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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I am with you, I haven't had time to workout and stress has been getting to me and all I want is pizza... no joke. So I'm at the same place as you are!

I say, we get back to working out and hold ourselves accountable and check in. We'll post in on FB everytime we workout. I am going hiking first thing tomorrow morning!

Thanks hun! You're so sweet and you bring up really valid points. I had a terrible day the day I went to go try on my dress and the seamstress rushed me in and out of the dress, it was irritating. We literally didn't have time to take pictures so I am going off memory.

I need to try it on again tomorrow with friends and have them take pictures of me in it so I can see. It's also not pressed so it's wrinkly around the stomach and booty.

You're right I guess I don't need to be bending over anyways, LOL! It's so strange to think that I will need help with everything, bathroom breaks etc.

That's good to know! I was hoping I wasnt the only one who didn't have a corset that my dress was made super tight. I can breathe but only slightly, it's fine though.

I can't wait to see your dress Meaghan!
I know how you guys feel! I only have 10 more days til I leave for my BD, and I have literally not had time to work as much as I hoped. I only got in 4 times last week!!! YIKES!!!!! BUT I know you guys can do it!!!!! Can you work out on a lunch break or super early in the morning....Amy I know you already get up really early, but maybe you could do it a few times. Just think, in 2 weeks, you will be on the beach rockin your hot bodies, cocktail in hand, marrying your lucky FIs!!!!!! I know you girls can do it!!!!!!! I think the facebook idea is great...I am going to join you guys! smile123.gif
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Alright girls, so I just made my final wedding payment today!!! Amy did you pay yours too? Surprisingly this felt like a huge relief, so nice to have this done!

A few things I found out... sooo the dress pressing pricing was sent to me on like dry cleaning brochure and it said 75,00.... which I was confused about because it's a comma and so I asked if it was pesos and it is. So my dress pressing is $7.50, LOL!

I was warned by my WC that the onsite coordinators (although raved about) are in fact the dreaded Lomas. Sooo she told me to expect set up fees depending on what I brought. So just be warned.

Also, I wanted to give all you future brides that are just starting this process with your coordinator that they are very busy. My coordinator, Kiara, said she currently has 176 brides that just she takes care of. That's just crazy! She's also training a new person who will help alleviate some of the load but still. Be patient and be polite, that is how I really got through this VERY easily with my coordinator.

Last but not least, I bought FI a car today, it's totally under my name but it's the first thing we have that we really share and it feels crazy and wonderful and made me realize I'm sharing every aspect of my life with this man, so nuts!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)
What an AWESOME feeling!!!!!!!! Everything is paid for! Done and Done! Yay!!!!

Congrats on buying the car...I saw the pictures on facebook. I love it!!!!! You are such a sweet FI!

Oh, and thank you for finding all this stuff out for all the girls...I know everyone appreciates you going above and beyond to find out what little things cost here and there and other little tidbits of info!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
soooo....just because I clearly wasn't stressed out enough already, an Icelandic volcano decides to erupt and ground all UK flights into and out of the UK. all UK airports are shut and have been for the past 3 days, and still will be tomorrow when they look again at the problem.

if that's not bad enough, they're worried the volcano next to it may erupt any time soon and then it all starts all over again.

I'm trying not to panic as 2 weeks (that's how long it us until we fly out) is a long way away for something that's being reassessed daily, but we spent half of today going through our options for just about every different scenario. I feel more prepared for whatever happens. Now it's just a case of wait and see.....


oh what fun! wink.gif
I have been following along on this, thinking about you guys! I think everything will be FINE in 2 weeks. Can you imagine all those brides last weekend?!?!? I wonder what they did to get around it? I am glad you have a back up plan...I think this will make you worry less and actually sleep at night!!! It definitely can't hurt, but I don't think you will end up needing it. You'll be paradise bound before you know it!thewave.gif
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hey guys - so my wedding payment is due today. Anything I should consider before handing over my CC # for copious amounts of money??!!
I guess just make sure you have EVERYTHING in writing that you want to be sure of. You could always send her a "recap email" with any uncertainties you are having or any other questions you have for her.

