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Bad things happen in 3s, right?


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If there is more, I think I will have a breakdown!


1) My dress won't zip and I leave in 10 days. This is fixable. I'm already down 1.5 pounds since Wednesday, so at this rate I'll be fine. Worst case senario, the resort has a suana and I can go sweat my ass off the day before if I need to.


2) I went to pick up my flowers (silks) from my florist and they were awful! Ugly is the nicest word I can use to describe them! It took everything I had not to cry in the middle of the store in front of the other customes. I was in such a state of shock, I didn't even take a picture! There was some major mis-communications! It appeared they took cheapo Walmart flowers to the special-ed class room and let them design a craft project. (no offense to special-ed, it's just no quite the look I was going for. I was at least expecting the B team to work on my flowers!) My bouquet was supposed to be all white, with little greenery and only pink accents (like the stamen, etc.) I did not have 1 white flower in the damn thing! They were supposed to be hand-tied in aqua ribbon that I bought and took to them. Nope, they were wrapped in the cheap white grossgrain (funeral) ribbon and you could see the yellow glue dots through the ribbon.


They are re-doing them and I can pick them up Monday. I'm now terrified for my AHR! I hate it because it the the florist I use all of the time for work so I'm embarrassed if this is the qulaity they are sending out and I'm hurt if they are trying to take advantage of me.


3) I just found out that my first boyfriend was killed in a car accident! I'm just heart-broken. I'm not still pining away, but he really was my first "big-girl" boyfriend my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. We dated off and on for about 3 years! We actually went on dates, and spent the night together, took his little sister to the zoo, that kind of thing.


I was just thinking of him the other day. I guess it's that I am getting married that I have been reflecting on past relationships, wondering what some of them are doing now. He was such a sweetie. He used to tell me that he would marry me before he died, even if I was his 4th wife, he was going to do it.


We haven't talked in over a year and he actually died in January. So now I can't even go to a funeral or anything. I feel bad contacting his family after so long, but no one ever called me.


I'm done with my bad things. I want happy stuff now! A little over a week to go!

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I'd contact his family and tell them you just heard. It might make you feel better.


Let head person in the florist shop know how you feel and that this is unacceptable. Maybe wait until you return, but definately treaten to never use them/recommend them again.


Hang in there swettie, in a few days, you'll be relaxing on the beach...it's always darkest before the dawn

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erin that is so sad to hear about your old bf sad.gif i have one that was like that, i would be so sad to hear it, we broke up in a friendly way but have lost touch the last few years, so dont worry, i completely understand. if i were you i would send his family a card letting them know how sad you were to hear the news and that you just found out. just so they know you were thinking of him. unless, on the other hand, you didnt really know them, just him. then maybe do something for yourself to pay a memorial to your memory of him.


and dont worry, if you've already got your 3 bad things, then you're home free! yay! heres to a happy and perfect wedding experience form here on out!

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I am so sorry for this tought week you have had. It can only and will only get better from here. I would send a card to the family of your former boyfriend. That is so sad and unimaginable to deal with. I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

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Oh Erin I am so sorry that you are going through such a tough time. This can be so stressful especially right before your wedding. Have faith that you'll lose the weight and that they will fix the flowers. As far as your ex goes, maybe contacting his family would make you feel better. It will give you some closure in a way of saying goodbye. My thoughts are with you.smile03.gif

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