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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Hey Ladies,

I have definitely got to get into the swing of reading your posts daily. I'm so behind! I spent a couple days catching up and I'm glad I did. I am so happy to hear that you all are going through similar things that I am!! The beginning of break from BDW was due to Easter, although I did go try on some wedding dresses during my time off. Then, my break from the site got extended because FI and I had a HUGE fight!! To the point we had to sit back and do some soul searching to make sure this was definitely the right thing to do. So, now we're all happy again but I guess since I hadn't been focusing on getting stuff done for awhile, all my helpers fell off!!! wtf.gif

My sister (MOH) sometimes acts like I'm bothering her. My bff (MTOH) is going thru the process of adopting another child (which incidentally may remove her from her MTOH title). My mom...who knows what her issue is? I know that I have been obsessing lately and I mean to the point of tears. I don't want to seem like a brat but I feel like I'm sooo behind in all of this planning stuff and I just don't want to be pulling my hair out the month of. We're getting married in November. I'm in a wedding in October and a co-worker is getting married in December....but I'm the only one still planning stuff!!! Ugh! I don't think it would be so bad if I wasn't in the beginning stages of it all.

On top of me having a huge fight with FI and losing all of my help, my grandmother has decided she's going get a passport!? Why does that bother me you ask? Because when it was told to her that we were doing a DW, her initial reaction was, "Well I won't be able to go because don't have the money for that." Ok, we went into this knowing full well that some people wouldn't be able to afford to come. Problem is....she didn't even know how much it cost @ that point!! voodoo.gif So, me and my mom (being the suckers we are) said that we'd help her out. Never once did she say she was going to take us up on our offer. I just get word that she's going get a passport. So....are you giving me a hint?! Too bad I think the only reason why she wants to come is because she doesn't want to be the only family member left @ home.

Ok, I'm sorry for my rant, but I had to get it off my chest. Sadly, you ladies don't really know me from a can of paint, but the people who do have made me feel like a little brat lately. So, it's nothing but smiles for them lately. They ask how wedding planning is going and I just say, "It's going." So dirtymartini I kinda feel your pain. The only difference is, in the beginning of my engagement everybody was all excited and tripping over themselves to help. I don't know which is worse, starting out thinking you'll have tons of support or starting out with none and prepping yourself for the worst?

Anyway, I'm gonna keep it moving and try to get organized. Next task....photographer.
Way to stay focused!!!! No problem with ranting to us...I do it ALL the time. Everyday is a different battle for me, so I know how you feel. One day I am crying my eyes out and on the verge of depression, and the next day I try to find something to look forward. I think weddings are just tough for everyone, especially a DW. There is a lot of money involved and a lot of emotions and OPINIONS. That has been the hardest thing for me to handle: not taking these opinions personally!

And don't worry, you have plenty of time! Just start making a short list of things to do and don't let yourself get too overwhelmed with the big picture. For now, you have the resort booked! That is the most important...have you found a TA yet? Photographer is a good next step...and you can even start dress shopping!!! That's the best part! Let us know if we can do anything for you! grouphug.gif
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Amy! Thank you so much for sharing your NO RAIN story with me!!! It actually makes me feel a whole lot better! I'm so happy to hear that the weather on your wedding day turned out just the way you wanted it. I'll for sure grab on to your positive thoughts and hold 'em tight!! Everything I've read says pay no attention to the weather forecast down there b/c it can change on a dime...It'll be pouring in one area and there'll be blue-bird skies just down the street. So here's hoping!!

And you know what, if it does rain, I probably will be dancing in the rain!!
I think you have a very valid concern, BUT weather can happen ANYWHERE! At least you will be at a beautiful resort with your beautiful fiance and friends, having the time of your life...rain OR shine! But, in my opinion, it will be SHINE!!! I am going to keeo thinking positively for you! I am so happy it is soooo close for you! Just think, no more wedding planning drama!!! haha You get to be a "Mrs" in 5 days! ahhhhh so exciting!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I forgot to mention to you ladies I did a lot of research on hotels in Vegas for my legal wedding. I think we're going to rent a giant suite and party there. After researching a lot I happend to find the Emperor Suite @ Caesar's Palace which they lovingly refer to as "The Hangover Suite" from the movie and that's one of our front runners! I'm almost more excited about Vegas now than Mexico, since I've been planning Mexico now for over 2 years!
Thanks so much for the suggestion!!! Is it really expensive?

