. Make sure you make clear that you want to eat there and not having a reservation is out of the question.
Honestly, that last bit of advice is what you should adhere to for everything. Make sure you let them know everything you want, they may be hesitant at first, but thats what you want so thats what they'll do. I wanted to stand on the right (usual guys side) b/c of my one strapped dress - and they said "oh thats not where the bride usually stands" and so on and I said "thats ok, that is the side I am going to stand on. Mark will need to be standing on the left when I come down the aisle" and they say "ok, we;ll do that" and move on. I found that is how the planning meeting worked!
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Amy, I love those teasers!! Your white setup looks soooooo elegant and simple--I can't wait to see more pictures as well as the full flower effect!!!


Heehee, I love that you're giddy. It's fun being a new bride!!!


Hey, did you end up doing a lounge area on the Terrace?

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Yes, we did the lounge area to the left of the DJ set up. There were 2 couches, 1 or 2 chairs, and about 2 ottomans with the pink and orange pillows. It was cute. They added a few tea light candles as well.


Did anyone write Thank You notes to the people in Mexico? I never tipped the hotel WC. Did anyone?

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Yes, we did the lounge area to the left of the DJ set up. There were 2 couches, 1 or 2 chairs, and about 2 ottomans with the pink and orange pillows. It was cute. They added a few tea light candles as well.

Did anyone write Thank You notes to the people in Mexico? I never tipped the hotel WC. Did anyone?

Yes, we wrote a Thank You to the WCs and tipped them quite well. We tipped others too (e.g. the servers who waited on our reception) but I think the WCs are the only hotel people we gave a Thank You card to. Once I got back I wrote a letter to the GM thanking the resort for all they did, as well as individually naming all the people who made our stay so wonderful.
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AmyBermuda welcome back!!!! I have been thinking about you practically every day since you left (not creepy though...don't worry you don't have a stalker or anything). I'm so so so glad that your wedding turned out beautifully...you looked so gorgeous (and so did your hubby) and I love how your BMs wore different dresses! Everyone looked so fantastic!!!


With every great AB review I get more and more excited to go down there and get hitched! Can't wait to see your pro pics! Claudia is my photog too cheesy.gif


Welcome home!

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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
To the thefuturemrslutz:

You ladies on this forum RAWK!!! I was over here starting to go insane and obsess about the most minor details, which is normally not even in my character. :-/ Last night I almost had a minor meltdown because I was reading the earlier threads and just felt dumb for booking. I talked to my FH and he told me to chill out and focus on the reason for it all. While I know he was totally right, I just want it all to be perfect for us, just as I'm sure every other lady on her does. I just appreciate the support because no one in my "non-forum" life seems to get it. The option of picking a wedding site, sit-unseen can just be plain nerve racking. Grrr..... Thank you for your support!!!
That's what we're here for!!! To keep you as sane as possible. I can't tell you I am a natural worrier and drove myself nuts quite often planning my wedding. None of it was worth it, my wedding day was the best day of my life and I regret nothing :)

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hi girls! I'm baaaacccckkkkkkkk!!!

Its late and I should unpack and get to sleep but wanted to say hi and let you know I had the most beautiful, fun, amazing wedding!

I am sure you had a beautiful perfect day Renee too! Friday was gorgeous weather as well. We snuck down to AS on Monday but I could not hear any Texas accents - was looking for you :-)

I will tell you all more later, but my guests who were going to get bumped to AS Fri-Sun b/c Beach was booked were able to stay at Azul Beach all weekend after all - I was so excited! I found out during my wedding why.... There was a onlooker in a bikini sobbing during my entire ceremony and family pictures, and bridal prty pictures on the beach with a friend consoling her. Seriously for an entire hour. Turns out she was supposed to get married that weekend - called off the wedding - and her family still went as vacation. And she sobbed in a bikini and towel 50 feet from my ceremony and pictures!!! pokestick.gif

Even with the crazy crying girl, I was still so thankful no one has to move to another hotel.

Will start working on some photos to post soon. I have to do my planning thread and review as well.

The flowers though - were AMAZING. Prettiest wedding flowers I have ever seen. wow wow wow
YAY!!! welcome4.gif back MRS!!!!!! Happy to have you in the club pinkie.gif

Can't believe this girl crying... COME ON! I am the fiesty one that would have told her to lock it up. Riiiiddddiculous.

It was so perfect that no one got bumped, everything worked out in the end! I told you it would :)

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
I thought she was just an onlooker during the ceremony until picture time I realized someone was consoling her and one of my guests said, yeah, shes that bride whose wedding was supposed to be today and was canceled. Well it was definitely not supposed to be on May 29th since I had that date booked for over a year. It didn't matter to us though, we were soooooo happy! Everything was awesome. We had the minister wedding - it was the woman with long dark hair. Her voice was so soothing and her english was excellent.

I wish I had taken that honeymoon right after though. Its not very relaxing organizing all those excursions, welcoming each person, saying goodbyes, and talking to everyone ll day. It was awesome - but I really wish I had another week in Mexico :)
I was married by the same woman! She was amazing, I was very happy with her. Wrote our entire ceremony and she learned it like 2 days prior.

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
hehe I am so giddy! last one

Click the image to open in full size.
GORGEOUS! You look amazing and I love the chic white setup, similar to mine. Your bridesmaids look so amazing all different colored dresses.

SOOOO jealous! I bet your are in picture heaven! I cant wait to get mine. Claudia is sending them to my Dad's. I'll be there June 25th so I hope they get there by then. If not I'll have to wait until AHR on July 24th... Are you getting an album made too?QUOTE]

I do love them! They are so fun to look at, so hard to choose! I can't wait to see yours.

My package I bought from my photog includes my wedding album and a small brag book.

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
ISo cute Amy! I love that he cried. Thats awesome. Does it make the liver cleanse worth ithuh.gif? haha
It does make it worth it, especially after being gluttonous in Mexico for 2 weeks, I look at those pictures and consider doing it again!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Yes, we did the lounge area to the left of the DJ set up. There were 2 couches, 1 or 2 chairs, and about 2 ottomans with the pink and orange pillows. It was cute. They added a few tea light candles as well.

Did anyone write Thank You notes to the people in Mexico? I never tipped the hotel WC. Did anyone?
I gave our WC a tip on a whim but no one else... I felt weird about it because they literally listed out everyone's names as if they were expecting one and I was honestly too busy enjoying my wedding to remember, ooops!
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Hi All,

I'm a newbie around here. I've actually been lurking on this and a couple other threads for a few weeks now since we got engaged as we try and select a resort for our wedding in the Mayan in May/June 2011. I have read this thread I believe from start to finish (it took a looong time). :-)


I think we've narrowed it down to the Azul Sensatori with a back up option in case the prices are out of our range of possibilities. We're just waiting for the pricing confirmation and confirmation of a wedding date. I'm so excited I can't stand it.


One question for you AS brides. Does anyone know if their is any kind of separate pricing for the Private Reception for children? I know that lots of resorts offer a 2 for 1 or children under 12 are free but I haven't been able to find any details about that for the AS yet.


Thanks in advance, and here's hoping I officially become an AS bride soon!

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