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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Hey my long lost AS girlfriends... I have been MIA and I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's just say this past week has been the weirdest week ever in my life. Are you ready for this? Because I sure wasn't.....

We're expecting! Unsure of the date still... but it looks like October. Whoops!

I hadn't been feeling like myself, I was tired, my chest was super sore, I was nauseated each morning after I ate breakfast and something just told me the check... and now we have a little whoops! We're happy and we are terrified. We planned on trying right after our wedding... I guess we're just 7 months early. They think I might already by at least 6 weeks already. We haven't told anyone expect our parents and MOH, oh and our WC. We're just waiting for the results of all my blood work, to confirm the date and make sure the babies healthy but obviously changes our plans drastically.

Our WC told us to keep our November date because we have such a good price, but if we have to move it, there's no way we'll get that price after November at the AS. I just don't know if I would want to take a baby that young to Mexico. She then suggested her favorite result in Cuba for January, which is an option. If we have to move it, it will be to move it back, not up. January/ February seems more ideal. But we don't want to put it off longer than that. It's so crazy that something you are looking so forward to can be changed instantly like this. Don't get me wrong, we're super happy, we just weren't expecting this to happen.. and when I mean little whoops... I mean little whoops.

The funny thing is, I've been working out like crazy, eating healthy, losing weight, inches... just let this be a lesson to everyone... LOL
WOW!!!!!! Christa - huge huge huge congratulations!! that's so exciting! and that is the best attitude to have...you can't change it, things happen and they happen for a reason...we just have to try and deal with them. at the end of the day, you're going to have a beautiful baby with the man of your dreams - what could be more perfect?! and like someone's said already...what a great story to tell them when they grow up!!

I hope everything gets sorted out with your hotel - it sounds like they're being really helpful so thats good. and another good thing is that you are quite a way out....at least your not like 3 months away or something when even more is planned, booked and paid for!!

I better stop working out though - if I'm pregnant when they do the blood test they won't legally marry us!! lol but being mega-organised, we do have a back up plan...if I were to, we'd not tell people and have a symbolic ceremony and then have a legal one back here. bit of a random thing to have a back up plan for but I just wanted to make sure we'd thought of everything!!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Katie - can't wait to see your hen night pictures! Sounds like you're staying positive which is amazing, I can't seem to quite get there lately, tell me your secrets, LOL!
They're on, they're on!!! if you click on 'Photos of Katie' underneath my profile pic on facebook there's about 8 pages!! I have an album you can look through, but there are 3 friends who've uploaded photos last night as well so they've got albums on too!! I loved going through them all last night - made me all really happy again!

I'm going to get the girls to send me all their pics and then (maybe after the wedding!!) I'll create a photoalbum online and get it all printed out...will be a great album to look back on.

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thanks girl!!! Winning MotM has been the most exciting and flattering this so far this month! I am so lucky to be surrounded my amazing and supportive woman like yourself :)
woooo congrats missy!! about time wink.gif well done you!! lol

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Next gym excuse - I don't want to go to the gym... I might get pregnant!
I'm using it already - it's just too risky now!! haha

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Ladies, I had the most surreal moment over the weekend. My mom casually told me that she took my SIL's mother to the airport. Her mother is watching my brother's son while they're in Mexico. And I thought, "Oh my gosh, it's all started!!! The first person has moved as a result of our wedding (Ohio to Colorado)! The balls have started to roll and there's no turning back now!" It was a strange moment to think that all this hard work is finally being set in motion.

We leave in 1.5 days. YAY!!!!!!!

On another note, I got my nails done this morning and it's the first time I've ever had acrylic nails. Man, is it hard to type!!! It's taking me forever b/c I keep screwing up, LOL!
Woooo how exciting!! Can't believe it's tomorrow you go - it's come round so quick!

and you'll get used to the acrylic nails - I have been having mine done religiously since I was about 16!! now I can't function without them!

Can't wait to hear all about your wedding and see pictures :)

Originally Posted by dirtymartini View Post
Me toooo! I can't wait to hear a report!

After our Travel Agent switch, we're only have a fraction of people sign up again frown.gif My mom wants me to sue the old TA who lost our contract. Whatta jerk!!!

I am really depressed by this news today. And I'm getting mad at my FI for being so anti a big wedding that we ended up doing a DW. I wish I weren't such a damn pushover!!!
Sara, you are probably feeling mad at your FI because now it's going a bit wrong and getting stressful. stick to your guns - it may have been his idea, but you agreed to it as well, and I know how easy it is to want to throw it back in their face when things start to go wrong (I know because a DW was my FI's idea and I used to get mad at him every time something started getting stressful or going wrong. Then I realised, when it goes well, I'll thank him for it too, and I did also agree to it.) I know it's hard but do not let wedding planning make you stress at your FI - just remember why you agreed to marry him in the first place and that when you strip it all down, the only 2 people who really, REALLY matter on the day are you two. the rest is all just a bonus.

chin up girl :) grouphug.gif
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Boy, I don't know that's a tough one! No, I probably wouldn't on the slim chance most people ended up going. You take a chance either way I guess.