I know how you feel...I think I am more excited about Vegas too. Mexico and my friends and everyone are making me SO sad...it really is a lonely feeling sometimes!
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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
I had a very productive shopping trip this weekend! We bought our center pieces - we actually stumbled upon them at Yankee Candle. It's just a simple hurricane, about 30 cm tall (I guess one Katie will understand my measurements), a votive holder that dips down deeper (which will block the wind) and then we bought sea & sand potpourri with the sea shells and star fish for inside the hurricane and to decorate the table. I'll put one together this weekend and post a pic.

I actually was able to find a couple copies of Spanish for Dummies at Target! Luck was on my side.

No luck with a TTD though... I didn't even attempt to go to David's Bridal, I was pretty shopped out.

The best news of all... clothes! I know my body has changed but I don't think I realized how much until I started trying clothes on. I've literally gone down 3 sizes! I felt amazing and it boosted my confidence so much. I was super cranky at work today after returning from a couple days off, I took my gym bag to work with me, but on the subway ride after work I contemplated going home and putting on sweats and being lazy... and then I remembered that feeling... and I went to straight to the gym, hit the elliptical and then a body pump class. I love this feeling!
Thanks so much for sharing about your hurricane...I was wondering how the candle was going to stay lit with all the wind!

3 sizes is AMAZING!! I am sooooooooo proud of you!!!! I take body pump twice a week!!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Yup it's that easy. Just give the recipe to your WC and they'll make sure it's available. We're having a toast with ours right after the ceremony but it will also be available during our reception.

Sure thing! This is called a Boulder Sunset and it's served in champagne flutes. It's layered for that "sunset look." Our friends served it at their wedding last year...an original creation by the groom's uncle!
Thanks so much for the suggestion! I am obsessed with champagne and needed a "pink" cocktail! Perfect!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Good morning ladies :)

I am on cloud 9!!! I had THE most amazing night at my hen do on Saturday. I still can't stop grinning and my voice is almost non-existent!

... but I decided that if I did, it would only ruin my night and I didn't want anything to do that so I just accepted it and moved on...
AWESOME! Sounds like you had a good time. I'll have to add you on Facebook to see your pix :)

Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
As for those with problems with 'friends', if my night on Saturday taught me anything, it was who are real friends and how precious they are...those are the ones that matter. this wedding has brought a lot of things into perspective and shown people in a different light (whether that be a better one or worse one). I know which I will make more effort with and treasure more, and those that will probably just become a name on the Christmas card list :)
I couldn't agree more. Its amazing how you see who steps up for you on your wedding and who totally shrinks away. I had a friend RSVP yes to my shower & bach and then canceled at 10pm the night before to my sister. No contact was ever made to me. You just kinda have to say "OK" and catalog it for later.

I am doing the same thing with my TA. I started writing the letter to her telling her how awful she is that I plan on sending after the wedding - but I realized it gets me too angry now - so I am pushing every negative thing out of my mind and forcussing on the positive right now!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
One day I am crying my eyes out and on the verge of depression, and the next day I try to find something to look forward. I think weddings are just tough for everyone, especially a DW. There is a lot of money involved and a lot of emotions and OPINIONS. That has been the hardest thing for me to handle: not taking these opinions personally!
Wow Lindz, you summed it up perfectly. It is so hard having a wedding - that a DW might be harder too - its just all hard. Emotions are running wild!!!

