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Our entire wedding party has dumped us :o(

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Thanks everyone for your advice. We decided to have a DW because:


1. We have family spread across the country

2. We DO NOT want to get married where we currently live (no offense to the Sask girls, it's just b/c we're not from here)

3. We want a small wedding

4. We didn't want our families to influence our wedding (ex: inviting their friends that we don't know, saying we must do this and that, etc)


So now that my family knows, I've got the "I told you so" message coming across loud and clear and my parents are saying I should have the wedding back home in Newfoundland.


Which would be on the ocean, but it's the cold North Atlantic.


I don't know what we're going to do. We're considering a very tiny local wedding and then going to England & Ireland for a month next spring. We're still thinking about just us going down south, but going on a last-minute deal (we chose DR b/c my stepdad can't be on a plane for too long and it's the closet location to them).


We're also thinking about getting married in Quebec City, just heading there for a weekend. But I still don't know if my parents could make it.



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Ugh- I'm so sorry. You know, I would elope if I were you. If your family and friends don't even want to attempt to try to go, why cave and do a wedding at home for them? It's one thing for people to try to save money for months and then realize they just can't afford it, but totally another to not even try. I hope the two of you can figure out what works best. Got my fingers crossed you can find a happy solution.

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I can totally understand how you feel! It's funny that I am reading this post because I was just in the midst of feeling sorry for myself about the fact that I only have 6 people in total coming - including me and FI.


I think you should say screw it and GO! Forget them! I can understand it may be expensive and some people can't come and shit happens...but if I were you I would go!


Do it for you & your man!

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i truly understand ......we offerred to pay 50% for our wedding party and all costs for my parents ....... gave wedding party deadlines for their deposits....deadlines past and my MOH said she should have received an extension b/c she was going thru some things..... the funny thing is i gav eher a 60 day extension and she still could not put a $150 deposit down..... i was disappointed at first but ill get over it.......if its just me and my hubby who cares about the rest.......

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I am so sorry this is happening to you. Remember this is your special day with your man and if your dream wedding is a DW, then go without them. I just saw a couple get married in St. Lucia when I was there 2 weeks ago and they used the hotel employees as their witnesses and had a wonderful time. She took yoga in the morning, they went scuba diving and had a stress free day (and saved a bundle). I have to admit, we thought about doing it with just 2 or 4 people after watching their wedding. In the end it is all about the two of you and no one else so have the wedding YOU want.

Wishing this gets easier for you :)

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Awe, I'm so sorry. I definitely agree with the others that you should do what it is that you two really want.


We are still 9 months away and there are lots of "of course we going" and "we wouldn't miss it" comments from friends and family, but when the time comes, I think it may just end up being my dad and his lady friend, H's dad and step-mom, and his mom and brother. We shall see, I could be wrong. And who knows! It may end up being just the two of us.


Either way, I wouldn't change a thing about what we are doing and you shouldn't either. Hiram and I started planning a traditional wedding and realized that it wasn't for either of us. We've never been on a vacation together and really wanted to go away and do things our way.


It's very tough to think that these people cannot make it to your big day, but that doesn't mean that they don't love you and want the very best for you and your future husband. Best of luck! Remember, this is your day.

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