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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
Hey ladies, just checking in to be excited for you upcoming brides!!! So exciting and AMY i am dying to see a pic of your livingroom lol
Katie, YOUR GOING TO MEXICO TO BE MARRIED, sending you no doubts only positive thoughs....
Hey girl! How's married life? :)

Oh my living room is so embarrassing... I've had to ban friends from coming over!
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Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
Hey ladies, just checking in to be excited for you upcoming brides!!! So exciting and AMY i am dying to see a pic of your livingroom lol
Katie, YOUR GOING TO MEXICO TO BE MARRIED, sending you no doubts only positive thoughs....
Thanks Amy....that's what I'm hoping!! I'm only going to start panicking if there's still no flying this time next week. Until then, it's business as usual!

It wouldn't be a destination wedding without a bit of drama before we go!! haha
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
LAST WEEKAmyBermudaâ€s to doâ€s:
1.Reception Songs: Intro/1st dance/Cake Cutting - DONE
2.Print Pix for Table #s and Mount them - Whoops - still need to do this one with the escort cards too
3.Finish Who's who booklet - DONE - only need to print
4.Start Welcome Letter - Yeah I "started"...
5.Make appts for makeup, hair, and podiatrist - DONE woo hoo

Here are my new ones -

AmyBermudaâ€s to doâ€s:
1. Finish Menu Cards assembly
2. Print & Assemble Programs
3. Order Whos Who and Welcome letters to be printed from FedEx Kinkos in Boston
4. Table # Cards - printed and assembled
5. Escort Cards - printed & assembled
6. Get dress altered

I will be 3 weeks away once this is completed so last few things only (hopefully)
OMG Amy, yours is sneaking up fast girl!!! I hadn't even realised you were so close behind me and Amy! are you next on here after us?

Good luck!

I don't know about you but the closer we get the less head space I seem to have to function!! I keep getting forgetful and clumsy and tired...it's just as well we're getting married so soon or I might end up having a breakdown! atm I'm only managing on average 5 and a half hours sleep a night....and that includes the weekends as we're so busy. so apologies if I seem a bit doolally! haha
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Originally Posted by renee1811 View Post
Sorry I have been MIA these past couple of weeks, things have been crazy busy in between work and school! Finally have some time to catch up on all the posts!

Katie, way to stay optimistic! Sending good thoughts your way and I'm sure all the ash will clear up!! smile03.gif

These past few months have been rough. I'm not trying to sound selfish in any way, but with one of my BM's fiance's passing away, and my other BM just informed me she is getting a divorce, I have felt so guilty about being happy for my own wedding. I just wasn't feeling excited about it, but my mom has been keeping me pumped about it. Both of my BM have tried to help, but I feel too guilty to talk about my wedding with them. That is why you girls are here, lol.
welcome back Renee :) and thank you for your kind wishes and thoughts - I may need every single one!

and no way do you sound selfish. you only get to do this once, and it is all about you and your FI so you have every right to be happy and excited. you'd regret it if when you look back you just remember all the bad stuff.

I agree with the others that possibly those bridesmaids are not going to be best to help you get excited, but you never know - people cope with things in the strangest way and maybe having something to do to distract them may even help. speak to them and find out what they want - do they find it too difficult to hear all about it, or is it a welcome distraction? this way you are being sensitive and it helps you know what your boundaries are.

hope this helps, and good luck! at least your mum's getting excited about it!
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sorry, last post! lol


Amy - I love love love that pic of your shoes and dress! how artistic!


how did your hair trial go? do we get to see pics??


oh and a bit of volcanic dust....cue all the comments under the sun about 'that's what you get for getting married abroad'; 'this wouldn't have happened if you were getting married here'!! arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE JUST SOD OFF!!!!!!!!! wink.gif


meh - I'm over it! lol :)

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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
sorry, last post! lol

Amy - I love love love that pic of your shoes and dress! how artistic!

how did your hair trial go? do we get to see pics??

oh and a bit of volcanic dust....cue all the comments under the sun about 'that's what you get for getting married abroad'; 'this wouldn't have happened if you were getting married here'!! arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE JUST SOD OFF!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

meh - I'm over it! lol :)
Thank you!

My hair trial went well, we did a few different looks, the pictures aren't that great and my hair is roughly put into place so we could easily change it up so it won't do it justice but I may post anyways.

Are you serious? Are your guests saying that to you!?!!? I would smack anyone that gave me crap about a freaking Volcano in Iceland!!! Hello how do you predict that?!
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Ok chickies, if you want to be a part of the list, let me know and I'll add you!!


STARTING Monday, April 19th 2010 ENDING Monday, May 3rd 2010

We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list


KittenHeart (Amy) to do’s:

1. Practice dancing every night

2. Accessories for TTD? (shoes, belt)

3. Get everyone who is coming fully set and good to go

4. Mail out wedding brochures 4/26/2010

5. Make envelopes of cash tip & baggage charges

6. Ensure MOH brings/packs Polaroid & film

7. Make Vegas wedding invites

8. Lose 2lbs & eat 500 less cals per day for the next 2 weeks

9. Buy floating candles, tinted lotion, tattoo stick, concealer,

10. Complete list of must play songs/do not plays and songs for DJ

11. Make list of must take shots for photog and email

12. Attach OOT Bag tags to OOT bags

13. Have escort/placecards guest names written on them then affix to birds’ nests

14. Print out ceremony, making seating chart and print, print out emails, put all travel docs and transportation information in orderly form, make receipts envelopes for travel.

