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Shin Splints?!?!

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Well after waiting forever to see my doctor my pain has not gone away. I realized that perhaps it wasn't shin splints after all since I havn't really worked out in 3 weeks due to the pain.


The pain is ongoing. It doesn't really go away at all. I am having difficulty sleeping, walking, sitting you name it.


It appears as if I have the signs of early arthritis. I have an appointment schedule for the end of this month (I still don't understand why it takes so long to see a doctor) to discuss this further.


She has given me a prescription for Arthotec - anti inflammatory - and when I spoke to the pharmacist it is identical to the meds I was on last year for the problems with my knees...and it didn't work then so I don't see how this will work now.


Anyway..that's the update. I'm going to try working out again..perhaps some swimming this time too..and see how it goes on this medication. I'm also purchasing better shoes for while I am at work (Supervisor at Canada Post and I do alot of walking on a concrete floor in steel toe shoes) to see if it helps with the ankle support.


Thanks for all the helpful hints! I will update when I know more!





OMG I am freaking out! Ok..maybe not that much but I'm in pain!


I started an exercise plan to attempt to tone up & lose a bit of weight. I started with squats and lunges - I need to do these anyway to maintain my muscles around my knees since I have issues there - I also do crunches and work on my arms. I started out with no weights then up to 5lb weights.


I then bought an exercise jump rope. I don't have a whole lot of extra cash right now since we are paying for our wedding ourselves and can't afford to get any type of exercise equipment. So, I do the jump rope. Started out for 10 minutes and got up to about 30 minutes daily.


WELL!!! My legs are killing me - mostly my right leg - from my knee to my ankle and inbetween. It's crazy! I can't even run now and put any type of excessive pressure on my leg. My leg is constantly throbbing! I'm beginning to think it's shin splints but can't figure out why my ankles are killing me too!


I don't know...guess I'll have to go to the doctor and see what they say but there goes my exercise plan. I've managed to lose 4" in a month and I don't want to stop but can't seem to do anything with the pain I am in.


Talk about demotivating! I need to lost at least another 10" and another 9lbs and it's not happening and with this pain now it's doubtful I will be able to do much in the next little while!


Anyone else experience this type of leg pain?!?! Thanks for reading my long whiney post!

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Lots of athletes suffer from shin splints. It's not demobilizing (is that a word? LOL) Anyways, I bet I can google up some info, but for now I wouldn't do any work outs that are high impact. You can still work out- swimming is a great way to exercise with a low impact.


Low-Impact Cardio Blast Workout - Challenge Yourself Without Pounding Yourself

Here's some ideas. :)

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I have a great excersise that will help you out with shin splints. If you sit at a desk for work you can do it then, or at home...whatever. But while sitting stretch you leg out semi straight, and with your foot draw the alphabet. this will help stretch out the muscle and in time your shin splints will go away. Hope it helps.

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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
I have a cure!! no joke lol
mine vanished overnight - I was having trouble walking they were so bad.

I loved the physio one session and all gone

Im guessing a "physio" is a massage. hahah you make me crack uP!!
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Thanks ladies! I did physiotherapy a year ago for bad knees...I'm guessing they are still bad.


I have an appointment next Wed. and I think I am going to deman a xray since she didn't do one last year. Just to be safe!


It's my ankles too which is part of the problem. I'll figure it out! Thanks for listening to me!

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i had shin splints in college. i was told that it was from running on the hard blacktop outside rather than a track or a treadmill. i don't know if it's true, but maybe try jumping on a floor that's not totally solid (gym mat, track at a local field, grass)? i only run on a treadmill now and don't have any problems.

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I think my biggest concern is that it's painful. I can take it but it also prevents me from exercising at all...which is a bigger pain for me! I don't want to lose all the effort I put in!


I'm going to keep trying..but in moderation and make sure I stretch. I'll also stay away from hard floors wink.gif

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