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So my bad turns to worse...(another long vent post)

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I don't even know what to say, except that I am so sorry you're going through so many bad things. I would be losing it right now too. Please know that we're here for you and will help out however we can.

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Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
Are you f'in kidding me! Is this chick trying to tell me my wedding has not been confirmed!!!! This would be the 3rd wedding coordinator I would have to deal with. And how about the prices of the wedding packages increased AGAIN!!!!! :
I am SOOO sorry!!!!!!!!
When it rains, it pours, it seems!!
First, I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I do believe everything happens for a reason, for whatever it is worth, and you are def in my thoughts & prayers!
About your job, maybe you get some sort of 'severence' pay or go to an unemployment office in the interim while you try to find a new job and send our your resume.
As for the wedding, do you have all the emails savedhuh.gif I would FORWARD ALL of the emails to the new WC, or better, call and ask to speak with the GENERAL MANAGER of the hotel, tell him yu've been jerked around long enough, with a difference WC three times now, and that you were promised such and such date and such and such time (they can't backtrack on that) and that you were promised XX price for the wedding. DO NOT let them try to eff you over on the pricing, girl! They will do that! When I had my site visit, they tried to say somethign increased and I say, OH HELL NO, you said last year to me that it was XX amount of dollars... And they couldn't back out of what they'd promised me.
Don't sweat the ex-MOH. She sounds like a complete wanker anyway!
Moving forward, I know it will all work out for you. I am sending you a HUGE smile03.gif your way and hoping for all the best!
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I am SO sorry to hear about all this! omg...you poor girl. You definitely need a break. Other than confirming the wedding date/reservation w/ the resort...I would put everything else on hold. Give yourself a week to get back on your feet a bit. You absolutely deserve it and it will do wonders for your mental health. Just do your best to rest up and give yourself a break. And of course let us know if you need anything!!!!!

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I'm so sorry about your bad luck.


About the wedding, I think some resorts don't carefully keep track of your brides, so they probably just sent you that info thinking you were a new bride, not somebody already booked.


My coordinator did a great job when I was there, but wasn't so good by email. For example, I asked for a copy of the wedding ceremony text, and she only emailed it to me a month after my wedding! So even though she had already spent 3 days organizing my wedding she didn't recognize my name when she replied to that email AFTER my wedding!


I'm sure it's just a mixup like that.


The job loss and miscarriage are obviously much worse. I'm so sorry. At least you have the wedding to look forward to and help pull you out of this hard time.

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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
Ok breathe. I feel your pain and stress but it will work itself out and you will be fine.

First gather all of your emails and correspondence with the other coordinators and show the new chick that the date has been confirmed and your have aggreed upon a price and contracts signed if that is the case.

Second being laid off will work in your favor for right now becuase you can collect unemployment and be home getting things to gether for your beautiful August wedding .

Thirdly relax your body needs to heal from the torment it just went throught. By the way your handling it well.

Fourth doo you. Get your nails done get a facial have lunch with you and gey your mind right.

I couldn't agree more!
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I am so sorry for this tough time you are experiencing. I can only imagine the heartache of a miscarriage alone but then top it off with getting laid off and your wedding date woes. If there is anything we can do please let us know!! Are you looking for new work now? Can we help find something for you or give suggestions? Sounds like you need a good soak in the tub with some big bubbles and a rubber duckie!! Sending good vibes your way sweetie!! Hang in there!!!

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I am so sorry you are going through all this. I am sending a BIG HUG your way hug2.gif. I would suggest looking into unemployment or severence pay, and make the best of this unemployment situation. It could be a blessing in desguise. You could end up with something better, and while you have this time off you can focus on your wedding. But I wouldn't stress to much about this wedding situation. As long as you have your past correspondences with the old WC Im sure you will be fine. And I am truely sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I know how it feels to experience a loss like that whether you knew about the pregnancy or not. But I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. There is nothing you could have done to change any of these circumstances but you can rise above them and become a stronger person. We are all here for you!

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Holy Crap Honey!!! I'm sending good vibes your way. I think the wedding schedule issue can be easily resolved and was probally a mistake. Regarding your job loss and miscarriage, I wish you peace and hope you find the assistance and comfort you need during this difficult time.

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