15. Buy bachelorette party dress

16. Give girls pre-travel bags

17. Get Costco card from MOH to purchase snacks in Mexico for OOT

18. Print and frame future in-laws photos and buy one more frame

19. Pick up clothes from alterations lady 5/1

20. BM to finish wedding day timeline & FI to get printed and cut

21. Finish writing vows and look over ceremony wording one more time

22. Ensure boys have Converse

23. Find out video camera rental cost and pay

24. Put mail on vacation hold at the post office

25. Coordinate girls mani/pedi appts

26. FI & I to start and complete our teeth whitening 4/25

27. Add intl. calling to FI & my cell phones 4/27

28. Laundry, pack and weigh all bags. Make list of contents in each bag and who’s taking it

29. Schedule bills to be paid while we’re gone – 4/30

30. Put together cocktail hour playlist

31. FI final hair cut 5/1, me final cut and color & eyebrow waxing 4/24, facial 5/2, clean ring 5/2


Katie's to-do's:

finalise songs for ceremony

- work out and drink more water

- check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane

- make meal choices and confirm to WC

- buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon)

- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM

- finalise all catering details with AHR

- to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours

- make up a wedding dance

- confirm details for cake topper for AHR

- try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits!

- start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!!

- make meal choices and confirm to WC

- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR)

- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM


Renee’s to do’s:

1. Lose two more pounds!

2. Tie ribbons on bubbles

3. Finish programs for ceremony

4. Finish menus for reception

5. Make labels for playing cards

6. Work on music selection for ceremony and reception


AmyBermuda’s to do’s:

1. Finish Menu Cards assembly

2. Print & Assemble Programs

3. Order Whos Who and Welcome letters to be printed from FedEx Kinkos in Boston

4. Table # Cards - printed and assembled

5. Escort Cards - printed & assembled

6. Get dress altered

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Ok chickies, if you want to be a part of the list, let me know and I'll add you!!

STARTING Monday, April 19th 2010 ENDING Monday, May 3rd 2010
We will check in with what is done either as itâ€s done or every other Friday and start a new list

Katie's to-do's:
finalise songs for ceremony
- work out and drink more water
- check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane
- make meal choices and confirm to WC
- buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon)
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM
- finalise all catering details with AHR
- to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours
- make up a wedding dance
- confirm details for cake topper for AHR
- try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits!
- start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!!
- make meal choices and confirm to WC
- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR)
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM
sorry to be a pain Amy - the last 4 on mine are duplicates or done from my last list :) I thought about leaving them on there just so it looked like I got more done but I couldn't!! haha

thanks hun :)
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
sorry to be a pain Amy - the last 4 on mine are duplicates or done from my last list :) I thought about leaving them on there just so it looked like I got more done but I couldn't!! haha

thanks hun :)
So sorry! You know that final days loopy, no sleep forgetful state you're in? Me too :)
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STARTING Monday, April 19th 2010 ENDING Monday, May 3rd 2010

We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list


KittenHeart (Amy) to do’s:

1. Practice dancing every night

2. Accessories for TTD? (shoes, belt)

3. Get everyone who is coming fully set and good to go

4. Mail out wedding brochures 4/26/2010

5. Make envelopes of cash tip & baggage charges

6. Ensure MOH brings/packs Polaroid & film

7. Make Vegas wedding invites

8. Lose 2lbs & eat 500 less cals per day for the next 2 weeks

9. Buy floating candles, tinted lotion, tattoo stick, concealer,

10. Complete list of must play songs/do not plays and songs for DJ

11. Make list of must take shots for photog and email

12. Attach OOT Bag tags to OOT bags

13. Have escort/placecards guest names written on them then affix to birds’ nests

14. Print out ceremony, making seating chart and print, print out emails, put all travel docs and transportation information in orderly form, make receipts envelopes for travel.

15. Buy bachelorette party dress

16. Give girls pre-travel bags

17. Get Costco card from MOH to purchase snacks in Mexico for OOT

18. Print and frame future in-laws photos and buy one more frame

19. Pick up clothes from alterations lady 5/1

20. BM to finish wedding day timeline & FI to get printed and cut

21. Finish writing vows and look over ceremony wording one more time

22. Ensure boys have Converse

23. Find out video camera rental cost and pay

24. Put mail on vacation hold at the post office

25. Coordinate girls mani/pedi appts

26. FI & I to start and complete our teeth whitening 4/25

27. Add intl. calling to FI & my cell phones 4/27

28. Laundry, pack and weigh all bags. Make list of contents in each bag and who’s taking it

29. Schedule bills to be paid while we’re gone – 4/30

30. Put together cocktail hour playlist

31. FI final hair cut 5/1, me final cut and color & eyebrow waxing 4/24, facial 5/2, clean ring 5/2


Katie's to-do's:

- finalise songs for ceremony

- work out and drink more water

- check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane

- make meal choices and confirm to WC

- buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon)

- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM

- finalise all catering details with AHR

- to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours

- make up a wedding dance

- confirm details for cake topper for AHR

- try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits!

- start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Renee’s to do’s:

1. Lose two more pounds!

2. Tie ribbons on bubbles

3. Finish programs for ceremony

4. Finish menus for reception

5. Make labels for playing cards

6. Work on music selection for ceremony and reception


AmyBermuda’s to do’s:

1. Finish Menu Cards assembly

2. Print & Assemble Programs

3. Order Whos Who and Welcome letters to be printed from FedEx Kinkos in Boston

4. Table # Cards - printed and assembled

5. Escort Cards - printed & assembled

6. Get dress altered

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