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Transcabo Warning!


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I wanted to warn everyone about what is going on with Transcabo.


I had booked their services for aiport transportation for our guests as well as transportation to and from our welcome dinner.


Well, everyone got their shuttles in on Friday fine from the aiport, but I called last Saturday the 7th to confirm our dinner shuttle, and they informed me they would not be picking us up. I asked why they hadn't tried to contact me and what was up with this, and they said there is an issue going on between the unions and Transcabo. So, they did not pick us up. We had to pay for taxis to take all of us there, and noone had shuttles to the aiport for departure.


To top it all off, I was told I was being refunded all my money last Saturday. That the credit was being put through right away. Well, it hasn't. I have not received any credit from them, and I am out over $600.00. Just be warned!foshizzle.bmp

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it really isn't their fault. their is a huge conflict right now between the transfer companies and the taxi union and transfer companies are actually not allowed to pick up guests at the hotel to take them to the airport.


the government and mexico tourist boards have had to step in to come up with a solution.


also, credits can take some time to show on your credit card.


Cabo San Lucas forum: Airport Transportation - don't do roundtrip! - TripAdvisor

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Steph I can definitely understand your frustration, but I think you should hear Tammy out and wait a bit to let the refund come through. Several times in MX when I returned something I bought on a credit card, it took 2-3 weeks to credit back. If you are feeling really uneasy about it, you can call your credit card company to let them know the issue and to keep an eye on your account, but IMHO I would not yet dispute anything. Transcabo usually has exceptional service from what I've heard, so I am hard pressed to completely fault them for this with the stuff going on with the unions.

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Thanks Tammy and Maura, yes, I'll be patient. That's what got me was that Transcabo had such a great reputation. I just really hope I receive my money back. It was quite the drama and shock last Saturday, but it seems like it's out of everyone's hands. I just happened to book them the weekend everything was shut down. Huge bummer, but now, as I said, I hope I get my money back.


And for anyone else who might have booked them for the near future. Double check, because they probably aren't going to be picking you up.

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Hi Steph...


Sadly, its not Transcabo's fault... The Taxi Union is making a lot of fuzz about being left behind and being bullied out by the companies like Transcabo, of course, that's not true... Survival of the fittest, right?... Anyways, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Taxi Union and what they want is to completely ban the companies out of Cabo... Theyr're still on negotiations, but so far, the T.U. have the upper hand and that's screwing with everyone...

But you gotta have your money back.


See ya and good luck in your Brand New Life with Hubbie...



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I just got an email from my WC telling me all about this. I am trying not to freak. I agree it doesn't appear to be just the fault of Transcabo. We are using the company my WC suggested which is not Transcabo, so it is affecting ALL private transport companies. I had booked a bus to take all of my guests from Dreams to downtown for the rehearsal dinner, so now that is up in the air as well as the car that was supposed to pick up my photographer from the airport & bring him to the hotel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be resolved by next week when I leave. All of my guests are booked on private transports to and from the airport too so this has the potential to be a huge PITA!! frown.gif

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Sad but true, there is huge problem going on because Taxi companies don´t want private transportations to go into hotels. This is bad and afects a lot, it should be the costumers desition to get a taxi or a private transportation company. We´ll see what happens...


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just returned from cabo and heres where it stands.


private companies - like transcabo, hotel shuttles, etc.. can take you from the airport to your hotel or location. they cannot take you back to the airport though. apparently the palmilla was trying to get some guest back to the airport last week and they were surrounded by taxis who made the guests get out of the palmilla cars and into the taxis. some people are taking shuttles closer to the airport and catching a taxi there.


a private person can take you to the airport of course. its the license tag that gives away the resort cars even if they remove the decals from their vehicles.


i was talking to a few locals and it will probably eventually get sorted out in favor of the transport services but it will take a while.


ps - i got all this info from a reliable source. a local family whose house i stayed at in pedregal. they are in the resort business.

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