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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by chong View Post
I am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you find some comfort that you got to know her (you still have her) and was able to inspire you and got a chance to be a good friend.

Now.. about the wedding. If it makes you feel any better, I am all over the place with my wedding plan. I thought I will be more organized and follow the check list but honestly I do things that comes to my mind at that time. So you are in MUCH better shape than I am :)

Wow.. 50 guests! That is really impressive. You should be happy about having an AWESOME wedding with so many close friends and family at the beautiful location. Something will work out for you. Just talk to your WC and TA and put pressure on both of them. I found my TA to be amazing at pushing buttons and working stuff in the background with the resort. I have made few complaints and my TA took care of it. Use the people who suppose to work out the details for you.

For invitations... I think you have to decide what's important. Amy's passport stuff is awesome. I wish I had the money to actually do it. But I am OK with not doing it. I don't think you need RSVP for people who already made the reservation. I refuse to spend money on something it's already taken care of.

I just read something on the BDT about the invitations... if you already know who is coming and who is not coming.. maybe you can consider sending out "announcements" rather than invitations. Saying.. we are getting married here... look for updates at our website or something like that. Or you can send it out after the wedding. I am still debating on what's to do with my invitation or announcement too. You are way ahead of me!!!

We are going this weekend to look at my FI's clothes and groomsmen clothes. We haven't even start looking at the ring yet. We might have to do that this weekend too.

I hope this helps! Hope you feel better. happy thoughts :)

Thanks Chong,

I appreciate your response to my ranting and complaining! I may actually take your idea about announcements into consideration. The minimum possible order for the invites I REALLY want is 75, so maybe I can just buy 50 cheapies to cut cost.

And, I actually feel better for now. I spent time with the family yesterday and everyone was in good spirits so that made it more bearable.
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Originally Posted by meghan View Post
Hey Meredith...sorry to hear about your friend. I actually just went to see a family friend yesterday in the hospital who is dying from pancreatic cancer, and it totally puts things into perspective.
About the invitations....I sent out save the dates almost 2 years in advance, and sent out my formal invites in February of this year. I did not send invites to people who had already told me they were not coming. I thought they might actually be a bit annoyed if I sent them a formal invite after they had already said no. I sent invites to people who had said yes or who had not responded/decided yet.

Thanks Meghan,

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I will pray for strength for his family and friends and him. Cancer SUCKS!! The lady that passed initially had colon cancer. A year after that she was diagnosed with lung cancer that spread to her brain. She was just one of those people that you could never talk bad about because she was a genuinely great person. Then to get 3 types of cancer?! WTF!!

Anyway, I felt the same way about sending invites to people who already turned me down. Especially those who kinda wrote it off like it was an inconvenience or just not that important, i.e. "Oh, we already made other plans." Whatever! Better for me though. At least I'm not paying for you if you don't REALLY want to be there!
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Originally Posted by Sammyhawk View Post
OMG girls, so I know I haven't been the biggest contributer to this forum, mostly used it for major questions and to vent! I have to say that I am so thankful that I found you girls in February, this forum has been a life saver. I just got home from our wedding at Azul Sensatori, and it was fabulous! I have to say the weather wasn't the best, the worst day was of course our wedding day, but it was still a blast. We still got married on the beach rain and wind in all! So much for buying a TTD my first one got soaked! It is actually fine, I ended up getting more use out of my TTD though (since it was dry to put on for the reception). I will try to put together a planning thread now that I am done with wedding planning, though I am still working on the AHR planning, so be patient. That and a lot of my details got drenched (my fan favors, which who needed them in the rain and wind? And my programs were totally saturated) which was totally sad but they did turn out great. I will post pre-rain pictures :). What an amazing week it was! I am so excited for you girls!
Hi! Congratulations Mrs! I am sorry to hear about the weather but sounds like you still had a great time.

I have wedding at Azul Sensatori on 10-10-10. I cannot wait till I hear about your experience. I am dying to find out all the little details and any helpful tips. Of course.. can't wait till to see some pictures~

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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Sorry to hear about your friend. I know people always say this but at least she is not suffering or in pain anymore.

