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Rose Petals

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I was worried about if they would get picked up. I think the resort cleans them up afterwards, but I'm sure they miss some. The freeze-dried are really nice and pretty decently priced, but again, I'm not sure they would get past customs

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Originally Posted by SunBride View Post
but the problem with silk is would you pick them all up after? if not it's littering. With natural petals it wouldn't be littering
Chandlyn told me they would clean them up afterwards, but they didn't get all of them. I think if you buy the aisle runner and have the petals sprinkled ontop they can just pick up the runner to get most of them but mine were in the sand.

Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze View Post
I was worried about if they would get picked up. I think the resort cleans them up afterwards, but I'm sure they miss some. The freeze-dried are really nice and pretty decently priced, but again, I'm not sure they would get past customs
I would just put them in a checked piece of luggage and not worry about it. Customs entering Jamaica was not a big deal at all. I think everyone just breezes through for the most part. I have heard from some brides that had real touch flowers for their bouquets that they had issues at airport security b/c they look and feel real.
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Ellipse22, I am getting married at the beach gazebo I think, thats the location I am really going towards, how about you?

I really think that the rose petal look will look very romantic.


Thanks for all the info.

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Originally Posted by msasfraz View Post
great stuff girls........i was wondering about the amount of rose petals...have any of the past ror brides used silk flowers for the aisle...don't want to get a littering fine in jamaica........
I used silk and I saw another wedding also use silk.
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Originally Posted by msasfraz View Post
so twelve piece how many would you say you need if i use 3000 for aisle, petal cones for chairs, and sprinkle a few on reception table... not really sure about the per cup amount...measurements not my forte...
I ordered 3000 total and used those for the aisle, toss petals for 15 guests, and then a few at the reception and it was plenty. And honestly I don't know if Chandlyn even used all of the petals that I gave her.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by Ellie View Post
Hi, I'm getting married at the ROR and I wanted to have rose petals scattered up the aisle, as I think this looks really beautiful, but I have no idea how much you would need, do any of you know? I was thinking of getting my petals at home and taking them with me.
I've heard that freeze dried petals are a good choice as they do not wilt or stain. Have any of you used these? if not what did you use?
I used regular silk petals bought them at Michael's and got I think around six boxes and there was more thatn enough. NO one even know that they were fake.
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