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So my bad turns to worse...(another long vent post)

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All I can say is WOW! I havent been as active as usual on the forum b/c this has been a VERY rough past few weeks for me and I am so trying to find some more inner strength right now, b/c I am totally about to lose it. Stressed or overwhelmed is not even the word to describe how I am feeling right now.


Ok... so my worse fears happened. I got laid off on Monday, as they put is 'due to the economy...blah blah blah' Exactly 2 months before my freakin wedding and I am now jobless! frown.gif


I don't know if my wedding coordinator at the resort quit or not, but I finally got in touch with someone who works for NH hotels and they forwarded me to some new chick. This new chick (which I'm still trying to confirm if she's the new coordinator or not) emails me this email stating some of the following,'First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in our beautiful resort.....Please find enclosed the information of our wedding packages as well as the requirements established to get married in the Dominican Republic. Once you have chosen the wedding date, please send us back the reservation form filled out completely to our fax: 1 809 552 6851 or by email. The wedding will be considered confirmed only when you receive a written communication.'


Are you f'in kidding me! Is this chick trying to tell me my wedding has not been confirmed!!!! This would be the 3rd wedding coordinator I would have to deal with. And how about the prices of the wedding packages increased AGAIN!!!!! smile41.gif Are you telling me all of this planning and back and forth I have been doing with the resort is no where to be found rant.gif WTF


My ex-MOH still hasnt contacted me after her email of backing out of the wedding.


Oh, and to top it all off....I just had a miscarriage this weekend frown.gif


What could I have possibly done so bad in my lifetime to have my world crashing down on me all at once sad.gif


If you dont recall my drama I had about 2 weeks ago, here's a little refresher post: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21967


I probably wont be as active for at least a few days, I have to go and find my sanity b4 I go postal on someone blink.gif Lol, do you think I used enough smilies, those show some of the emotions I'm going through. I hate posting bad things, but I felt like I needed to write all my emotions out, and knew doing so here, everyone would understand.


I just wanted to say thanks again for all your kind words and support.


One Love

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Aw chick i'm so sorry - they say it comes in 3s and I think thats your 3s.


Forget about the wedding for a week or so and just get your sanity back and give yourself some time to get your head back together. If you want me to email the hotel I can give them a harty special for you lol there again maybe not they might ban you from the hotel!!


I find "HOI fuckwits!! what the *** hell are you playing at" usually works! btw that has to be said in a north east english accent lol



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OMG I'm so sorry. I don't even know where to start, I'm sorry to hear about your Miscarriage, how far along were you?


I can't remember what you do for a living but how hard is it to find a new job in your field?


Is their someone else at the resort you can talk to regarding all of this? Maybe having the next two weeks off before your wedding will give you a chance to call all everyone at the resort in hopes to get everything squared away for your wedding.


Hopefully you'll find another job soon and you can start after the wedding, just try to focus on getting your wedding date confirmed again. Did you hire a WC? What about a TA?

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Oh hell no!!! I am so sorry for everything you are being tested with right now, what are the odds that you would get all this at once? You need some you time but it's tough with this lovely new WC situation that you have to handle asap. Your wedding is 2 months away, WTF??


How can we help? Do you have a contract? They don't want an influx of emails from us....

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Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
All I can say is WOW! I havent been as active as usual on the forum b/c this has been a VERY rough past few weeks for me and I am so trying to find some more inner strength right now, b/c I am totally about to lose it. Stressed or overwhelmed is not even the word to describe how I am feeling right now.

Ok... so my worse fears happened. I got laid off on Monday, as they put is 'due to the economy...blah blah blah' Exactly 2 months before my freakin wedding and I am now jobless! frown.gif
Jeez girl, this is the LAST thing you need - do you qualify for unemployment? this could be a blessing - you could be off for the next 3 months and then job search like a lunatic for the last 3 months of unemployment?

I don't know if my wedding coordinator at the resort quit or not, but I finally got in touch with someone who works for NH hotels and they forwarded me to some new chick. This new chick (which I'm still trying to confirm if she's the new coordinator or not) emails me this email stating some of the following,'First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in our beautiful resort.....Please find enclosed the information of our wedding packages as well as the requirements established to get married in the Dominican Republic. Once you have chosen the wedding date, please send us back the reservation form filled out completely to our fax: 1 809 552 6851 or by email. The wedding will be considered confirmed only when you receive a written communication.'

Are you f'in kidding me! Is this chick trying to tell me my wedding has not been confirmed!!!! This would be the 3rd wedding coordinator I would have to deal with. And how about the prices of the wedding packages increased AGAIN!!!!! smile41.gif Are you telling me all of this planning and back and forth I have been doing with the resort is no where to be found rant.gif WTF
Ok - do you have record of all of the email / phone calls? That is SO annoying and they should keep better records DUMMIES!

My ex-MOH still hasnt contacted me after her email of backing out of the wedding.

Oh, and to top it all off....I just had a miscarriage this weekend frown.gif
Wowza girl, did you know you were pregnant? I am so sorry you are going through this all right now.

What could I have possibly done so bad in my lifetime to have my world crashing down on me all at once sad.gif
NOTHING! I had a couple months like this recently as well...life is all about ups and downs and not to sound trite but it is how you deal with 'challenges' that helps define your character so all of these 'bad' things can be blessings b/c they make you a better person.

If you dont recall my drama I had about 2 weeks ago, here's a little refresher post: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21967

I probably wont be as active for at least a few days, I have to go and find my sanity b4 I go postal on someone blink.gif Lol, do you think I used enough smilies, those show some of the emotions I'm going through.

I just wanted to say thanks again for all your kind words and support.
If you need ANYTHING, holler, we are all here for you, to listen or to help!!!!

Alyssa smile03.gif
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Wow I am really sorry you're going through all this. And what makes things worse is you cant even talk to you MOH about it cuz she isnt calling you.


Well I'm not good with words but all I can suggest is to try and remain calm. Obviously this is putting stress on your poor body. BTW- I'm sorry you had miscarriage.


If you didnt already, call the hotel and WC and get it straightened out asap. What a pain in the a**. Its sux you lost your job too :o( But everything will work itself out- trust me, it always does. I know you love your X-MOH but I would give her a fricken earful!!!! She cant go, fine but why the email? Why the lame excuses? Why cant she go without her a**hole hubby? smile117.gifYou def need to talk it over with her and let her know your feelings. And i she cant go she can still take on roles of MOH and help you since things arent going so smoothly right now. WTF!


Sorry again that times are tuff right now, when it rains it pours huh?? But dont worry doll, it will all work out...it always does. You have to stay positive. Its all you can do. Tackle one thing at a time, and remain positive.

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Although you're going through some turbulent times, know that we are here for you, to support and to help you through it all. I would agree and suggest that you hire a TA to handle all of the hotel issues. That alone will relieve so much stress and they also have the expertise, experience and possible existing professional relationships. In your stress reduced state, you will be able to focus your attention on where you want to go with your career and determine if you want to make a change or not! Look at losing your job as a "fresh start!" Hang in there...everything will work out for you!

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Ok breathe. I feel your pain and stress but it will work itself out and you will be fine.


First gather all of your emails and correspondence with the other coordinators and show the new chick that the date has been confirmed and your have aggreed upon a price and contracts signed if that is the case.


Second being laid off will work in your favor for right now becuase you can collect unemployment and be home getting things to gether for your beautiful August wedding .


Thirdly relax your body needs to heal from the torment it just went throught. By the way your handling it well.


Fourth doo you. Get your nails done get a facial have lunch with you and gey your mind right.




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