All you other AS ladies, what are your thoughts? How many did you invite and how many are actually going?

We invited about 150 people and are expecting about 50-60.
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Congratulations Crista! Babies should always be considered a blessing. Hopefully it will all work out and we will still be getting married the same week. If not, it's not the end of the world. I like your attitude about the whole situation. Keep up with the positive thoughts....the baby can sense it! Lol.

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And Amy....from another bride who's the same distance away from their big day I'm feeling ya!


I'm on a total emotional rollercoaster (apart from my hen night!).


I don't have energy to do anything; I have stopped working out, but at the same time I'm so distracted I have also gone off food; I am putting all my energy in the evenings into doing wedding things, and then I realise I'd forgotten about something and then feel crap again; I am sooooo excited about going as it's only 19 days now until we fly but it means it's hard to maintain focus; as soon as the smallest thing goes wrong I want to ball my eyes out...


I feel like we all deserve a medal when we make it to our wedding dates!


But stay positive hun...you've planned and organised so much, you don't have anything to worry about. you shouldn't feel alone - I know from your facebook page you are not short of really good friends, but if you feel like that, get in touch with them and ask them to help you out - what have you got to lose? at least that way you won't look back and wish you'd done something. if they still then don't make the effort, you know you tried and therefore you can be safe with a decision to just forget about them for now. and your friends are even offering to clean your house! that's amazing!!


I would imagine that most of the problems you're having with some emotions connected to the wedding are to do with lack of sleep. Maybe one evening just take a night off and have a nice relaxing bubble bath with candles and just get into bed. A good night's sleep can make the world seem like a very different place :)


sending you a huge huge sister-bride hug :) grouphug.gif

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Ladies, I had the most surreal moment over the weekend. My mom casually told me that she took my SIL's mother to the airport. Her mother is watching my brother's son while they're in Mexico. And I thought, "Oh my gosh, it's all started!!! The first person has moved as a result of our wedding (Ohio to Colorado)! The balls have started to roll and there's no turning back now!" It was a strange moment to think that all this hard work is finally being set in motion.

We leave in 1.5 days. YAY!!!!!!!

On another note, I got my nails done this morning and it's the first time I've ever had acrylic nails. Man, is it hard to type!!! It's taking me forever b/c I keep screwing up, LOL!
ahhhh! This just gave me CHILLS!!! You will be there before you know it and will be an absolutely stunning bride!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous you will be there SO soon!

Speaking of stunning...wow, your BD pics were amazing!!! You looked gorgeous, sexy, and cute all in one. They were so so so classy and vintagy! Great job girl, you should be proud!
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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Hey my long lost AS girlfriends... I have been MIA and I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's just say this past week has been the weirdest week ever in my life. Are you ready for this? Because I sure wasn't.....

We're expecting! Unsure of the date still... but it looks like October. Whoops!

I hadn't been feeling like myself, I was tired, my chest was super sore, I was nauseated each morning after I ate breakfast and something just told me the check... and now we have a little whoops! We're happy and we are terrified. We planned on trying right after our wedding... I guess we're just 7 months early. They think I might already by at least 6 weeks already. We haven't told anyone expect our parents and MOH, oh and our WC. We're just waiting for the results of all my blood work, to confirm the date and make sure the babies healthy but obviously changes our plans drastically.

Our WC told us to keep our November date because we have such a good price, but if we have to move it, there's no way we'll get that price after November at the AS. I just don't know if I would want to take a baby that young to Mexico. She then suggested her favorite result in Cuba for January, which is an option. If we have to move it, it will be to move it back, not up. January/ February seems more ideal. But we don't want to put it off longer than that. It's so crazy that something you are looking so forward to can be changed instantly like this. Don't get me wrong, we're super happy, we just weren't expecting this to happen.. and when I mean little whoops... I mean little whoops.

The funny thing is, I've been working out like crazy, eating healthy, losing weight, inches... just let this be a lesson to everyone... LOL

GIRL!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I know it is a scary feeling, but he or she will be such a blessing to you guys. I think about that ALL the time...It could definitely happen to anyone. I know you guys will work out the details with wedding and everything. And how exciting would that be to have your baby at the wedding!?!?! I have always heard you should be in tip top shape when you get pregnant...so that's great that you have been working so hard!!!! Congrats again sweetie!flypig.gif
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I have lived here all my life. You are coming at one of the best times of the year. You'll definitely have lots of fun. And you definitely are going to the right area. The French Quarter is definitely the best area to get really interesting pics. You could possibly get pics riding in the one of the horse and carriages there. Make sure you go to Woldenburg Park. It's right on the Mississippi River and the well known boats (The Natchez and The Creole Queen) dock there. Maybe you can get them in the background of some of your pics. Definitely look @ Studio Tran's website. They are one of the most sought after photography businesses here (I wish I could afford to bring them with me to Mexico). But look at their engagement photos and sometimes they'll put locations at the top of the album. City Park, Lafreniere Park, all along St. Charles Ave (gotta get the streetcar in some pics). Believe it or not, if you go to Audubon Zoo, there are a lot of photo ops there too.

