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OOT bag delima

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I think you could go with the $ Tree bags, both bags are cute. We spent $5.50 a bag on ours at Old Navy (they were 15.00, but were on sale). They were perfect for us, they went with our wedding colors and were a good quality. However, I had to drive to 5 Old Navys to get them all and they are big, so now I am having to think of things that will fill them up. I already took 20 of them to Dreams on our site visit, so they are what we have! Hence, I would go with a smaller bag and put good stuff inside:) Good luck to you!

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I talked with my mom about this last night and she was like "you're over thinking it!!! Most weddings don't even give presents, so people are going to be blown away that you are giving them something in the first place"


She also said that it's definitely more about the thought and the welcome letter than it is the gift itself.

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I actually purchased one of the Wal-mart bags myself (while deliberating) and have seen the actual $ you've purchased. For me, I would prefer the quality of the first (obviously) and it is also bigger in size (for towel, book, etc.) But that's just me.


In actual fact, I have since decided against either of them and just ordered some David & Goliath "It's all about me!" bags for my BP!


Not much help, sorry!

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