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MPPookie's Shower Pics

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I had my shower over the weekend and wanted to share some pictures. My MOH did an awesome job of getting everything organized. The theme was tea party and everyone brought a teacup that represented their personality, so I ended up with like 25 different teacups, its great. Here are some of the pictures:


Of course the alcohol cart first:

Click the image to open in full size.


My co-workers and my MOH (I'm in the black dress in the center, she is to the right), my mom likes to wait until people move to take pictures, so they're all a bit blurry:

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Some friends (that's my head behind the dessert stand)

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That's me getting ready to play the "How Well Do I Know My Groom" game, turns out, not at all, because he doesn't know himself. I only got 2 answers right and about 20 wrong, and every time I got a question wrong, I got a piece of gum (super sugary, instant sugar coma gum, eeewwww).

Click the image to open in full size.


Toilette paper brides, my team won (I had 2 floral designers on my team)

Click the image to open in full size.


Opening gifts, no ribbons were broken during this process (though I did not know about the rule until the next day). If you dont know, supposedly the number of ribbons you break predicts how many kids you'll have.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Ok first- I love the booze table. Are those pitchers just full of juices or is that some kind of yummy mixed drinks?

The teacups are so cute. What the heck are you going to do with them all? LOL

I'm glad you had fun. :)
The pitchers are full of red and white wine sangria, so yummy. The cups will stay in the kitchen for a while and I might get a little cabinet to display them later.
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Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie View Post
The pitchers are full of red and white wine sangria, so yummy. The cups will stay in the kitchen for a while and I might get a little cabinet to display them later.
mmm sangria.. yum. Your pics are so cute, love the teacup idea.
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