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Legally married BEFORE or AFTER your DW?

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It looks like me and FH are going to do the legal part at home and our DW will be symbolic.


However...just when we make one decision, there's another one looming! Now we need to decide whether to do the legal part BEFORE we leave for Mexico or AFTER. I know there's a lot of threads on the pros/cons of getting legally married at home as opposed to on your DW, but I couldn't find anything on WHEN to do the legal part.


So...when did you do the legal part? And why did you decide it get married before the DW vs after (or vice verse).

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Good question. I hadn't really though about getting married after the DW.... as we are currently planning on doing it shortly before we leave. My only thought is that I know some resorts require proof (via marriage license) for the symbolic ceremony - as it generally is cheaper.

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OK quick question. When you fill out the legal paperwork in the US, do you verbally have to say your vows?? I dont want to lose the emotion and special feeling by doing it in the US first?!?! But it would be nice to have it all taken care of!!!

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