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I am trying to look like Mary-Kate Olsen for my wedding...when she was 7. I plan on sticking with my ano diet of tic tacs, cigarettes, and red bulls. Hope this helps you out.


Okay I really am sick in the head and need help. I am completely kidding but I have like over 1,000 posts to read and I am going nuts.



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Originally Posted by mgreen View Post
Good job Christine! Wow, weight watchers really does work. I was going to join but I never did... I calculated some points and what not but i never attended the meetings or anything. Do you go to the weekly meetings on a regular basis? Would you recomend it? Just curious...
Melissa-meetings is the only way I have lost it...go try on dresses it will motivate you for sure.
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Perhaps I will go to a couple, just to please my curiosity. I'm actually getting excited about this. hahaha


When i went to try on dresses I did feel really good about my body for some reason. Don't know why... I think all the dresses I tried on were really flattering and those corset types really pulled me all in.

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I felt awesome in mine, but when I looked at the pics, I realized I just wanted to trim a few areas. I also want to feel better in all my clothes, since we will be having a RD and a wine tour the following day, I want to make sure I feel awesome the entire weekend.

We won't be going on a honeymoon for 6 months so I will still have some time to get really toned for a bikini body, but why not plan it for now.

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Melissa I think the meetings can be really helpful for some people, they keep you accountable.


I'm so awful about it if I knew I had a bad week I would skip the meetings and that's just defeating the whole purpose!


Good luck whatever you decide, but we're all here to help too!

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I felt good when I tried dresses on too, I don't know why because I really didn't want to go! but like melissa said the corsets sucked me in!


Oh & I agree with christine, I want to feel good in all of my clothes, I'm going to need to buy some new stuff for mexico and dresses for other stuff, and I want to look good in all of it!

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Wow girls....thanks so much for all of your tips and comments....My sister lost over 100 pounds on Sugar busters last year....So we have been doing sugar busters for a couple of months now....I've lost about 9 pounds so far...just gotta get to the gym now for some tsmile03.gif oning!!!!

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I've never heard of sugar busters either... probably wouldn't be great for me because I like sweets!


I'm ALSO doing WW and I totally recommend it. I've done about every diet out there (including Glenda's cigarettes and coffee... you should probably stay away from that one) and I really think WW is not only the easiest but also the best. the weightloss is slow but lasting (unlike low-carb diets in my opinion). I had lost about 10 but then gained some back so right now i've lost 8. I am aiming for about 10 more before my June wedding... we shall see!


I try to go to yoga (hatha flow - sometimes called "Power Yoga") class 2-3 times a week and on our off days we usually go on some sort of walk/mission in the night time - just to get out there and move.


I would love to lose 10 (or more really) lbs. and really tone up my arms and back (the two areas of my body you can see in my dress). I went dress shopping after I had lost about 5 pounds - that way I really did feel good about myself in a lot of the dresses. But I've seen the pictures and I know I want to be slimmer and trimmer!

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