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Where to start.. and then what??

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I love this forum and all the awesome ideas on it. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, all these ideas in my head.

First of all does anyone have a list of things to do? I am starting off writing down a list of things that have to be done! Then i will make a list of ideas i like.

We are waiting to hear from the resort if our day we picked is available. Then i guess we go from there. I do have nine months to plan but i like to have things done.

Here is what i am thinking.

1. Rerserve the date.

2. Confirm with travel agent regarding price and packages.

3. Send out STD

4. Start process of legal doc.'s

5. Start looking for wedding dress and suit as it is summer.

6. Start looking for OOT bag stuff cause it's summer too.

then what?


We are not having anyone stand up with us but my brother will be giving me away. Should he wear something similar to my hubby to be?

When should we send out invites? How do we get a general idea of who will be coming without asking right out front?


And i am sure i will think of alot more questions in the near future!!!



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To help get your ideas together, create inspiration files. Whenever you come across something you like, save the pic there.


I had ones for cake, centerpieces, details, attire, etc.


Your to do list looks good- are you thinking pro photog? That's a good one to get done early.

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Here is a good start on a list from another forum member: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23302


Also I felt really overwhelmed just trying to decide the general look and feel of the wedding plus all the details. So I started using my google account to store photos in their picasa web interface. You can create separate albums, add comments/notes for each picture and since it basically is a website you can just send people the link when you want to share. Plus you can see all the photos on one page.


I what I did was create separate albums for each thing; cake, flowers, decor, invites, locations, ideas for photographer, etc. So while I am doing research online and I see a photo I like, I save it to the album and I add notes on color, how to create, website it came from, etc. Then after a couple days I go back and glance over everything. I seem to always come back to the same things so I copy those over to another album I called Final Selections. It had really helped me envision things plus I can then see if everything really goes together. Hope that helps... Carla wink.gif

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