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I am new to all of this invitation STD stuff. I sent out invites the beginning of April. Our wedding is in November and wanted to send them out early to give people time to decide/save if they are wanted to come.


It's now June...do I send out STD as reminders?!?! Should I have done that when I sent out invites?!?!


I'm not sure what to do.

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Normally STD's go out first and then invitations. STD's usually don't have as much detailed information but they are used to let people know of your plans. If you've already sent out invitations, you really don't need to send out STD's. You could send an updated newsletter if you have more information since sending out the invitations. But generally an STD has less information than the invitation.

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I agree w/ the countdown to Jamaica idea. I know several of the girls here have made letters or newletters for that purpose. In addition to the general reminder you can include travel information, last minute details, a "meet the guests" section, weather information, any group excursion stuff, etc. I also remember seeing a simple, but really cute postcard... the front was a "weather forcast" and the back was a short little can't wait to see you message and details on a welcome party or something.

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Thanks for the ideas! Perhaps I can send something out soon. I'm not sure if there is even any point since it looks like no one will be coming anyway...just the 6 of us (4 are in the wedding party and if no one comes so will the other 2) lol ;-)

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