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Lost for words, please help...

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So I want to write a "Thank you" note to be placed at each guest's place setting for our wedding dinner. But I'm not happy with what I have so far, so I was hoping for some creative ideas on how to beef it up.


Thanks in advance..



Cain and I would like to thank you for coming and sharing in our special day.


We look forward to sharing our lives together as husband and wife

but just as important, we look forward to having our two families and friends join as one.


Friends are family that you have chosen to be a part of your life.

We are happy that you are a part of ours.


With all our love,


Tammy and Cain

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I am going to do something similar to this.


You've been such an important part of my life

that I could not imagine this happy day

without you by my side lending your love and support.

Thank you for being

a very special part of our wedding day.

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