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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Even though I wasn't married on the sand, I ended up getting wedges just in case. Nicole is right about the wooden aisle runner not running the length. A lot of brides get sandals for the ceremony and then change into heels for the reception.

Yeah...I REALLY want to wear heels since I am just 5'3" but being a generally ungraceful and clumsy girl I think sandals will probably be the way to go. Just hate admitting to my mom she was right. lol
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Hello Everyone!
I'm a Newbie and just joined BDW about 3 days ago. My FH and I signed our contract last week for a May 2011 ceremony at the Azul Sensatori. I found this site after searching for reviews on MR photographers and I have been lost ever since. :-) I spent hte past 2 days just trying to read this thread alone and have only gotten about 75 pages completed. I posted twice, once as the automated welcome email asked me to, and another in a 2011 Brides thread. I have not received any responses thus far, so I don't even know if I'm posting correctly on this site. :-/

Anywho, it looks like there are quite a few of you in here and if anyone who has recently married at the Azul Sensatori is game to "initiate or haze" me into what what to expect and which vendors I should be looking at closer, please feel free! I am all ears and eager to accept all advice I can get.

Oh and I have to share with you all that I am trying to break the bank to get Elizabeth Medina to photograph our wedding!!! I found her site by accident and I AM IN LOVE with her work!!! If anyone has experience with her as well.....I'm ALL ears!

Have a great Sunday, Ladies and I so look forward to getting to know you all!

All the best!
Welcome - congrats on setting your date!!!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Ok girls.... I am closing up the computer and getting ready to go to bed. 9 hours til I board my flight to Miami and then off to Cancun.

I have 2 suitcases packed and Mark has 3 (2 of which are the OOT bags). I have the wedding details sheet printed as well as our ceremony and readings; packed my USB key with all the details. Shoes - check; dress - check; rings - check!!!

I am so nervous and excited !!!! This has been over a year coming and I am so happy its here but also sad that it means my wedding planning days are over. Its been a roller coaster of emotion, starting from when, 2 months after getting engaged, FI got transferred to Boston and we've been living apart for 9 months. I can't say I regret anything - even my stupid travel agent got us a beachfront massage and our guests on the short list for upgrades, so it seems it was just a hassle more than anything looking back. Very surreal now...

Anyways, I will post my planning thread and review when I get back. Hope you all have a great week and think of me on May 29th!!!!

So excited for you!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return!

Originally Posted by Sammyhawk View Post
OMG girls, so I know I haven't been the biggest contributer to this forum, mostly used it for major questions and to vent! I have to say that I am so thankful that I found you girls in February, this forum has been a life saver. I just got home from our wedding at Azul Sensatori, and it was fabulous! I have to say the weather wasn't the best, the worst day was of course our wedding day, but it was still a blast. We still got married on the beach rain and wind in all! So much for buying a TTD my first one got soaked! It is actually fine, I ended up getting more use out of my TTD though (since it was dry to put on for the reception). I will try to put together a planning thread now that I am done with wedding planning, though I am still working on the AHR planning, so be patient. That and a lot of my details got drenched (my fan favors, which who needed them in the rain and wind? And my programs were totally saturated) which was totally sad but they did turn out great. I will post pre-rain pictures :). What an amazing week it was! I am so excited for you girls!
Congrats - can't wait to hear more about it!!!! Total bummer about the rain but awesome attitude! I worry about rain, not to mention hurricanes, for our date too, but it helps to keep it in perspective! Excited to see your picselefant.gif
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Hi Ladies,

Gonna post for some inspiration/motivation....

I have not been doing anything lately. Kinda depressed actually because someone I know is in her last stages of life. crybaby2.gifHer health has declined quickly and it kinda caught me by surprise. She's not related to me or anything, but I highly respect and admire her. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but because of that I've kinda lost the pep in my step! Naturally I got on the to-do-list band wagon as soon as Amy F "graduated" from doing it, lol. But I can say it really helped. I actually completed every task on my list at the time besides buying his ring and that's because the jeweler says his finger should be measured in the summer to account for swelling.

Anyway, my next big decision is invites but I have no clue what to put on/in them! I am leaning toward doing a boarding pass type invite, but I'll need to include a lot of info and adding pages will of course increase the price. So, then there's a pocketfold invite with inserts but I'm not sure what to include. Do we really need an RSVP? I'm sure it would be helpful to include info about the resort, airport transfers, TA, cocktail party, ceremony and reception info...am I missing anything? Sad part is some of that may change because my WC says that if my party goes above 50, we'll have to move from Plaza Zavaz (which is booked for both the party and reception). And go where is my question?

