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Legally married BEFORE or AFTER your DW?

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Originally Posted by jreule View Post
OK quick question. When you fill out the legal paperwork in the US, do you verbally have to say your vows?? I dont want to lose the emotion and special feeling by doing it in the US first?!?! But it would be nice to have it all taken care of!!!
no vows. you may have to say something, but I've heard it's very official. I'll let you know after friday.

We started off keeping it a secret & then I stopped caring who knew. It feels much better to just talk about it. When people would ask about the legalities of the wedding I'd skirt around the topic. I finally just started to say we are taking care of the paperwork before we go. I thought we'd get some negative responses but it's all been positive. now I wonder why I was ever worried about it in the first place.

We are doing it before. I want to be full on married after our ceremony. Also, we have to show the certificate to do the symbolic ceremony which saves us $1,000.

Honestly I can't imagine anything could take away from how excited I am about our wedding day & how special I feel like it will be.
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FI (now husband) and I wanted to do the legal ceremony AFTER we returned from our DW. We are both Catholic and we wanted the church ceremony to be our first ceremony since that means more to us and will be the day we celebrate as our anniversary. We didn't want anything to take away from the religious ceremony.


We got married on May 10 and had our legal ceremony on June 2 which happens to be my husband's birthday. So we will celebrate the legal one but in the disguise of a birthday! wink.gif

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