For example...
Please confirm the following:
1) Steaming is $7.50
2) I have the _______ spot booked for Friday night, the _____ spot booked for Saturday night
etc etc etc
You get the idea! SOOO glad you are getting it done!!
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Originally Posted by rkf1046 View Post
Thanks for sharing about the extra costs once we start working with the onsite WC's. I was wondering how that works (i.e. do they charge for putting out the placecards, etc.) I am curious how much.

Also thanks for the heads up with Kiara - she is my coordinator too. Very nice, but at least it helps set an expectation. I had a feeling it was bad (176) but I didn't realize it was that many!

Have a great weekend and thanks again for sharing all the great info...it's very helpful!
Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Thanks Amy - good tips/points. Is there an idea of what is extra and what is standard decor? Like I am bringing name cards, table #s, menus, and favors. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary so I am not expecting to pay anything. What do you think after your convo w/ Ciara? An seriously - they are so over worked if that is how many brides they are assigned! How sad. I would seriously be looking for another job if that was me.

Wow - its fun moving ahead and having this joint financial life, isn't it? I bought FI a plane ticket and he keeps wanted to pay me back - I was like "whats the difference? I think I can buy my hubby a plane ticket" and he still feels like he should pay for it. Of course anytime I say I'll take him to dinner... now thats a different story hahaha
To be honest, I doubt they'd ask for extra to set those items up. I am bringing string lights and paper lanterns with lights in each. Those will probably be extra. I also have a guestbook table and an escort card table with a lot of items so I'm pretty sure it will be extra.
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
soooo....just because I clearly wasn't stressed out enough already, an Icelandic volcano decides to erupt and ground all UK flights into and out of the UK. all UK airports are shut and have been for the past 3 days, and still will be tomorrow when they look again at the problem.

if that's not bad enough, they're worried the volcano next to it may erupt any time soon and then it all starts all over again.

I'm trying not to panic as 2 weeks (that's how long it us until we fly out) is a long way away for something that's being reassessed daily, but we spent half of today going through our options for just about every different scenario. I feel more prepared for whatever happens. Now it's just a case of wait and see.....


oh what fun! wink.gif
I've been thinking about you since this whole volcano thing. I think 2 weeks it's plenty of time for things to clear up (hoping for no more volcano eruptions in that area!) Hopefully it rains a lot to get the ash out of the air faster.

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
oh, and Amy...if we make it to mexico, I have decided (ha I made a decision!! lol), I am NOT leaving Mexico without a pic of me and you together! that is the mission :)

and congrats ladies on paying your final balances for your weddings :)

we have paid off our holiday, but the wedding we are paying when we get there. FMIL is going to get our money all changed up tomorrow (it's quite a lot!) into cash so I hope she doesn't get mugged on her way home! once we've got that I'll be so excited! and I need to start packing soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO IF'S GIRL!! You WILL make it to Mexico, I've decided it! haha :) I have good strong positive thoughts for you, Chris and all your guests!

We ABSOLUTELY need a picture together!! I arrive Monday, May 3rd and leave Puerto Morelos area for my Cancun hotel on Tuesday, May 11th. Let's see if we can shoot for a day to meet up and have a drink and a hug :)

Man yesterday I packed a few more suitcases and now I'm wondering where I'm going to put my clothes!?
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I almost forgot! Respond with what you complete and your to do list for the next two weeks! Katie, it's CRUUUUUNNNCH time for us girl!!!


