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Mike and Morgan - a ferret love story (on the eve of their legal ceremony)


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OMG that was possible the best story ever told on BDW! Amazing! smile159.gif Morgan is going to die when she sees this. I must say I'm super excited for her legal ceremony. Not sure why but it honestly sounds like my dream wedding. I know that probably sounds weird but to me the idea of just getting married and then going to eat yummy Mexican food and drink margaritas sounds fabulous!

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Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
smile120.gifsmile120.gifsmile120.gif So funny!!!

ahhh! thanks for catching that one with me wink.gif i thought i was alone on the WTF!

rebecca, you rock :) that was really sweet.

and morgan, have a fantastic legal day tomorrow! i hope you go to a mexican restaurant afterwards!
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OK, back from stinkville.


Becks I LOVE the story. I'm laughing & crying. it brought back all the memories of the day we got engaged. You are so awesome!


So to catch everyone up, rebecca is getting my starfish after my wedding. i told her I'd mail it to her long before all this ferret business started up. I addressed the package already so it would be ready to go as soon as I got back. I stuck in a story called "the legend of the traveling starfish." That story will not do anymore. You deserve so much more! Just wait, your day is coming.


Thanks again. You have no idea how much I loved it. I'm printing it out for my wedding album. I might remove the banana picture though :)

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