I'm having over 50 people at my wedding (54 to be exact) and the reception is in the Plaza Zavaz and no one has ever mentioned the group number being a problem.

I say DO NOT waste your money sending invitations to people who you know aren't coming. I've never heard any etiquette rules that say you have to send someone an invitation. Maybe instead of sending all the information in the invitation you can send a newsletter to everyone who booked with all information they need in it.

BTW I'm in New Orleans now! I love this place!!!!!

Thanks Dani,

I totally agree because she was suffering and it was hard to watch all of that.

I'm glad they're not giving you a problem with 54. I figured it would be a small # over 50 and would have been pissed if we had to move for something like 5-6 people. And I'm not sure who wrote the rules of etiquette anyway, so I do agree with you. I guess people will get offended any way it goes.

How long will you be in N.O.? I'm glad you like it. I'm just begining to fall in love with my city all over again, lol!!
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Meredith - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I know it is rough, even moreso going through wedding planning I'm sure ( I know I was very emotional planning my wedding) so just know my thoughts are with you and vent to us if you need.


Why don't you take over and do the to do list's for the thread if they helped, I think you'd be perfect for it :)


Also, the best advice I ever got planning my wedding was, don't listen to anyone :) HAHA, catch 22 I know. I agree with Meaghan, I think it's actually rude to send invites to guests who have already told you they aren't coming. I didn't send invites to guests not coming, I plan to send them announcements when I get all my photos and I'll do like a photo announcement just letting everyone know we thought about them and they are included.


Wendy - LOL! Dear husband, now that makes sense :) Destination husband I guess does too but it's funny the first thing your mind goes to.


Amy - Holy cow girl... no words can describe how excited I am for you!!! You think you're excited now? You're in for a brand new feeling... I feel like a part of a special club and have felt something that only happy married Mrs. feel and can't wait for all the amazing bride to be's I know that are about to join <---- sooooooo cheesy! LOL!


Sammyhawk - Congrats Mrs.! So glad your day was unbelievable! I thought the same thing on my wedding day, you know if it rains, it wouldn't have even mattered, I would have had a blast regardless. Besides rain on your wedding day is gooood luck!

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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Hello Everyone!
I'm a Newbie and just joined BDW about 3 days ago. My FH and I signed our contract last week for a May 2011 ceremony at the Azul Sensatori. I found this site after searching for reviews on MR photographers and I have been lost ever since. :-) I spent hte past 2 days just trying to read this thread alone and have only gotten about 75 pages completed. I posted twice, once as the automated welcome email asked me to, and another in a 2011 Brides thread. I have not received any responses thus far, so I don't even know if I'm posting correctly on this site. :-/

Anywho, it looks like there are quite a few of you in here and if anyone who has recently married at the Azul Sensatori is game to "initiate or haze" me into what what to expect and which vendors I should be looking at closer, please feel free! I am all ears and eager to accept all advice I can get.

Oh and I have to share with you all that I am trying to break the bank to get Elizabeth Medina to photograph our wedding!!! I found her site by accident and I AM IN LOVE with her work!!! If anyone has experience with her as well.....I'm ALL ears!

Have a great Sunday, Ladies and I so look forward to getting to know you all!

All the best!
Welcome! I will be getting married at Azul Sensatori on 10-10-10. There are just so much to read and so much to learn. I say read as much as you can when you get a chance. You do have 1 year to plan the beautiful wedding :)

I do love Elizabeth Medina's photos. However, I understand from my WC that resort policy do not allow allow any other Mexico based photographers except for the ones they have contract with. You can bring the US based photographers but there is outside vendor fee and min night stay. I would recommend that you check with WC about the photographers before you make any inquiries with Elizabeth Medina.

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Girls - I am so excited I can barely breathe! ahhhhh!!!

Meredith, I am sorry to hear about your friend. Its nice that you have had someone in your life that you admire; I am sure she will follow you in spirit throughout your life.