PS - I have to thank you for the recommendation last year to buy a grill pan. I use it almost every day and love it! And I am down almost 18 pounds now! WOO HOO
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Good morning ladies :)

I am on cloud 9!!! I had THE most amazing night at my hen do on Saturday. I still can't stop grinning and my voice is almost non-existent! but it was just what I needed. A night out with amazing friends and no stresses, just relaxing and having a good time (and getting drunk! lol). the night wasn't without it's dramas but it was brilliant nevertheless. got back to my friends at about 4.30am and think we went to bed about 5.30am haha love it!

pics are on my facebook for those who want to see (and still other people's pictures to come). sorry I'm at work now and am strapped for time to try and get them onto photobucket and then copy links etc etc (yep, I'm being lazy!! lol)

the dress I ended up wearing was one I ordered after complaining to the company that sent me the wrong one. They gave me a full refund for the other dress, including my cost of next day delivery, and gave me 10% off the new dress I ordered and sent it next day delivery free of charge :)

My BF (the one who pulled out of Mexico) turned up late sad.gif she (and her mate) didn't even make it to the meal, and got to the club about 11pm. I should be bothered (everyone else there was) but I decided that if I did, it would only ruin my night and I didn't want anything to do that so I just accepted it and moved on, but the things are being stored in the back of my mind until after the wedding!

I had my hair trial on Saturday too and I will upload the pics on here because I was soooo happy with it. now all I have to do is pray the stylists at the hotel can recreate it! good thing is, that hairstyle then also formed the basis for my hair for my hen night (my hairdresser just took the tiara out and let most of the curls out so I had a half-up, half-down do)

I also took my engagement ring into the jewellars yesterday to get some scratches buffed out before the wedding....so now I am weirdly engagement-ring-less. I have moved my ring from my right hand there instead so I at least have something.

can't believe the weekend's over already....now no more time off until we actually fly out. 3 full weeks left of work!!!!!!!!!! and then 3 weeks off!! woooooooooo!
This sounds like SOOOOO much fun!!!! Going to check out your pics now. I am super proud of you for not letting that girl ruin your night. I am going to take that advice from you when dealing with one of my bridesmaids that is being so mean about everything. Thanks for inspiring to be positive and not let it affect my day!
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post

Wow Lindz, you summed it up perfectly. It is so hard having a wedding - that a DW might be harder too - its just all hard. Emotions are running wild!!!

PS - I have to thank you for the recommendation last year to buy a grill pan. I use it almost every day and love it! And I am down almost 18 pounds now! WOO HOO
That makes me SO happy that you use it so much, and that it helped you lose all that weight! It is the BEST thing for a diet and makes cooking soooo much easier! CONGRATS on losing the weight. I bet you feel so great about yourself and feel so much healthier!!!!! I bet you are super HOTTTT!!!!
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Hey my long lost AS girlfriends... I have been MIA and I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's just say this past week has been the weirdest week ever in my life. Are you ready for this? Because I sure wasn't.....


We're expecting! Unsure of the date still... but it looks like October. Whoops!


I hadn't been feeling like myself, I was tired, my chest was super sore, I was nauseated each morning after I ate breakfast and something just told me the check... and now we have a little whoops! We're happy and we are terrified. We planned on trying right after our wedding... I guess we're just 7 months early. They think I might already by at least 6 weeks already. We haven't told anyone expect our parents and MOH, oh and our WC. We're just waiting for the results of all my blood work, to confirm the date and make sure the babies healthy but obviously changes our plans drastically.


Our WC told us to keep our November date because we have such a good price, but if we have to move it, there's no way we'll get that price after November at the AS. I just don't know if I would want to take a baby that young to Mexico. She then suggested her favorite result in Cuba for January, which is an option. If we have to move it, it will be to move it back, not up. January/ February seems more ideal. But we don't want to put it off longer than that. It's so crazy that something you are looking so forward to can be changed instantly like this. Don't get me wrong, we're super happy, we just weren't expecting this to happen.. and when I mean little whoops... I mean little whoops.


The funny thing is, I've been working out like crazy, eating healthy, losing weight, inches... just let this be a lesson to everyone... LOL

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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
That makes me SO happy that you use it so much, and that it helped you lose all that weight! It is the BEST thing for a diet and makes cooking soooo much easier! CONGRATS on losing the weight. I bet you feel so great about yourself and feel so much healthier!!!!! I bet you are super HOTTTT!!!!
Yes, I feel so good. I don't think super hot, but I am comfortable in a bathing suit again which I have not felt for close to 2 years, so that's awesome.

You and Amy super motivated me to start this process and Wendy kept me going with her own personal success story.

What would I do without BDW??!!!huh.gif
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