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Did this happen to anyone else?


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Originally Posted by kristendotcom View Post
I had the same negative reactions and a few people saying things like "What you think your too good to get married in the U.S?"
No, I think I'm too poor to get married in the US. cheesy.gif
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I found out after the wedding that my grandfather had told my father he should "try to talk some sense into her, and make her have a normal wedding". I shook my head and laughed it off. I loved my wedding and wouldn't have done it any differently.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for posting this! It truly does make me feel better knowing that I am not the only one being pressured to drop the DW idea. Lately my mom has been saying, "Don't you realize how bad our economy is right now? Gas prices might be $6/gallon soon and you want us to buy a plane ticket to MEXICO?" I don't think any of us want our guests to break the bank by coming to the wedding, but parents are kind of on the "must-have-there" list!!! I know it will work out eventually, but I appreciate everyone's feedback! :)

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You are so not alone. Let's see, I have been:

  • Told I am mean for choosing to get married down south
  • Told I am Selfish for forcing people to fork over money to attend my wedding.
  • Avoided by friends who I thought I was close to
  • Told "of course you'd have to be different"
  • Told that I think home is not good enough for me to get married
  • Complained to about price every step of the way
  • ...etc...can only imagine what gets said behind closed doors.

Our response, "We have chosen to get married the way we want to get married. We know you would love to share in our day and understand if you can not make it due to other obligations or commitments. We know you will be there in spirit." End of story...have the day you and your FH want to have.


We gave people 2 years notice and tried to think of their budgets when choosing a location. Overall, remember, it's you getting married not your guests and if they truly want to share in it they will at least make some effort to be there, but understand that some even though they try may not be able to go.

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OMG! I am so glad I found this thread! My wedding is in 3 weeks and 2 days and I am still getting chit!


Before we booked-I told my mom(controlling btch) and my sister ( 2 kids) that our date opened and we REALLY wanted to go ahead with it ( it was booked a few months ago-then opened...long story) I also told them last summer ( well asked) if they woudl go to Vegas for my wedding-everyone answered yes-even my dad ( divorced from my mom). So at Christmas I even bought my dad luggage b/c thats the one thing he said " Id go, but I have no luggage". ( hes so useless without a wife....and they have been divorced for 20 years!)


So cut to May of this year-now I am not asking people to spend thousands-a flight to Vegas out of Buffalo was 300 bux.


Here's what I got:

My Mom-yelled, got snotty, did the " well if YOU wanna get married without your friends and family....then go right ahead, I will never go to las vegas!"


*** next day-my sister calls me to tell me my mom contacted a travel agent ( yet she didnt tell me, HA!)


My dad was cool with it-he just wished he could go-but he started his BIG fancy new job at Target and said he could get the time off ( weeks later-FIRED!) Such a loser...so darn sad. ( sense the sarcasm??)


I got the "are you pregnant?" questions. Ummmm let's see-I am 36 years old-IF I was pregnant ( and weve been trying) Id certainly SHOUT it-not hide it!



I really dont care-we have 14 people going ( 2 live there) and that is enough for me. I hate making small talk with 50-100 people!! We always vacation in vegas-it is our favorite destination and we decided that we couldnt imagine getting married anywhere else. Some good things have happened though too- FMIL is being great about things and we did not even tell her until June (August wedding). DF's Aunt and Unle found out late too because they were on a couple week vacation-but even they booked. (they have plenty of money though)



We had a friend tell us to pay for his airfare-yahhh right we are on such a budget we couldnt afford an extra 300-400!


So I am glad to read all of these posts-I keep hoping everything will work out and my mother wont embaress me by going and then complaining about how las vegas is stupid and people who gamble are stupid too. Ughhhhhhhhh

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Originally Posted by becks View Post

Oh! And the question about whether or not I was pregnant and was running off "because I had to" was rather interesting, too.
That's too funny!...People never cease to amaze! As a joke, you start wearing a baby belly just to see reactions!
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This happens to almost everyone planning a DW! But just think - if you WERE getting married in your town there would still be people saying don't do this, don't do that. The bottom line is it's your wedding -and it will be the most beautiful and magical day ever! It's kind of funny cuz the ones that complained the most about not going (and then did go) were the ones that kept saying how it was the most beautiful wedding they had ever been too. And the ones that didn't go kept saying how much they wish they would've after we got back and they saw all the pics HA! So don't worry or change your mind -this is what you and FI wanted and it's your day!

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