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Shower invites...


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This day is insane:


FIRST last night we were told a plumber would come to un-clog our kitchen sink pipe from 5:30 to 7:30. They called twice after that delaying, and 11 o'clock rolled around, NOBODY SHOWED.


SECOND, the title company of our house has been telling us for the past 2 or 3 months that we should expect the copy of our DEED any day now. They lied. Over and over again. They said they mailed it to the wrong address, it was misplaced and today we learned THEY CANNOT EVEN FIND THE ORIGINAL. WTFhuh.gif


THIRD, I was just at Costco on my lunch break and I locked MY CAR KEYS inside my trunk. Darling co-worker came and rescued. Called my mother who has a spare key to my car to bring me mine since she was getting ready to head up to near my job and she said she couldn't cause she had "OTHER THINGS TO DO in this AREA." How mean! She is going to be right across the street!


And LASTLY, my good friend just calls and says, I haven't gotten your bridal shower invitation...Why?

My sister is my Maid of Honor and had ME make my OWN bridal shower invitations and give them to her (AND even asked me to host it at my house to which I said, NO WAY and asked if I was handing presents out of my own shower for the guests??!!!!).

Well I just called my sister to inquire as to why my friend might not have gotten this shower invitation and she goes,










I am sorry guys. I'm usually not this upset or pissed off andusually this many crazy things don't happen at once but WOW, you can understand how I feel right now because my own SISTER, my fucking MAID OF HONOR, didn't even have the decency to send out shower invitations for my bridal shower which is this Saturday. AFTER she had me make my own invitations sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif


It sucks.


She said she just called people and sent out an evite to a couple of people. sad.gif

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Oh holy crap!


First, go over to your sister's and slap her around a bit. I mean SERIOUSLY?? WTF was she thinking?


Second, call your mom and ask her what it was that was so important that she couldn't be bothered to drop off your key to save you from being stranded. (Let's recognize, however, that if your shower is Saturday, she could have had the cake, decorations, etc. in the car and had to make up an excuse and is feeling horrible for it, so go gently). Then determine if there might not be a better person to hold your spare key.


Third, call the plumber and tell them off. There are LOTS of plumbers in this world and you can find a better one to share your money with. Use the words "F**k off" and "A**hole" liberally. It will make you feel better and you're not going to use that plumber anyway.


Now, and this is the most important step, get wine glass. No, not that one. The big glass. Yes, that one to the left. Now fill it with the wine of your choice. Drink up. You know you want to. Now have a second glass.


Feeling better?


I'm sorry your day was so sucky. Tomorrow will be better. Big hugs!!

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Oh geez. The universe took a big dump on you today huh? I'm so sorry- we all have days like that and through tried and true measures I have found that drinking really does help. I like to call these sessions "drink til your happy Wednesday" or whatever day it happens to be. :)


Your sister sucks. That's just PURE laziness. I mean, WTF- they were already made. Step outside and put them in the mailbox. WOW. I definitely hope you "forgot" to buy her a bridal party gift.


As for your mom- I'd really ask her what the hell is up. That's just crazy.


And the plumber- they suck. We had one try to charge us for the work of "two" people although I caught the second guy doing nothing and even sweeping our garage. Grrr...Tell them to stick it and call another.

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OMG- I was reading and feeling really bad that your day sucked and then I read that about your sister and the invites and I got sick to my stomach. That is totally awful and I would be crying my eyes out if that happened to me. So much to deal with in one day. Ha, and wine would just make me cry more. lol I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. It kills me when people who agree to be a part of your wedding drop the ball. Why don't they just say NO when you ask them? So annoying. I hope tomorrow is a better day!


ps- I volunteer myself to call your sister and tell her she sucks.voodoo.gif

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