STARTING Monday, April 5th 2010 ENDING Friday, April 16th 2010

We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list


KittenHeart (Amy) to do’s:

1. Have 4th dance lesson and practice at home 3 times per week - DONE

2. Find out about boat/jetski rental for TTD pictures – Will find out there

3. Know final number of people coming and have them book flights if need be - DONE

4. Have 2nd dress fitting with all accessories – DONE

5. Have hair trial and find amazing hair style with all hair accessories - DONE

6. Make final payment for wedding!! - DONE

7. Make Vegas wedding invites – Not done

8. Lose 2lbs & eat 500 less cals per day – Ummm kinda

9. Pre make ribbon wraps for Pashminas - DONE

10. Complete list of must play songs/do not plays and songs for DJ – Not done

11. Find out vase sizes and buy floating candles – Found out sizes, need to buy candles

12. Receive OOT bag tags and affix – Haven’t gotten them

13. Receive escort/placecards and have guest names written then affix to birds’ nests – not done

14. Purchase and receive placecard/tablecard holders - DONE

15. Buy bachelorette party dress – Not done

16. Buy frames for pictures and signage – DONE

17. Buy more OOT bag stuff – DONE!!!!

18. Complete 2 more weeks of P90X and incorporating more cardio & pilates - DONE

19. Get FI’s wedding slacks hemmed & my Vera dress taken in – Taking today

20. Decide on FI wearing jacket or not – DONE, no jacket

21. Final draft of ceremony and finish writing vows – Finished Ceremony, need to finish vows


Lindz’s to do’s:

1) Send email to initial RSVPs to call TA by April 20th DONE

2) Get custom measurements for my dress DONE

3) Bridesmaid's dresses DONE

4) GM attire

5) Pick out invitations

6) Book flights/hotel for BD, engagement shoots in New Orleans! DONE

7) Lose 5 lbs! DONE but need to lose 5 more

MAJOR diet and workout for the next 4 weeks!! IN THE PROCESS

9) Book photographer's trip to Cancun

10) Book our trip PUT DOWN DEPOSIT

11) Shop for lingerie/clothes for BD/engagement shoot

12) DJ research


Taylorwd's To Do's!

1. Get final beauty treatments

2. Get rings cleaned

3. Make final photography payment

4. Pick up sand vessels for sand ceremony from MOH

5. Buy sand!

6. Back up iTunes playlist to CD's

7. Finalize head count for excursion

8. Get cash for tips

9. Get some pesos

10. Pick up dress

11. Do planning thread (this is a BIG maybe depending on time)

12. Tan 4 more times

13. Pack by Sunday this week



Katie's to-do's:

- finalise songs for ceremony (i'm getting bored of putting this one down now!)

- change work out regime to shock my body in last month :)

- call and book cake stand for AHR

- final fitting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and will be deciding if I have ivory or pink shoes!! (I bought both colours in the same shoe as I couldn't decide!)

- find out weight of wedding dress tomorrow

- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!!

- make meal choices and confirm to WC

- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR)

- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM


AmyBermuda’s to do’s:

1.Reception Songs: Intro/1st dance/Cake Cutting

2.Print Pix for Table #s and Mount them

3.Finish Who's who booklet

4.Start Welcome Letter

5.Make appts for makeup, hair, and podiatrist

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I almost forgot! Respond with what you complete and your to do list for the next two weeks! Katie, it's CRUUUUUNNNCH time for us girl!!!

Katie's to-do's:
- finalise songs for ceremony (i'm getting bored of putting this one down now!)
- change work out regime to shock my body in last month :)
- call and book cake stand for AHR
- final fitting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and will be deciding if I have ivory or pink shoes!! (I bought both colours in the same shoe as I couldn't decide!)
- find out weight of wedding dress tomorrow
- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!!
- make meal choices and confirm to WC
- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR)
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM
oh yes it is Amy! this is our penultimate to-do list!!! arrggghhh!!! lol

Katie's to-do's:
- finalise songs for ceremony (i'm getting bored of putting this one down now!) we have changed our first dance song, to the one we were going to have signing the register so now we're a song down for the ceremony! this is starting to get annoying now!
- change work out regime to shock my body in last month :) ummm kinda haven't had ANY spare time to do anything drastic. I have at least started doing something again!
- call and book cake stand for AHR DONE
- final fitting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and will be deciding if I have ivory or pink shoes!! (I bought both colours in the same shoe as I couldn't decide!) DONE
- find out weight of wedding dress tomorrow DONE
- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!! DONE
- make meal choices and confirm to WC still to do
- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR) DONE
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM still no idea!

