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Initially when I started reading your post I thought it was a bit tacky but when I got to the end I realized you were right, what better gift that wedding souvenirs. So, that being said, I think it would help if you wrote a little note or rhyme to go along with the photog registry info, something like "what better gift than to help us remember our wedding day forever".


It might get people thinking about why it's a good idea, rather than them thinking "oh she wants us to pay her wedding bills" (which was kinda my first thought before thinking about the memories part)

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Originally Posted by SunBride View Post
Initially when I started reading your post I thought it was a bit tacky but when I got to the end I realized you were right, what better gift that wedding souvenirs. So, that being said, I think it would help if you wrote a little note or rhyme to go along with the photog registry info, something like "what better gift than to help us remember our wedding day forever".

It might get people thinking about why it's a good idea, rather than them thinking "oh she wants us to pay her wedding bills" (which was kinda my first thought before thinking about the memories part)
I was thinking if I did do the registry maybe I could come up with something like that, a rhyme of some sort. My fam is SOO layed back and no none of my guests are up tight or old school. And even though its a "traditional" wedding, my fam isn't traditional and don't "do things by the book" or anything like that. We're all very close and I think word would get out that the idea isnt to PAY for my wedding but its actaully a "gift". So I'll have to read over this thread and kinda put things ito perspective.

Thanks ladies for your input, you the bestest ;o) smile78.gif
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I might do it, but leave the info on your website & not do the inserts.
I agree with Morgan here. I think etiquette says that the bride/groom should not put their registry info in with the invite.

Maybe you could do this AND another place and put both on your website. that way people who would rather get you your pics can do that and people who would rather get you something else can have that option as well.

I couldn't vote 'cause I'm sort of in the middle. Plus I refuse to call you a hog!
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jac i would do it but only if you register somewhere else as well, to give people an option. we ONLY registered at BB&B for my shower, nothing for the wedding, and we're getting a buttload of flak from people who are upset that we dont want them to waste their time and money buying things. i can only imagine what those same people would do if i had done this type of registry. BUT, thats my selfish friends and family, not yours.


an aside, i dont get why people assume its a silent cry for cash when you dont register for a "real" registry. why cant they believe it when we say "Your presence is our present"?

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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
I agree with Morgan here. I think etiquette says that the bride/groom should not put their registry info in with the invite.

Maybe you could do this AND another place and put both on your website. that way people who would rather get you your pics can do that and people who would rather get you something else can have that option as well.

I couldn't vote 'cause I'm sort of in the middle. Plus I refuse to call you a hog!
hahaha oink oink
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oh, forgot to say, NO i dont think it's tacky, per se, but i do think some people might be bothered, if they are like my family as described above :)

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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
I agree with Morgan here. I think etiquette says that the bride/groom should not put their registry info in with the invite.

Maybe you could do this AND another place and put both on your website. that way people who would rather get you your pics can do that and people who would rather get you something else can have that option as well.

I couldn't vote 'cause I'm sort of in the middle. Plus I refuse to call you a hog!

She was talking about the shower invites to technically it's fine, but I think if you are on the fence about if it's OK, the website is the safest place.

I think nicely worded & with your non-traditional group you can pull it off.

I wish things didn't have to be so tricky, but you'd hate to offend.
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