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Calling all BDW Members...Help me get my baby girl home! Updated: We're home!!


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I can call some of my pilots if you are interested. I'm guessing with fuel costs, you're still going to be looking at a bare minimum of $5K. Jet Fuel is currently running almost $6 here, so I imagine it will be higher in larger cities & Cali.


I'll be more than happy to make phone calls or donate what I can!

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Originally Posted by Opice34 View Post
So, is it okay for her to fly at all? Even on a private plane? Another post mentioned that she may have problems with the air pressure and altitude?

And what part of CA are you in now?

I'm asking because FI used to be a Navy pilot stationed in CA and he still has a good buddy out there who has his own plane and flies regularly. He's also a sweetheart of a guy and would probably do it for the cost of gas. (Which might be a lot - but I'm sure we could raise something!) It's an older plane, definitely not up to Donald Trump's standards, but it would get you home. Let me know if flying is even an option and I'll look into it. (He may actually be deployed at the moment, but I don't think so. I can't keep up with all of these deployments!)

Also - I think this would be something the Ronald McDonald house could assist with. I bet this kind of thing happens frequently, especially with car accident victims who are in hospitals away from home and want to get home. This has to have happened before, so there has to be a way. I would call them and see what they recommend.

And finally - since you were on a business trip when little Gwen was born, is your company helping with this at all?! Goodness, I hope so! Seems like they have an obligation to get you and your family home! In the most comfortable way possible!!!
Wow!!! That would be amazing!!!!

I hope this becomes a real possibility!
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So, I just called FI and told him my "friend" Ann's story. He said "who is this again?" So then I explained that I've actually never met her but I know her from that wedding forum I'm always on. He laughed.


Anyway - he said gas is going to be mighty expensive, but let us know if Gwen can fly and he'll give pilot-guy in California a call.

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It would be great if it worked out.


Some things to consider though...


Flying in those smaller planes is a lot less comfortable. It is also pretty bumpy. I'm not so sure that would be the gentlest way to get a little baby somewhere. Also, I guess you'd just hold her on your lap?


Also, I'm concerned about the pressure in her ears. I guess smaller planes fly a lot lower than commerical planes, so that would be good, but if the doctor didn't want you driving through the mountains with her because of the altitude, that concerns me.


Anyway - he's a Naval fighter pilot and very good under pressure, but I don't think he's ever had such precious cargo! If I were him, I'd be nervous to carry a little baby! What if the pressure started getting to her and he needed to land quickly! (Although I think he would be much more relaxed than I.) lol


I'm just laughing in my head as I imagine this conversation with him. I can hear him saying "so...you want me to carry a newborn baby, who was premature, and the doctors don't think it's safe to fly on a commercial plane?" I think that would make anyone nervous! But maybe he'll be fine!


Once we find out if it's okay for her to fly at all, I'll have FI call him.



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Ann, have you talked to the Social Work Dept.? They might have some ideas. I think talking to Ronald Mc Donald House is a good idea too. So far, the RV or train sounds like the best bet to me. A car/limo and driver would be too expensive huh? Hmmmm...why don't we e-mail Oprah? I'm half kidding. Couldn't Hurt.

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