New to-dos
- finalise songs for ceremony
- work out and drink more water
- check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane
- make meal choices and confirm to WC
- buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon)
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM
- finalise all catering details with AHR
- to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours
- make up a wedding dance
- confirm details for cake topper for AHR
- try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits!
- start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there's more, but that will do for now!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I've been thinking about you since this whole volcano thing. I think 2 weeks it's plenty of time for things to clear up (hoping for no more volcano eruptions in that area!) Hopefully it rains a lot to get the ash out of the air faster.

NO IF'S GIRL!! You WILL make it to Mexico, I've decided it! haha :) I have good strong positive thoughts for you, Chris and all your guests!

We ABSOLUTELY need a picture together!! I arrive Monday, May 3rd and leave Puerto Morelos area for my Cancun hotel on Tuesday, May 11th. Let's see if we can shoot for a day to meet up and have a drink and a hug :)

Man yesterday I packed a few more suitcases and now I'm wondering where I'm going to put my clothes!?
yeah that's what I'm telling myself - a lot can change in 2 weeks.

well we're there (hopefully! lol) from sunday 2nd until sunday 16th. OMG it will be sooooo great to actually see each other in the flesh!

Amy I haven't even started to think about my clothes yet! god knows how it's all going to work itself out! we only have this weekend left before we go....and I'm spending 3 hours on Saturday having my highlights done, and we're going to view a house in the morning so that's pretty much all saturday day gone.

Oh. My. God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
oh yes it is Amy! this is our penultimate to-do list!!! arrggghhh!!! lol

Katie's to-do's:
- finalise songs for ceremony (i'm getting bored of putting this one down now!) we have changed our first dance song, to the one we were going to have signing the register so now we're a song down for the ceremony! this is starting to get annoying now!
- change work out regime to shock my body in last month :) ummm kinda haven't had ANY spare time to do anything drastic. I have at least started doing something again!
- call and book cake stand for AHR DONE
- final fitting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and will be deciding if I have ivory or pink shoes!! (I bought both colours in the same shoe as I couldn't decide!) DONE
- find out weight of wedding dress tomorrow DONE
- sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!! DONE
- make meal choices and confirm to WC still to do
- buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR) DONE
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM still no idea!

New to-dos
- finalise songs for ceremony
- work out and drink more water
- check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane
- make meal choices and confirm to WC
- buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon)
- gift ideas for parents and best man and BM
- finalise all catering details with AHR
- to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours
- make up a wedding dance
- confirm details for cake topper for AHR
- try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits!
- start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there's more, but that will do for now!
For my groomsmen, I couldn't think of anything either so I bought them custom silk screened ties and paid for their suit rental and they were stoked about that. Other ideas I had were flasks, cigar holders engraved, lighters etc. I was going to buy them all Converse at first as well.

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
yeah that's what I'm telling myself - a lot can change in 2 weeks.

well we're there (hopefully! lol) from sunday 2nd until sunday 16th. OMG it will be sooooo great to actually see each other in the flesh!

Amy I haven't even started to think about my clothes yet! god knows how it's all going to work itself out! we only have this weekend left before we go....and I'm spending 3 hours on Saturday having my highlights done, and we're going to view a house in the morning so that's pretty much all saturday day gone.

Oh. My. God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree!! I can't wait to meet you and hope that one day we can all get it together and figure out how to meet :)

I have been buying stuff here and there clothes wise. Just make sure you have a few bikinis (strapless bikini you will wear until your wedding, no strap tan lines!) and a few cover ups, flip flops etc. Are you having a rehersal dinner or any specific event wedding week? I am having a rehersal and cocktail welcome thingy with all my guests so I just need to make sure I have a specific outfit for that, everything else doesn't really matter. You can find lots of cheap stuff at Forever 21... I don't know if you have one of those over there but I believe you have H&M? I bought a few pairs of shoes and wedges I found on sale. Bought FI a few pairs of swim trunks, wife beaters, wife shirts, polos and flips.
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