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Calling all BDW Members...Help me get my baby girl home! Updated: We're home!!


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I need your help!


Edited 6/11/2008: I realized that not everyone may have the back story ... here it is! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21453


Paul and I are researching all of our options to get us, and little Gwen home in the near future. The doctors aren't saying we CAN'T fly, but they're also not really too keen on her flying on a commercial plane, especially on such a long flight.


So I got it in my head that I'd look into an air ambulance type of transport. When I started this post, I had no idea how much it would cost - but I just got off the phone with one company. THe gentleman was VERY helpful, even gave me some other ideas ... but also said it would probably cost $26K. Yea, we can't spend that!


I am just dreading the idea of driving from CA to MN. We'd have to stop so often to feed Gwen, and change her, etc. It would take forever to get home! The thought of my first week as a new mommy (and caring for my baby not in the hospital) spent in a car is not something I am excited about. But if that's what we have to do, we'll make it work.


We've also thought about ...


- Amtrak: This could work, as long as it's not too many transfers, and no busses! One route had us on a bus for 10+ hours ... no thanks! We'd probably want to upgrade to a cabin room too. Not ideal, but might be the top contender right now


- Renting a car/driving: We all know my thoughts on this!


- Renting an RV: This is better than a car, IMO. And for either driving option, we have family that would fly out here and drive back with us if we wanted. We'd probably take them up on that offer. But the one big company I know of (Cruise America) doesn't do one-way rentals in the summer. My hunch is that we will see this at most places. Awesome.


- Air Ambulance: YIKES ($$$$$)! Unless any of you have a plane we can use ... 2 of my friends are pilots!


- Private Plane/Charter: The guy I just spoke to thought it would still be $10K - YIKES again!


- Anything else?


Basically, I am looking for ideas here ... does anyone have any good ideas on how we can get home? This is a brainstorming session! Please turn on the creative thinking caps!

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Maybe have a BDW drive a thon. Starting in No. California have a BDW girl drive you to the next spot, let's say Los Angeles. Then stay the night at their house and then have them drive you to the next location and so on...

Is this impratical?

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
how long is the flight home? there are no direct flights?
The flight is about 4 hours, and there is a direct option on Northwest. The doctors here just don't recomend babies flying before 44 weeks (gestational), and since she will likely be discharged from the hospital at 37 weeks, we'd rather not wait another ~2 months to fly home. It would be ideal in terms of getting her home faster, but not sure we're willing to risk it.

The doctors agree, that nothing would probably happen. But not sure that's a chance I am willing to take! It's the altitude, pressure, and recycled air they're most worried about.

They even told us not to drive up into the mountains with her because of the altitude.

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Ouch this is tough. Hmmm...is there a train like Amtrack that is faster? You know how on the East Coast they have the Accelor (not sure if that's the name) train? You can get from NY to DC in like 1/4 of the time that it would take to drive. Is there anything like that?


Didn't Carrie and Samantha take some train from NY to Cali? Is that just the regular amtrack train?

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What about flying first class on a commercial flight?


-You would be much more comfortable.

-It's a lot quicker than the land travel options

-It's a lot cheaper than chartering a plane


I would also imagine that if you told the flight crew your situation, they would bend over backwards to help you out.




I think taking a train as far as you can without transferring to busses and whatnot, and then driving or having someone picking you up would be a good option.

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Dont blame you at all for not wanting to fly your angel on a commercial flight. Yari's idea is great!! That would be an awesome way for us to help. Only problem is may be a little hard to coordinate but we could do it. How about renting a conversion van? A little roomier then a car but not as bulky as a motor home.

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Uggh how frustrating. I have been staring at this post trying to think of something. My FIL is a pilot and he has a small plane but I can't even handle being in that thing for 30 minutes much less a few hours. I am sure he would help you but can't imagine what it would do to lil Gwendolyn's ears.

Honestly is seems like driving is your best option. Would it be possible for you 3 to drive the RV here and than ask someone else to help drive it back? Thank fly that person( people) home?

Lots of fussing-I know.

Someone has to work on that tele-porting thing.

Good luck!

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