RE your invites, I really think its bad to send invites to people who are not coming. Maybe ask a couple of the people who are not coming what they thinkhuh.gif Could you do that? Everyone is different so maybe your family & friends agree with your cousin and think its bad form? Also, I did not include any information regarding wedding locations except to say Azul Beach & beachfront wedding. Thats it. I have a welcome letter and a schedule for everyone when they arrive that have the locations on them. You dont need to tell people beofre they arrive where your reception is held.

Chong - I printed menu cards and am having them places at the settings. I got the idea from a bride on here - I have the 4 courses listed as "first date" "courtship" "marriage" and "honeymoon" - How freaking cute is that!!!!

Lastly, I got on the scale this morning, and yes I did have a couple bottles of wine between friends last night so I probably was a bit dehydrated but it said I hit my target wedding weight and lost 25 pounds!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! Probably will not step on the scale before I leave now and just keep this high note.

OK, going to the beach to work on my tan now. Tomorrow is a spa day and finish packing, leave Monday at 6am!!!! woo hooooooooooooooooo

OMG!! AmyB you're so close!! elefant.gif Congrats on the 25lbs too that's great!! Thanks for the suggestions. I may just go the more economical way and not do inserts but just add the info in the welcome letter. I just wanted people to be able to prepare (clothing wise) for our events. I guess it's not a big deal tho.

Love love love the menu idea....think I'm gonna steal it!!
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Hello Everyone!
I'm a Newbie and just joined BDW about 3 days ago. My FH and I signed our contract last week for a May 2011 ceremony at the Azul Sensatori. I found this site after searching for reviews on MR photographers and I have been lost ever since. :-) I spent hte past 2 days just trying to read this thread alone and have only gotten about 75 pages completed. I posted twice, once as the automated welcome email asked me to, and another in a 2011 Brides thread. I have not received any responses thus far, so I don't even know if I'm posting correctly on this site. :-/

Anywho, it looks like there are quite a few of you in here and if anyone who has recently married at the Azul Sensatori is game to "initiate or haze" me into what what to expect and which vendors I should be looking at closer, please feel free! I am all ears and eager to accept all advice I can get.

Oh and I have to share with you all that I am trying to break the bank to get Elizabeth Medina to photograph our wedding!!! I found her site by accident and I AM IN LOVE with her work!!! If anyone has experience with her as well.....I'm ALL ears!

Have a great Sunday, Ladies and I so look forward to getting to know you all!

All the best!
Congrats and welcome4.gif

Elizabeth Medina is amazing, I didn't use her but all the photos I see of hers are wonderful! Great choice indeed :)

LOL, no initiations or hazing, too funny! Just hang out with us, ask questions and show us as many pictures of your planning process along the way, we all love pictures :)

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

So sorry to hear about your friend. How wonderful you were able to have someone in your life that you connected with and saw as an inspiration.

I agree with everyone on the invites. No reason to send them to people who've already said no. It's both a waste of money and you could possibly make people feel worse if they really want to go but can't for whatever reason. If I got a STD that said "Invitation to Follow" but I had already said no to going, I would definitely not expect a formal invitation.

As for all the other stuff, you also don't need to include that with the invites. You can send an information packet before you go if you like (or newsletter), or you can just let them know once they get there. For us, when our guests checked in they got an itinerary for the weekend and our ceremony details.

DH = Dear Husband. But I like Destination Husband much better!

Thanks Wendy. I really think I'll go that route and just include the info in a packet or something when they get there and not send invites to those that I know aren't coming. Except maybe family that may want to keep the invite for sentimental reasons.
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
Has anyone used the sparklers? Does anyone know if I can take it to Mexico?
I wasn't sure if you could get the sparklers through customs or if the resort would allow you to use them. If you're trying to use them for your exit after you're pronounced husband and wife, I decided to use biodegradable confetti from save-on-crafts. You can get a bag of it for $4.99. I'm going to make petal cones and put the confetti in there for everyone to throw. Let me know if they let you use the sparklers tho.

Oh, and FYI my WC told me there's no such thing as the pool terrace for an event. She said I must be referring to Plaza Zavaz because it's close to the pool. Let me know if your WC told you something different.
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