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Sure no problem... mine are plain. I did them in photoshop myself and just uploaded them to the printing company. I don't know how to use photoshop I'm still such a beginner. I see so many ideas on here now I don't know if I like mine any more... they are just so plain.



** SORRY GIRLS i HAD TO DELETE THIS.. so those spammers don't get me sad.gif

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Jules, okay so instead of departing for life journey together-how about

departing for a fun filled wedding weekend (or something like that)

then instead of to have and to hold I like Jessalyn's comments.

FI is on the phone right now, but I will ask him, he is much better with wording...give me a few minutes.

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my FI could not think of anything either, but he did say that the whole "to have and to hold" up until the "from this day" is weird. Here is Anny STD...maybe this will be better. I would say see if they can add a barcode or some xxxx because you really don't need all that text.

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Those are awesome, did she make them herself?


There is a barcode on there already. Huh, I am so stuck. Maybe I will just put the resort name on the top line, leave all that stuff blank and put Holguin, Cuba on that line. I wish this was easier. lol


Any other suggestions?

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