Plus I have FI's cousin helping me with things and she says it's not proper etiquette to not send invites to those who we know aren't coming (esp since on the STD it said "formal invitation to follow"). Ok, I get this, but am I crazy to think that if people were interested in coming we would know about it? I mean who plans to come to a DW and not ask questions or express interest to the bride/groom or TA for that matter? Not to mention the fact that we are now @ 47 people coming (2 groomsmen still haven't booked not sure if they're bringing dates) and we only budgeted for 50! girl_werewolf.gif So basically I'll be buying 125 invites to send to people who have already made up their minds not to come or will change their minds and come at the last minute (which won't help matters much). I feel like I'm at a standstill because everytime I inquire about guest list with my TA it has changed. Last time I checked in with her it was 37. 10 people booked in less than a month and after the rsvp date mind you.

OMG! As I'm typing this I get the call that the lady I was talking about just died. I guess all I just typed seems unimportant now.
I'm so behind on reading posts, but so sorry to hear about your friend. I know at any time this is an extremely hard thing to go through not to mention in the middle of wedding planning. My prayers are with you. Trust me you are not alone feeling at a standstill!!! Keep the faith! It will all work out in the end!shots.gif
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hey girls, sorry I haven't been on here much - having been delayed getting home we had less time than we wanted to plan final details for our AHR that we had on Saturday, and since friday, I have had an ear infection and felt like total BLAH. Monday was my first day back at work and I lasted until 1pm when they sent me home....today I only lasted 10 minutes before they sent me home.


but anyway....sorry.


for those interested, here are some links to my brother's website. He worked alongside our hired professional photogs in Mexico, and worked alone with his wife for our AHR.


pics from my wedding - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris' Wedding


pics from my AHR - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris's Wedding - UK Reception


there's also pics on my facebook from the official photogs so add if you like wink.gif Katie Day.


much love girlies :) xx

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
YEA Sammy!!!!! welcome4.gif back!!!

I'm so glad you had a positive attitude about the rain. It's true, once you're there and it's your day it doesn't matter in the slightest. There's so much emotion and excitement going on that rain seems inconsequential. Thankfully the rain held off for our ceremony but it did rain on us for our pictures afterward. It just made for some great, stormy shots!!

I'm soooo excited to hear about your review and see pictures! The siggy you posted looks amazing!!! And take your time. It took me like 3 weeks to get my reviews up. There's just so much to do when you get back and I too am in the midst of doing my AHR.
Thanks! I just kept saying "I am not going to Mexico to get married in a ballroom". I found out after I made the decision to continue on the beach that the backup was actualy the open air area next to the Mojito lounge, not sure what it is called, so that isn't bad if anyone else happens to encounter rain on their wedding day. The saddest part is that we didn't have the opportunity to do any pictures together in my original wedding dress. I had acrylics placed in the solon and a pedicure the morning of the wedding. I would definitely advise to get this done at home first. I was just thinking the french tips on my toes and polish on my nails wouldn't hold up if I was end the pool several days before the wedding. The girls in the solon were very very nice, but very slow. My appts were for 8&9 and I didn't get out of the solon until 12. I still had to shower and get our music to the wedding coordinator and then arrange to do my own hair and makeup with the photographer to photograph. So that ran late, I was literally getting into my dress just minutes before we were suppose to meet at the ceremony site. So that is definitely the sadest part. We got some great morning after the wedding shots in my second dress, but I'm sad I didn't get more use out of my original dress. I am looking forward to wearing it in June at our AHR, but no fantastic photographer at that event sad.gif. Anyway, I will try to get on that planning thread. We actually found out yesterday that we are getting relocated. So I have a lot of new planning stress..here I thought I would have a little bit of a break after the wedding. We just relocated here (St. Louis) from Iowa last May, and just built a beautiful home and thought we would for sure be hear atleast 3-5 years. Well my hubby found out yesterday he is getting promoted (yay) but that means moving to Little Rock, AR. I have so many mixed feelings. I cannot believe we are moving again and so soon and so far from our families. We cannot tell anyone until next week, after it is announced with the company, but I am freaking out a little bit. It was totally stressful last year relocating and we have to do it all over again! House hunt and job hunt, the second time in a year! I still have unpacking to do, but ever since I found out about the relo I have done nothing but internet research. I went from wedding planning to planning another major move. Wish me luck girls, and in my down time- when I want to not think about the move anymore I will post some of my planning stuff.
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Good luck Sammy! That sounds really stressful and I'm sorry. You're right, we all expect downtime and less stress once our weddings are over. I hope your AHR goes smoothly with no hiccups so at least that'll be one less thing to worry about. We're here if you need us! grouphug.gif

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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

I believe the pool deck is different from Plaza Zavaz because I'm having a cocktail reception at the pool deck and the reception at the Plaza Zavaz and no one has ever told me they're the same place. I think I have pictures of both locations. Send me your email address and I'll send you the pics I have.