Where are you staying? How much time will the photographer allow for pics?
Oh wow, thanks so much! I will definitely check out their website for ideas.
I am getting there Thursday morning and doing my Boudoir shoot that afternoon/evening at the Roosevelt. Fi is arriving later that night, and we will do our engagement pictures on Friday. We really have pretty much the whole day. The photog flies out that day, so we will just be relaxing and partying the rest of the weekend! Thanks again for your advice!
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Originally Posted by JenK View Post
Hi everyone! I'm sure it is already mentioned on here but I couldn't find it-can you only have max 50 guests for the wedding at the Azul resorts? I am loving the looks of either Azul Beach hotel or Sensatori. However, I am planning on inviting 80 guests (but not sure how many can go).
At azul sensatori, there is no limit that I am aware of. We have 45 booked so far, and its a possibility some more could book. I heard of one bride who went with 100!

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Boy, I don't know that's a tough one! No, I probably wouldn't on the slim chance most people ended up going. You take a chance either way I guess.

All you other AS ladies, what are your thoughts? How many did you invite and how many are actually going?
We invited abuot 150 and we have 45 booked and paid for. Everyone is staying at the same resort exept for 2 people who are going to get a day pass just for the wedding.
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Originally Posted by momichele View Post
I have been MIS lately but wanted to write to you before you left. Have an awesome time. My friend went to a DW at AB and loved it. Can't wait to see your pictures. Does AB have yoga on the beach. My FI and I are going to take it when we get down.
Thank you!!! Yes, AB has yoga on the beach and we couldn't be happier about it! Yoga is something FI and I have done together for years. In fact, they have Saturday AM yoga, so we'll probably do that together the morning of our wedding :)

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I am actually going dress shopping in Atlanta this weekend. They're having a trunk sale for my #1 ranked dress. So keep your fingers crossed on that one!
Oooooh, good luck!!! Here's a cheer for ya cheer2.gif

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
I better stop working out though - if I'm pregnant when they do the blood test they won't legally marry us!! lol but being mega-organised, we do have a back up plan...if I were to, we'd not tell people and have a symbolic ceremony and then have a legal one back here. bit of a random thing to have a back up plan for but I just wanted to make sure we'd thought of everything!!
I think it's really smart you've thought about this and have a backup plan. Good girl!!

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
I feel like we all deserve a medal when we make it to our wedding dates!
Fabulous idea! We DO deserve medals!!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
ahhhh! This just gave me CHILLS!!! You will be there before you know it and will be an absolutely stunning bride!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous you will be there SO soon!

Speaking of stunning...wow, your BD pics were amazing!!! You looked gorgeous, sexy, and cute all in one. They were so so so classy and vintagy! Great job girl, you should be proud!
Thank you thank you thank you!! smile03.gif

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Oh wow, thanks so much! I will definitely check out their website for ideas.
I am getting there Thursday morning and doing my Boudoir shoot that afternoon/evening at the Roosevelt. Fi is arriving later that night, and we will do our engagement pictures on Friday. We really have pretty much the whole day. The photog flies out that day, so we will just be relaxing and partying the rest of the weekend! Thanks again for your advice!
You are going to have such a great time! Good luck on your shoots!!! Can't wait to see pics!
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Originally Posted by JenK View Post
Thanks for the info! I'll email Sensatori to ask them. Would you book a resort hoping that not all guests go?? That makes me nervous but I really like a smaller resort!
Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Boy, I don't know that's a tough one! No, I probably wouldn't on the slim chance most people ended up going. You take a chance either way I guess.

All you other AS ladies, what are your thoughts? How many did you invite and how many are actually going?
I think you can have 80 at AB now. They used to say max was 50, but now its 80 to get the Blue Terrace. Jen, you should ask the Wedding Department at Karisma to get the most up to date answer. Plus, good to have in writing.

I only invited 60 and we have 38. We knew 12 were not coming automatically b/c of $ and the rest were friends who had kids. But we were selective to start with.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Thanks! It's really good to hear that I'm actually NOT losing my mind.

Yeah, my TA is actually the one that suggested AS. She's great! She's the least of my worries. If anyone doesn't have a TA I highly recommend her. She got us fabulous rates.

I am actually going dress shopping in Atlanta this weekend. They're having a trunk sale for my #1 ranked dress. So keep your fingers crossed on that one!

I'm sure I'll need LOTS of assistance. I tried to go back and read all 600 pages of this thread, but it's just not happening. So I apologize in advance if I ask a repeat question.
Thats awesome you have a good TA. That will make your life so much better. Mine has been a freaking nightmare. Last person paid last night though - so we should be pretty much through with dealing with her.

OMG good luck on the dress this weekend! I am so excited to hear how it turned out :)
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