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Please help my brother win a chance to find a date! Votes needed!


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OMG girls, you're totally killing me!!! I'm laughing so hard!


I'm taking some of your comments and sending them to my brother. He's going to love it! If he does win, I'll make him write a litle summary of the day... and how drunk he gets! He's notorious for getting completely shit faced and making an ass out of himself. Which I've told him, does not help him get girls! But I guess we'll see if he wins, what happens!


IE a few years back, during Spring Jam (big campus block party) he was sitting on a deck railing, making out with this girl. He proceeds to fall off the deck - probably 5 feet up. Gets up, dusts himself offs himself off, and walks back to this girl to resume the making out. Hearing his stories make me cringe, but I can't help but laugh either.

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I voted again.... damn that Eric Olson, he's winning! lol I'm gonna keep deleting my cookies so I can vote til he's ahead. :) Have nothing else to do... your bro is going to have to send a thank you card to BDW if he wins! j/k


Damn, it won't let me do it. sad.gif

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