I'm supposed to be attending a conference here in New Orleans but it seems as though I just came here to eat and drink! cheers.gif


I was also told that this is two different place. If you look at the pdf file with pictures I sent you awhile back, you should notice that there are different pictures for the pool deck vs. plaza zavaz. Maybe you should double check with your WC...



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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
hey girls, sorry I haven't been on here much - having been delayed getting home we had less time than we wanted to plan final details for our AHR that we had on Saturday, and since friday, I have had an ear infection and felt like total BLAH. Monday was my first day back at work and I lasted until 1pm when they sent me home....today I only lasted 10 minutes before they sent me home.

but anyway....sorry.

for those interested, here are some links to my brother's website. He worked alongside our hired professional photogs in Mexico, and worked alone with his wife for our AHR.

pics from my wedding - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris' Wedding

pics from my AHR - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris's Wedding - UK Reception

there's also pics on my facebook from the official photogs so add if you like wink.gif Katie Day.

much love girlies :) xx
OOOh.. I hope you feel better. Can't believe you still have the energy to post stuff here :)

WOW.. you AHR looks like another beautiful wedding. pictures turn out great. looks like it was a gorgeous day!!! Thanks for sharing the photos. Take care!!!
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Originally Posted by Sammyhawk View Post
Thanks! I just kept saying "I am not going to Mexico to get married in a ballroom". I found out after I made the decision to continue on the beach that the backup was actualy the open air area next to the Mojito lounge, not sure what it is called, so that isn't bad if anyone else happens to encounter rain on their wedding day. The saddest part is that we didn't have the opportunity to do any pictures together in my original wedding dress. I had acrylics placed in the solon and a pedicure the morning of the wedding. I would definitely advise to get this done at home first. I was just thinking the french tips on my toes and polish on my nails wouldn't hold up if I was end the pool several days before the wedding. The girls in the solon were very very nice, but very slow. My appts were for 8&9 and I didn't get out of the solon until 12. I still had to shower and get our music to the wedding coordinator and then arrange to do my own hair and makeup with the photographer to photograph. So that ran late, I was literally getting into my dress just minutes before we were suppose to meet at the ceremony site. So that is definitely the sadest part. We got some great morning after the wedding shots in my second dress, but I'm sad I didn't get more use out of my original dress. I am looking forward to wearing it in June at our AHR, but no fantastic photographer at that event sad.gif. Anyway, I will try to get on that planning thread. We actually found out yesterday that we are getting relocated. So I have a lot of new planning stress..here I thought I would have a little bit of a break after the wedding. We just relocated here (St. Louis) from Iowa last May, and just built a beautiful home and thought we would for sure be hear atleast 3-5 years. Well my hubby found out yesterday he is getting promoted (yay) but that means moving to Little Rock, AR. I have so many mixed feelings. I cannot believe we are moving again and so soon and so far from our families. We cannot tell anyone until next week, after it is announced with the company, but I am freaking out a little bit. It was totally stressful last year relocating and we have to do it all over again! House hunt and job hunt, the second time in a year! I still have unpacking to do, but ever since I found out about the relo I have done nothing but internet research. I went from wedding planning to planning another major move. Wish me luck girls, and in my down time- when I want to not think about the move anymore I will post some of my planning stuff.
Good to know about the "indoor" area in case of rain. I was also worried about that. We are having beach ceremony and beach reception so a good weather is definitely a MUST. Also.. good to know about the salon. I was debating on whether or not to do my nail at home or do it at the resort since I will be there for 4 days before the wedding. I guess I just need to be careful...

I am sorry to hear about the move. My dad was in the military so we moved around a lot. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's exciting... It's too bad that you just built the house and have to leave it. It's stressful but I think it's a great thing that your husband got promotion in this difficult economy. I hope everything works out for you guys!!!

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