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East Coast heat wave! It's going to be 99 today...


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I never thought I would be happy to leave home and go to work! Thank god there is air conditionning! We just bought our home in March, and it was sold as a home with central air, and the inspector wasn't able to really check the unit in the middle of winter so we assumed it would be fine since it was advertised as such. So we weren't worried about the heat, just set up the central air and set the temperature and forgot about it. Hahah, turns out the unit never turned on and it was just the furnace fan blowing room temp air around our house! And, it's impossible to get a repair man to our place anytime soon! Sooo, we slept in the living room the last two nights on the floor, since its way cooler than the bedroom....yuck! We blocked our poor puppy in the basement today to force him to stay cool since he has been panting for 3 days....plus, he's totally off his schedule since he doesn't understand why we are sleeping in the livingroom! We are praying for relief from the heat!

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
Last night at 8PM our dining room thermostat said 93...I can only imagane what it said mid-day. We broke down and put the AC in the bedroom window last night, put one downstairs for the furbabies this morning and FI will put the one in the dining room later on today.

Our high today is supposed to be 95...FI sent me this a little while ago, and he literally works right next to the ocean (where it's ususallly cooler...)
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OMG!!! It's 83 in SF today so I am pumped!!!
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i'm about 10 mins from philly so i have the same 99 degree heat thing here today and tomorrow. unfortunately i have to work both days. And even though i work inside there's a crappy window unit that doesn't really work when it's this hot, and it doesn't come anywhere close to reaching me where i sit. i am wearing capris, t shirt, flip flops, and i came in with my hair wet hoping that would help. But i'm still HOT and getting more miserable by the minute. i need some waterice.

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Aw man it sure is hot. Sat we went to Brigantine beach and at night stayed in and watched a movie. Sun when we came home, ha, I was unpacking and cleaning around the house in my bra and undies hahaha it ws just too humid!!!! Even with the air on! Joe was in his glory, he's like "Man I wish it was this hot all the time" hahahha Later we went swimming over a friends house. I cant complain too much though, I LOVEEE summer and hot weather and will take it over any cold day. I dont know know what it is, Joe think I'm crazy but the heat dont bother me much. I guess cuz Im always freezinggggggggggggggggggg.

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Ugh! We're dying over here! I hate staying inside the house, but I don't want to take Aiden out too much. Poor kid was the ultimate cranky pants on Saturday when we went to New Hope because it was so freaking hot.


Today we have to run some errands though. I don't want to keep him in the sun too long. We're still not sure if he has Brian's Irish (ie. go up in flames at the hint of sun) skin or my olive skinned "it takes me 1 day to go from white to super tan" skin.

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